Exposing another humongous fraud: On dinosaur bones, 🦴museums, 🏯the United Nations, and evolution
Nothing is as they colluded to trick the world population into believing. Watch the story crumble before your eyes in this article.
I have a brand new and fascinating topic today. You are going to be shocked by this story of the “dinosaur bones,” and any remaining faith you have in “science” will take a nosedive. If you are wondering why dinosaurs are worth spending time on, it’s because this HUGE fraud was seminal to the birth of “Scientism” - the worship of the men in white coats - enabling the uncountable horrors that Scientism has unleashed upon the globe. (In Scientism, you don’t ask too many questions of the scientist or doctor. You do as you’re told. It doesn’t have to make sense to you, foolish non-expert that you are.)
Readers of this substack know that I am passionate about exposing lies and evil. The granddaddy of all lies and the ultimate evil, of course, is the denial of the Creator of the world Himself. This is the foundation for “Scientism” and for every other falsehood and cruelty that “they” seek to perpetrate upon us. Think about it: If every person was fully aware of G-d’s constant love and care for him or her, and also knew that G-d was watching their every move and would repay it in kind, clearly the bad guys would have to pack up and go home - they’d have no power over anyone.
And it wasn’t that long ago that pretty much everyone knew that the world was created by a Creator. (Not only was this passed down through the generations since the first man, but it’s also logic - if you see a house, you know there’s a builder behind it, if you’ve got an item of clothing, you know there’s a tailor who sewed it, if you’re wearing a ring, it was obviously made by a jeweler, and so on. Basic!)
This near-universal belief in and fear of the Creator did not fit well with the plans of those who sought to fight Him and do tremendous evil in the world - like reducing the population. Hence their extensive, Herculean efforts to undermine belief in the Creator in every possible way. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
You will now see how they began their cunning plan to erase knowledge of G-d, and the astounding lengths to which they went to reinforce their lies in everyone’s minds.
The researcher who goes under the pen name Agent 131711 and writes the substack chemtrails.substack.com has done a major investigation of the entire topic of dinosaurs, and how dinosaurs were invented to “prove” the theory of evolution.
I’ll let him do the talking now. I take no credit for what were surely dozens upon dozens of hours of research and writing that have gone into this dinosaur expose. They are solely to the credit of Agent 131711. (Thank you!!!)
What I have done is gather in one place the information from Parts 1-3 of his articles on the dinosaur expose series, here. (The author still has more installments of the series which he will be putting out.) I have abbreviated his writing in many places, and done some editing to make the article suitable for the sensitivities of my readership. The link to his original is at the end.
By Agent 131711:
In Scientism, man is Science, Science is God, therefore man is God, Scientists are God. Just how (religious) people say, “Trust in God”, Scientism says, “Trust the Science”. Because of this, the Bible was a major problem for Scientism, specifically, it was a problem for their Theory of Evolution, because the theory of evolution is proof that there is no God; no Greater Power thoughtfully created every species, instead, all creation occurred through happenstance and evolution... Science.
To defeat religion’s God, Scientism needed there to be evidence of evolution, more than just words, and suddenly, in the late 1700’s, dinosaur fossils miraculously began “appearing.”These prehistoric creatures would become the proof needed for evolution theory, therefore disproving God, or, at a minimum, proving that God did not first make man in his own image, instead, God toyed with huge beasts for a while (160 million years, to be precise), then decided to slaughter them all; either way, the Bible is wrong and Science is right… so, trust the Science.
(There are some powerful videos which the researcher interspersed throughout his article. To see them, please go to his original piece, linked below.)
In the late 1700s, a member of the Royal Society, Georges Cuvier, was “able to determine the existence of prehistoric creatures” due to his “uncanny ability” to identify species from only a few random bones, and he somehow determined that the bones brought to him were dinosaurs. (A video in the original article explains more about Georges Cuvier and the beginning of the hoax.)
As you will come to learn in this series, the only people to ever discover dinosaurs are the government, museums (primarily the Smithsonian - unbelievable information about them will be coming out later in this series), paleontologists, the Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Carnegie and other elites. Those with financial interest in discoveries discover this:
and this:
Meanwhile, the rest of us discover this:
and this:
After Cuvier “determined” that the “bones” belonged to extinct species, two men went to work, quickly discovering pretty much every single dinosaur. Imagine the odds of not only discovering a bone, but discovering near all of them…
One of these two discoverers was Edward Drinker Cope. Edward was a member of the rich Quaker (oatmeal) family. He miraculously discovered almost 1,000 different extinct species, of which over 130 were dinosaurs (yes, you are supposed to believe that). Cope would go on to author 1,400 scientific papers, which were logged in history as fact. This meant, not only were there discoveries, but there was scientific literature confirming the findings. Evolution!
