Julian Huxley was absolutely involved with the New Age movement. Don’t confuse this with spirituality. It’s the occult - it’s old-time paganism. This combination isn’t strange, actually.

What these people do is deny G-d, and rip others away from G-d, in order to control the population. Their eventual goal is to get people into their kind of fake, destructive “spirituality” - the “spirituality” of Hitler. Idol worship.

The UN philosophy was shaped by the works of Alice Bailey (1880-1949), one of the founders of the “New Age Movement”, and her 10-Point Plan of the New World Order, which she wrote in the 1940’s. The stated purpose of her charter is to “redeem the nations from Judeo/Christian tradition.” The people that Alice Bailey hated the most and most wanted to destroy, though, were the Orthodox Jews, as is seen in references she makes in her writings, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” and “Esoteric Healing”. This makes sense, for as long as we are strong in our traditions, she would never be able to truly succeed in her plans.

Alice Bailey was an occultist who believed in idol worship, and that is what her Ten Point Charter for the UN is meant to lead the world into. Her teachings are foundational to the UN, which has been actively shaping world policy, through its many branches and affiliated organizations, towards her stated goals.

Mrs. Bailey established the publishing company called “Lucifer Trust” which is now known as “Lucis Publishing Company”, located at 866 United Nations Plaza #482, New York, NY, and which published her works.

Her mentor was Helena Blavatsky, who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875, and wrote “The Secret Doctrine” which espouses the theory of superior and inferior races, and was used by Hitler. I was reminded that I had indeed heard long ago that Hitler worshipped old-time paganism, but I hadn’t quite known what that meant. I researched and indeed found confirmation of this, including the following e-book on Amazon (currently unavailable): “THE SECRET RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OF ADOLF HITLER – THE THULE SOCIETY, THE SATANIC CULT THEOSOPHISM IN GERMANY, ARIOSOPHY AND ORIGINS OF ARYAN SUPREMACY AND NATIONALIST FASCIST MOVEMENTS WORLD-WIDE”.

These, then, are the horrifying origins of the United Nations, their “public health” branch the WHO, and their “educational branch”, UNESCO. This is where they are trying to lead us, with their homosexual and anti G-d agenda.

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Julian Huxley is considered a materialist, but he was definitely promoting a new spirituality:

"I believe that, by the time its implications have been properly grasped, the discovery of evolution is destined to have a more revolutionary effect upon ideology than any other scientific discovery yet achieved." ("New Bottles for New Wine", 1957)

I came across a blogger who proposed that "eugenics and the New Age both emerged at the same time, in the ‘mystical revival’ of the 1880s, out of the moral and theological crisis provoked by the triumph of Darwinism."

He was very comprehensive in linking evidence to support that theory.

And he put into words exactly what we see happening in our world right now:

"At the very least, the belief that you and a handful of people like you are evolving into superhuman gods leads to an unpleasant sense of spiritual elitism, self-inflation, and contempt for those deemed unfit or ‘less evolved’. At worst, it can lead to ableism; disregard for the weak, sick or vulnerable; racism or misogyny, and hierarchical dominator politics.

"Why does one find this streak of eugenics in New Age spirituality? Over the next series of posts, we’ll explore that question."

(Jules Evans’ Spiritual Eugenics Project, 2021).

Strangely, he himself embraces New-Age "enlightenment".

With his kind of honesty, I predict that he won't be able to stay there much longer. The New Age "Plan" (capital P) is a non-negotiable package deal.


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