Pray that any attempts to use “the matrix” (as described in the collection linked below) to alter legitimate votes in order to keep the status quo will be thwarted by Divine Providence and Mercy:
For a QR code to the above mentioned collection of links (including an interview with New York Citizens Audit Director Marly Hornik TODAY), go to:
Anyone who is going to vote in New York should evaluate the concerning findings by New York Citizens Audit. What if there really is a built in to the voter rolls “matrix” that can be used to produce as many votes as are needed to seemingly cancel out a legitimate winner who challenges the status quo?
Pray that any attempts to use “the matrix” (as described in the collection linked below) to alter legitimate votes in order to keep the status quo will be thwarted by Divine Providence and Mercy:
For a QR code to the above mentioned collection of links (including an interview with New York Citizens Audit Director Marly Hornik TODAY), go to:
Anyone who is going to vote in New York should evaluate the concerning findings by New York Citizens Audit. What if there really is a built in to the voter rolls “matrix” that can be used to produce as many votes as are needed to seemingly cancel out a legitimate winner who challenges the status quo?
Hi, great event yesterday. Where can I access replay?
G-d willing should have it on rumble soon and will update article.
THANK YOU for this important event of speakers and sharing of critical information!