The other person who discovered half the dinosaurs was Othniel Charles Marsh, often called “OC Marsh”, or just “Marsh”, and he was a huge Evolutionist. Mr. Marsh was also wealthy, because his uncle was George Peabody, who had $20 million dollars in the 1800s, which is equal to $500+ million today. Uncle Peabody funded all of Marsh’s expeditions, then, using his immense riches, Mr. Peabody established a historical museum and library in Peabody, Massachusetts. He also erected a natural-history museum at Yale University and a museum of archaeology at Harvard University… so, it was through Uncle Peabody that Mr. Marsh’s discoveries became fact; when you own the museums, you control the content, therefore controlling history… Meanwhile, Cope was banging out those Scientific papers. Like a grilled cheese sandwich, the dinosaur scheme was coming together quickly.
Marsh would conveniently become the chief paleontologist of the U.S. Geological Survey, a government entity. Then, the US government began supplying both men with federal funding for their expeditions. Now the good ol’ gov was deeply intertwined into dinosaur hunting. This tidbit of information may not seem important now, but it will be later in this series.
Within a matter of years, dinosaur bone fossils were magically being discovered all over the world, by government entities, fossil hunters (museums) and the elites. Interestingly, dinosaurs were not being discovered by normal people who were digging basements, ditches, graves or general land excavation. Large prehistoric creatures are not found by hikers, beachgoers, divers, campers or mountain climbers. New species are not stumbled across by people digging in their gardens, farmers tilling their fields, or the ancient Egyptians, whose pyramids spanned 60-feet deep (despite them telling us that the desert is a hotbed of complete dinosaur skeletons).
However, there’s a solution! All of us non-government-entities, non-museums and non-elites might be able to find some bones if we get permission to go to the “dinosaur parks.”
And guess who owns the dinosaur parks as well as the history-making dig sites?
Mmmmhmmm… the elites and museums own them. But, if we don’t want to pay to be able to go to the predesignated dinosaur parks to dig, there are some other locations that dinosaur bones can be found, but you and I can’t get to them because “it’s a very remote place, with few roads to travel and even fewer resources, like food and gas.”
And, because we are not financially invested museum curators, there’s no chance of us making a dinosaur discovery, like this museum-guy did. He found history-making dinosaur egg clutches! This discovery was so incredible that the mountain dig site was renamed “Egg Mountain.”
Let’s ignore that this hatched egg has a nearly-flat top, as if the shell just popped in half with 0 cracking…
Even though you and I will never find dino bones, let alone a new type of prehistoric critter, the dinosaur hunters are somehow finding 50 new species a year! REMARKABLE!
Although we can’t add “find a dinosaur skeleton”to our Bucket Lists, the good news is that we can pay to go see these incredible discoveries in a museum, right? Welllll… not so much. Would you be shocked to learn:
You read that correctly; we have never seen a real dinosaur bone. Every bone in the museums are fake, because… they are “radioactive,” so, for our protection, we can only see replicas. Also, because the bones are too rare, too valuable and too heavy. (See videos in original article link.)
So, if we aren’t seeing the real bones, then what exactly are we looking at when we pay admission to get into a dinosaur bone museum?
We are seeing “real bones” but they’re actually chicken bones, frog bones, horse bones, dog bones, plaster, plastic and more.
Of course, they don’t tell us what we are looking at is fake. They are able to tell us the bones are real, because they are real bones… real horse bones… this is often called “real bone material.”
But it isn’t just us ordinary people who can’t see the actual bones… nobody can, not even industry professionals are allowed to actually see and touch authentic dinosaur bones.
No independent researcher has ever examined a real dinosaur. They claim that all the actual fossils are kept in high security storage but only a select few paleontologists are ever allowed to examine them. 🦴
Do you want to know why professionals can no longer see them?
When a Trusted Source was allowed the rare opportunity to actually see some real dinosaur fossils, and he put them through a CAT scan, he discovered they were all fake, hacked together from fragments of small animal bones, metal and glue. National Geographic didn’t care. They went ahead and ran the story as being real… and this is why real bones are completely off-limits. 🦴 (It would be very beneficial to view the video that the author has on his original substack article, showing the scientist and the CAT scan findings.)
Yes, the dinosaur replicas in museums are created off of finds of a few bone pieces and fragments and plenty of imagination, as you will see below.
Screenshots from video in the original article showing how the “dinosaur skeletons” are created from almost nothing:
Thankfully, there happens to be tons of museum quality dinosaur skeleton manufacturers. Without them we would have no proof dinosaurs exist! Here’s just a few places that provide replicas:
They have never found complete skeletons, so the artists, who are responsible for designing history, have to guess. You may be thinking, “It’s probably just a couple pieces missing! It’s not like they’re designing the whole skeleton, that would be ridiculous!”. Would you be surprised to discover that the artist is tasked with creating an entire dinosaur off this? Or, in most cases, far less:
That was not a joke. That’s actually what they are making dinosaurs based on…
They literally “make history.”
SHOW AND TELL: The Inner Workings of a Sham
Prior to my research, I was under the impression that they were excavating this from the ground:
I think most people have this same belief. Is that what you also believed? In my quest to learn as much about this industry as possible, I found out that every dinosaur discovery is assigned a code. For example, the very first Diplodocus discovery is “#YPM VP 1920”. So, while the museum is showing us this, and telling us this is what they dug out of the ground:
If we research #YPM VP 1920, we get to see what was actually removed from the ground. In this case, #YPM VP 1920 is this, Diplodocus longus discovery, made by Marsh in the 1800s. (If you don’t remember Marsh, he’s one of the two people who discovered all of the dinosaurs in the 1800s):
The very first bones ever discovered of a new species are called the “holotype”. Every bone found after that becomes a new piece of the dinosaur but it can't replace the original because the holotype is set in stone (no pun intended?) This means, whatever Marsh declared to be a new species in the 1800s is what those dinosaurs are still based on, to this day. So, when paleontologists find a rock bone today, they can either add it on to the existing dinosaur by saying, “I found its elbow!”, or they can just declare it a new species.
So, as I was saying, this was the first Diplodocus:
Here’s more Diplodocus longus, discovered in a completely different year, conclusively determined to belong to the same dinosaur, so they added it on:
Bones do not need to be discovered together or even in the same location.
They can find a tooth in one state, and this rock (fossil) in another, and say they go together. (We are still on Diplodocus, by the way)
This is from 1920, from the same dinosaur:
1878, but it’s the same dinosaur:
They use the handfuls of rocks, shown above, and tell us, through television and books, that this is what they discovered:
Then they show us this, Diplodocus:
Then there’s this, Platecarpus tympaniticus, discovered by none other than Cope, in 1869. Cope is the other of the two men who discovered all the dinos.
On a different day, or at a different location, Cope discovered these fossils, which he claims goes with the above bones (rocks, fossils):
So, to look back at the Platecarpus tympaniticus, this is what was discovered:
Using the pieces shown above, they are telling us this is what they found:
Then, in the museum, they show us this:
See how the scheme works? Now meet the Platecarpus coryphaeus, also discovered by Cope:
More pieces of this dino were found in the 1940s
Obviously these go to the same dinosaur, because what else could they possibly go to?!
Look! They found its tibia!
They took those bones and told us this is what they discovered:
Then they showed us us this:
Want to see another? Check out the Carnosauria, discovered in 1979:
Here’s all the rest of the Carnosauria discoveries:
They found this piece of Carnosaur in 1980:
Here’s the final piece, discovered in 1982:
That is all that was ever found. But, we are told they discovered this:
We are shown this:
Let’s take a peek at one more example. Here is Hesperornis regalis, which was discovered by Marsh in 1872:
The pieces shown below were found on a different day, or at a different location, yet all determined to be from the same creature:
Which they tell us is this:
Which they show us is this:
So as you can see, Show and Tell is quite different from what is actually being excavated. Which brings us to:
How dinosaurs are created: 15 Simple Steps
Regarding Dinosaur Science; you have to understand what they say a “fossil” is. They state, a fossil isn’t even bone, it is, admittedly, a rock. They claim the bone was once there, but it turned into a rock because so much earth got piled on top of it, for so many years, that it forced it to become a rock. They also claim the process of bone turning to stone takes 10,000 years (therefore you and I will never witness it happen. Convenient, eh?). Others say fossilization is much quicker, providing there is some cataclysmic event, but nobody has ever witnessed that either. However, people who dig basements for a living aren’t digging up heaps of animal or human remains because those decompose. So, as you can see, dinosaur skeletons are a tricky thing.
This is important to understand because it means they aren’t actually looking for bones, they are looking for rocks, but they call the rocks “bones”, because the rocks were bones. But sometimes they find actual animal bones, or petrified debris, or bone-rock-fossils; there’s no way of knowing which one they found, but it doesn’t matter because they’re the same thing, they’re all dinosaurs. Just stop asking questions and Trust the Science!
So, because they are looking for rocks, what they do is go to the desert, or a “dinosaur dig park”, find oddly-shaped large rocks (bones, claws or skulls), oval-shaped rocks (eggs), little rocks (teeth, small bones, “a bone that broke,” joints), rock-chip-fragments (egg shell or bone fragments), petrified debris (bones, skull pieces), indentations in the soil (footprints), and actual bones, then they:
excavate them from the ground
cover them in plaster
bring them back to closed-door-labs and studios
chisel and carve them into shapes
glue pieces together
fabricate whatever they think is missing from the
rockfossilbonefill in gaps, holes and cracks to make it seamless looking
fabricate the missing pieces (which is most, or all, of the pieces)
then they call them discoveries
at some point throughout this process, a name is assigned to it
an artist draws a dinosaur based on the whatever the lab or studio provides him
if the plan is to showcase it in a museum, a full skeleton is built based on the artists depiction
it goes to the museum, who makes endless money off it
that museum can sell other museums “replicas” and make boatloads of money that way as well
it becomes history, which everyone except We, The People, profits from. Not only do we not profit, but we pay money to see this “history.”
Here are the actual details of how each of the well-known dinosaurs was created (I mean, discovered!)
Do you remember Othniel Charles Marsh from the first part of this series? He was one of the two people who discovered basically all of the dinosaurs; he’s the one whose uncle owned the museums, and libraries, and established paleontology programs at colleges. Well, in 1892, Mr. Marsh was able to determine the “Ankylosaur Palaeoscincus “ based on a single tooth. However, the first Ankylosaurus bones were not found until 1906, at the Hell Creek Formation in Montana.
Barnum Brown led the fossil hunting trip. Mr. Brown has quite an interesting story. During World War I and World War II, he worked as an intelligence asset - he was a corporate spy for oil companies (or, should I say, he was a corporate spy for the Rockefellers Fossil Fuel industry.) He was nicknamed Mr. Bones, because, other than working in espionage, he was also an American paleontologist. Not only did he discover the Ankylosaurus bones, but he also discovered the first documented remains of Tyrannosaurus, which skyrocketed him to fame. He instantly became the one of most famous fossil hunters in history. Pretty amazing, eh?
Speaking of T-Rex…
The plot thickens… not only was it discovered by the spy, Barnum Brown, but guess where he worked at the time of the discovery? Brown was the assistant curator of the American Museum of Natural History. The story claims that he found the first-ever partial skeleton of a T-Rex in 1900, and luck was on his side because he discovered another in 1902! The president of the American Museum of Natural History (his employer), checked out the bones and “confirmed them”, then named it T-Rex. Here is all of the evidence you need to know this is real:
And here it is, put together, in the museum, ready to draw crowds:
History writes, “In 1941, the T. Rex type specimen was sold to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for $7,000”. Yes, the “t-Rex type specimen” .
Next thing you know, 42 T-Rex skeletons were found, just in the Western area of North America. Then, a couple decades later, in the 1990s, the findings skyrocketed. Just in this single decade, over 84 T-Rex skeletons were discovered.
History claims that, in 1912, Richard Markgraf, Austrian paleontologist, discovered “a partial skeleton” of an unknown dinosaur while on an expedition in Western Egypt. Here’s a drawing of Richards findings:
A German paleontologist was able to look at the art and conclude this undoubtedly was a new species. He then chose a name and published an article starting these bones all belong to Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. But, the story doesn’t end there…
During World War II, the museum was bombed, which destroyed all of the evidence of the Spinosaurus! I know, you’re devastated, right? But, you can turn that frown upside-down! The great news is, what miraculously survived the bombing were the drawings and “detailed descriptions” that had been written by scientists and paleontologists!:
So, they were able to use the art and notes to recreate all of the bone evidence that had been lost! These recreations allow us to see what was forever-lost in the attack on the museum:
Sadly, this wasn’t the only dinosaur to be destroyed. Meet the:
This dinosaur was discovered in 1838, by a guy named John Hopkins. This information would later appear in Johns Hopkins magazine (Johns Hopkins University). History claims John Hopkins thought his discovery was junk and gave away the skeleton… where it magically ended up on display at the Academy of Natural Sciences:
Guess who built the fossil statue? None other than the Quaker Oatmeal heir who discovered half the dinosaurs, Edward Drinker Cope!
The media reports that this single exhibit greatly increased awareness of dinosaurs. They wrote, “About 30,000 people a year normally visited the Academy. But during the first year after Hadrosaurus went on display, the number more than doubled to 66,000. The following year, it went to 100,000. Finally, the masses, jostling to see a real dinosaur, literally drove the Academy out of its building”. The Academy of Sciences quickly secured a substantially larger building to showcase more discoveries and, just like that, financially lucrative Dinosaur Museums and were officially born as a mainstream industry.
But in 1871, horror struck. A gang of street thugs completely destroyed the priceless Hadrosaurus. To make matters worse, after the evil gang ruined the dinosaur, they threw the pieces into a lake, and there was no way to ever recover it! History was forever destroyed that fateful night. But, just when you think all hope is lost…
In the late 1870s, another copy of Hadrosaurus was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution, which meant the world-famous skeleton was back on display, and more dinosaur awareness could be raised!
Brontosaurus PSYOP
Here’s another great bedtime fairytale history-tale to tell your children:
Guess who found the Brontosaurus? Of course it was Marsh, the I-have-a-rich-uncle-who-owns-museums guy! However, the skeleton he discovered is still one of the most incomplete skeletons ever, but problems like this are easily handled by Science… and the United States Postal Service!
How Science found the missing pieces: To cut to the chase, Marsh used bones from his other discoveries. But it wasn’t just a couple bones that were substituted for the missing skeleton parts… he even grabbed a skull from a different beast, threw it on the Brontosaurus and Voilà! The dino was complete! The Carnegie Museum of Natural History displayed the hack-job-history, the media gobbled it up, and Brontosaurus came-to-be.
In the 1970’s it was finally admitted that the skeleton was erroneous, but that didn’t stop the United States Postal Service (USPS), a government agency, from releasing dinosaur postage stamps featuring the imaginary creation… then a huge PSYOP was ran on the American Public…
So, USPS released the stamps, and the media immediately began reporting that the public was “outraged”. The news reported people were really upset at the Post Office for "fostering scientific illiteracy" … but, the PSYOP part of this event was when the media stated the outrage was over incorrectly calling it a Brontosaurus. The news claimed the people demanded a stamp recall so that the stamps could be reprinted, with the correct name of the species, which is actually Apatosaurus. …see the Psychological Operation here? They are reinforcing that this dinosaur nonsense is 100% real and that the only inaccurate thing is the name of that species.
So, the story with the Triceratops is, in 1887, “a pair of brow horns attached to a skull roof” were found by George Lyman, a fossil collector who was working for the Geological Survey of Canada. Here’s his drawing of his discovery:
George sent his find to Mr. Marsh, who somehow was able to date the alleged bones to the Pliocene Era (3 to 5 million years ago) and somehow identify it as a Triceratops.The following year, Marsh somehow discovered even more horned dinosaur bones, followed by a complete skull! WOW!
Between 1889 and 1891, 31 more skulls were discovered. Yep, in under 24 months, over 31 additional triceratops skulls were found… somehow…
Oh, and I should mention, by 2014, over 50 skulls had been found, but they were all a little bit different from each other, this inconsistency was chalked up to the Triceratops evolving and “new subspecies”.
The American Museum of Natural History took an expedition to the Gobi Desert. Here a crushed skull was located. Back at the museum, they already had a claw that was located in the same desert, therefore, it was concluded that the claw must belong to the same animal as the skull, therefore, it was a new, extinct species discovery.
As time progressed and desert digging continued, many non-matching skulls were unearthed, which were all determined to be unique subspecies of Velociraptor:
Yes, I agree with you, they sure do look a lot like alligator skulls…
But how dare you imply a museum would ever lie! They would never even consider such a thing! You owe the museum and their crocodile skull an apology!
These bone fragments were found by, guess who? Marsh! In Wyoming in 1887. Clearly this is a Stegosaurus because there is nothing else these scraps could possibly be!:
These incredible findings fueled museums to go all-out with expeditions. It was no longer just the American Museum of Natural History finding extinct species bones, now the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and the Field Museum of Natural History were sending crews all over the nation, which were bringing back literal loads of dinosaur bones. These rare discoveries made headlines and drove visitors to the museums, thus enriching everyone involved in the discoveries, thus leading to more and more findings, more and more new species and subspecies, thus leading to more and more museum patrons. See how that works?
This story might be your favorite:
The most famous flying dinosaur started as an engraving in copper… yes, you did read that correctly… but the engraving was based on bones unearthed in Germany, but we don’t know when they were unearthed, and for unknown reasons, this amazing discovery was never logged into the “collection catalog”, which was where all historic finds were recorded. Because of this, nobody knows much about it, but…
… thankfully, our buddy, Georges Cuvier, The Royal Society guy, was there to determine what these bones were! Do you remember him from Part 1? (Refresher video in original author article Part 2, as this is the foundation for the entire concept of The Theory of Evolution dinosaurs.)
So, at some point in time, copper was engraved based on bones. A drawing of the copper engraving was sent to Royal-Society-George, who determined, from the art, that this was a reptile. George then named the reptile drawing discovery, Petro-Dactyle, and boom! It was written, it was repeated, and it became fact.
Did you also read it as, “Para-saur-lop-a-what?”
Do you remember the “Dinosaur Dig Parks” from Part 1?
We are told this very-first-everParasaurlopawhat Parasaurolophus was discovered by fossil hunters from the University of Toronto in the Alberta, Canada Dinosaur Park:
Get this: when the University discovered this nonsense these bones, paleontologist William Parks named the specimen “P. walkeri” in honor of Sir Byron Edmund Walker, the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Ontario Museum. And let me tell you, Sir Byron has a story of his own:
Not only was he an ultra-elite who was president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, but he also established Canadian banking laws and regulations, in addition to programs at universities. He even founded the Royal Ontario Museum, at which he was chairman of the Board of Trustees. He is a “Sir” because he was knighted by King George V. ...and now he had a dinosaur named after him. His Bucket List was complete.
Other than the Universities Fossil Hunters, very few of this extinct species bones have been discovered, anywhere, ever. The “best skull ever discovered” is this:
… which is amusing, because the original skull that was found by the university looks a lot better than the “best-skull-ever”, does it not?:
My fraud detector goes beep … beep … beep …
To date, no skull has ever been found that can confidently be said to belong to Diplodocus, but who needs a skull when you have Science?
The first Diplodocus discovery was made at a dinosaur dig quarry by a huge Evolutionist, Samuel Wendell Williston. Guess who paid for this expedition? None other than Marsh, who was overseeing his rich uncle’s paleontology program at Yale University.
Samuel’s Diplodocus discovery (#YPM VP 1920) was admittedly “very incomplete”, consisting only a handful of random bones. Here’s what we get to see:
Thankfully, they were able to use those bones and figure out the dinosaur looked like this:
The bones were sent to Marsh’s uncle’s Yale Peabody Museum where Marsh named this new species Diplodocus longus.
The general public was excited to see the newest dinosaur.
Then, Diplodocus began appearing in museums all over the world:
Admittedly, all of these are casts (replicas) of the original, because nobody else had found the bones, but the museums all wanted to make sure the public could see it, so they just made copies. Surprisingly, Carnegie (of all people) admitted his was a replica, whereas others did not.
Here’s another gem of a story. A paleontologist working for the Field Columbian Museum (now known as the Field Museum of Natural History) made this incredible discovery after the president of the Western Colorado Academy of Science told him to go dig in a specific area. (Because that’s not suspicious or anything)
The Academy of Science president told the fossil hunter that bone discoveries had been made in a specific area for decades. Sure enough, during the first days of the expedition, historic discoveries were made.
The findings were brought back to the scientists and paleontologists:
And eventually, the Brachiosaurus was officially born, in museums. YAY!:
Just like with the Pterodactyl, we don’t know when exactly the bone fragment was found, so we just say, “As early as the 1850s”, because Donald Baird, “an influential and innovative vertebrate paleontologist”, said so. One of these are supposed to be a replica of “the fragment”,which was determined to be part of the skull of the new species of dinosaur:
In 1943, Barnum Brown (the oil-industry spy guy who discovered the T-Rex and the Ankylosaurus and worked for the museum) was able to determine there was a new species of dinosaur which he called “Pachycephalosaurus” , based on Science.
In the 1960s, this “nearly complete skull” was located by paleontologists:
Now here’s where the story gets even more interesting. Do you remember how Marsh named the Ankylosaurus based on a single tooth? Well, in 1990, Walter P. Coombs (a dinosaur expert) realized that single tooth was actually from a Pachycephalosaurus, not an Ankylosaurus (Lol).
Yet another fantastical story. This is definitely in my top 5 favs:
What had happened was, in 1942, the University of California Museum of Paleontology was in Arizona, digging for fossils. Somehow the local Indian tribe heard they were digging and came to tell them that the Indians had found three of the same dinosaurs, embedded into shale, in a triangle pattern. The Indians took the paleontologists to their reservation to see the dinos. The paleontologists confirmed these were full skeletons but, because they were on Indian territory, the bones could not leave the property and no photos were taken. The good news is, the paleontologists now knew what this extinct animal looked like.
Only a few years later, this “most complete specimen” officially became a new species. Look how complete this is!:
It was officialy given a name in 1954, the Dilophosaurus.
Eventually, the Indians would let the University of Texas take this single Dilophosaurus “right hind leg” and store it in trust, in the schools Paleontology Collection. How nice of them!
It would take Science until the 1970s to determine that this dinosaur had a crest on its head. From what I understand, it was this “skull” that lead to the revelation:
Surprisingly, there is not much more information on the Dilophosaurus. All we know is that this is currently on display at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada:
And there's this “reconstructed skeleton”, on display at the Academy of Natural Sciences:
Yes, that’s the Science!
BW: Note to some readers who will probably have debates with me: I am well aware that it is possible to believe that dinosaurs existed, even while believing in the Creator and the Torah. All we have to do is conclude that the scientists are wrong in their claims of when dinosaurs lived and how they came to be. However, once I learned the information that I have presented in this article, I understand the extreme importance of dispelling the entire dinosaur hoax, because:
• It is a total lie.
• When it is dismantled, it will help people to start questioning other very big and destructive lies.
• Dinosaurs are repulsive because they were invented specifically to ruin humanity’s faith in the Creator of the world.
Bonus: The newest dinosaur “discovery” is just as fake as all the preceding ones
This section exposes UN collaboration in the dinosaur hoax.
The original author said: I was scrolling through dinosaur discovery headlines and, like Alice in Wonderland, I accidentally ended up in a crazy rabbit hole when I came across this recent headline:
So, I start reading through the article and at first it seemed that it’s an ordinary person who found this skull. The story is:
“The skull of an enormous ancient sea monster called a Pliosaur has been pulled from cliffs on the U.K.'s southern Jurassic Coast” … “The fossil was discovered by local fossil enthusiast Steve Etches, who was walking near the cliffs and found the tip of the snout. Curious as to where the rest of the fossil was, he used a drone to guess that it was in the side of a cliff, and he managed to extract the rest of it by abseiling down from the top.”… “"I stake my life the rest of the animal is there," Etches told the BBC.
Ok, so one of us found this skull?! Not a Smithsonian paleontologist? It was a regular guy who has a 9-to-5 job and mows his own lawn? Just some person, walking on a beach? I began to wonder if the seven hours I had already invested in researching this series were all a waste, because in December 2023, this dad, Steve Etches, from the UK, discovered the unthinkable?
Call me a skeptic, but I decided to Google search, Steve Etches UK. Thankfully he has an uncommon last name, so I thought,“if he’s real, I should be able to find him”. To my surprise, he is real…
Mr. Etches is very real. And this is where things get interesting…
The first search results are about Mr. Etches dinosaur bones collections in museums. “What?! Did you just say boneS, as in plural? He found more than just that massive skull?”, you ask, in complete disbelief. I reply, “Yes. This guy has had his hands on more bones than Kevin Spacey”…
And, it appears that Mr. Etches even owns the museum…
Not only does Steve have a financial interest in discoveries, but he has been winning awards for his discoveries since 1993. He writes Scientific papers on dinosaurs and, to make the entire situation more absurd…
Seven dinosaurs have been named after Steve:
the ichnotaxon Astacimorphichnus etchesiWignall, 1991
an aeschnidiid dragonfly (MJML K619) Kimmeridgebrachypteraeschnidium etchesi Fleck and Nell, 2003
a cirripede (MJML K1261) Etcheslepus durotrigensis Gale, 2014 see also Gale 2014, 2018 in press
a pterosaur (MJML K1597) Rhamphorhynchus etchesi O’Sullivan and Martill 2015
a batoid ray Kimmerobatis etchesiUnderwood and Claeson, 2018 (MJML K874, K 1894)
a muensterellid coleoid cephalopod Etchesia martilli Fuchs, 2018 (MJML K1802)
a deep bodied ichthyosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay Thallasodraco etchesiJacobs & Martill 2020 (MJML K1885)
In fact, Mr. Stevie found 12 brand new species (seven of them are those named after Steve above) as well as:
Cuspicephalus scarfi – Pterosaur
Torvoneustes coryphaeus- Crocodile
K321 Tolvericeras anglicum (holotype) – ammonite
K1715 Subdichotomoceras lamplughi dorsetense – ammonite
Durnonovariaodus maiseyi - a new hybodontiform shark
But, like the late-night informercials from the 1990’s used to say, “That not all! There’s more!”… and this is where the story gets juicy…
In the article about Mr. Etches museum-bones and discoveries, it says:
“His fossil collecting began at the age of 5 with a flint fossil sea urchin which he found in his back garden. Completely self taught, what began as a hobby has now resulted in a collection of over 2,800 fossils (and increasing as Steve is still busy collecting) all from the Kimmeridge Bay locality.”
For those of us not in the UK, let’s take a peek at this “Kimmeridge Bay”, where Etches found all of his “over 2,800 fossils”… (← ALL. That means he found every single one of them there. 100%, found at Kimmeridge, near 3,000 fossils + one location + one person = Steve Etches.)
It looks pretty awesome. According to the internet, it’s a great place to hunt fossils:
But things aren’t always as they seem…
I located a website about this beautiful fossil-hunting location, which explains this area is an SSSI, which means “Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)”, which means it’s a conservation area, protected by the government, therefore, access is restricted. Because of this, you and I are not allowed to dig for fossils, in fact, we can’t even bring a hammer, but if fossils wash up on the beach, we can have them.
I then spent two hours digging through the internet, trying to find real people who have found real dinosaur bones at this location (other than Mr. Etches, paleontologists and the government) and here’s what I ended up with:
I went through almost 240 images posted by visitors on Trip Advisor; 0 found “dinosaur bones”. The closest is this, which is shells and leaf imprints:
I went through the 38 reviews on AllTrails.com; 0 hikers found dinosaur bones. On YouTube, I could not find any videos that showed real people discovering dinosaur bones; only shells and such:
And more of the typical imprints:
Are they magnificent? Absolutely! Are they this?:
No, they sure aren’t. And why aren’t they that? Because, as I stated earlier, we are not the government, museums, paleontologists and those with vested financial interest in the discoveries, the Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Carnegie, and so on.
Let’s look back at Mr. Etches, (Mr. Sketchy.) So, the story is, Mr. Sketchy found all 2,800+ of these fossils at Kimmeridge Bay, a restricted access, SSSI Conservation Site in England. Sketchy is a man who has dinosaurs named after him, discovered nearly a dozen new species, owns a museum and found this first-ever-discovered-most-complete-skull.. but… the plot thickens…
This specific area, where he found this skull, just-so-happens to also be a “UNESCO World Heritage Site”, which means it is a United Nations protected site. UNESCO stands for “United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”. This also means, The siteis maintained by the International World Heritage Program, administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
So, according to the news, Mr. Sketchy was “walking near the cliffs and found the tip of the snout. Curious as to where the rest of the fossil was, he used a drone to guess that it was in the side of a cliff, and he managed to extract the rest of it by abseiling down from the top.” - Let’s recap this; Mr. Sketchy was walking near cliffs and saw a dinosaur nose sticking out of the ground. He happened to have a drone with him, so he flew the drone over the side of the cliff to evaluate the snout. He then hooked up a rope system (which he also happened to bring with him) and scaled down the cliff.
(The author of the original article created a computerized image to visualize what this would have looked like.)
And he somehow, “extracted the rest of it”from the side of the cliff… I guess it must have wiggled loose, because you can’t bring hammers to this protected site… I’m shocked he was even allowed to go rock climbing. Here’s him balancing it on his knee as he climbs back up the rope:
Let me point out one more thing about Kimmeridge Bay: Mr. Sketchy’s Kimmeridge Bay findings, you know, the place where he found ALL (meaning 100%) of his 2,800+ discoveries, (that all must have washed up on shore because you’re not allowed to dig or bring a hammer), includes these, which are a huge motivation for people to pay to visit his museum (and also pay the government $5 to use the toll road leading to Kimmeridge Bay):
Would you find it peculiar if I told you…
There is no mention of Sketchy Steve’s history making discoveries by the United Nations… the United Nations who oversees this World Heritage Site… the United Nations who is responsible for protecting it… the conservation zone which this person hauled almost 3,000 fossils out of, then used to open a museum? One of those fossil-hauls being the most complete skull of a Pliosaur! Think about that, this guy discovered never-before-seen species on this property and there is 0 mention of this accomplishment by the UN? Or 0 repercussions for violating the rules? The rules specifically say we can only have fossils that wash up on the shore. No arrest? No investigation?
The reason this is extra peculiar is because the UN is exceptionally serious regarding protection of Heritage Sites. Violating their orders is considered “A crime against the common heritage of humanity”, which makes it a crime against humanity that can involve the International Criminal Court.
The United Nations UNESCO is exceptionally concerned with destruction of heritage property. Although the Heritage Sites didn’t officially begin being designated until the 1970s, the regulations surrounding property belonging to heritage and culture began in the 1940s. As you read these, ask yourself, “Would removing a one-of-a-kind, massive skull, that is priceless in value, belonging to an extinct species, which is property of the people of the UK, protected by the United Nations, violate these rules?” If the answer is YES, then why is Mr. Etches not held accountable? … unless they were all in on the ploy…
1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illicitly Exported Cultural Objects
the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in order to maximize the protection of the cultural heritage of humanity, and in particular, against destructive acts.
The 2003 UNESCO Declaration: State and individual responsibility for intentional destruction of cultural heritage . The Declaration requires states to recognize ‘international rules related to the criminalization of gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in particular, when intentional destruction of cultural heritage is linked to those violations. A major focus of this declaration is criminal justice policies and international cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage, but is largely centered on the illicit traffic of cultural objects. Here’s the best part: Do you know how the EU defines“trafficking of cultural objects”? Removal of property from protected sites. This includes “items of importance for archaeology, prehistory, history”…
As you can see, there’s a lot more to the story than what the news is telling us.
That’s an understatement.
BW: My conclusion: If “Science” tells you something different than what G-d told you, ignore “Science.”
Link to Agent 131711’s original article, Part 1:
(Caution: If you are sensitive about language you expose yourself to, there is language in the original article that you may find objectionable.)
Here’s some food for thought that I received on an email thread:
“The Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological fraud in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human. Although there were doubts about its authenticity virtually from the beginning (in 1912), the remains were still broadly accepted for many years, and the falsity of the hoax was only definitively demonstrated in 1953. An extensive scientific review in 2016 established that amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson was responsible for the fraudulent evidence.[1]
In 1912, Charles Dawson claimed that he had discovered the "missing link" between early apes and man. In February 1912, Dawson contacted Arthur Smith Woodward, Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum, stating he had found a section of a human-like skull in Pleistocene gravel beds near Piltdown, East Sussex.[2] That summer, Dawson and Smith Woodward purportedly discovered more bones and artifacts at the site, which they connected to the same individual. These finds included a jawbone, more skull fragments, a set of teeth, and primitive tools.
Smith Woodward reconstructed the skull fragments and hypothesised that they belonged to a human ancestor from 500,000 years ago. The discovery was announced at a Geological Society meeting and was given the Latin name Eoanthropus dawsoni ("Dawson's dawn-man"). The questionable significance of the assemblage remained the subject of considerable controversy until it was conclusively exposed in 1953 as a forgery. It was found to have consisted of the altered mandible and some teeth of an orangutan deliberately combined with the cranium of a fully developed, though small-brained, modern human.
The Piltdown hoax is prominent for two reasons: the attention it generated around the subject of human evolution, and the length of time, 41 years, that elapsed from its alleged initial discovery to its definitive exposure as a composite forgery.“
'fossil fuels' = fraud term to indoctrinate ppl into thinking fuel is 'limited'