“The Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological fraud in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human. Although there were doubts about its authenticity virtually from the beginning (in 1912), the remains were still broadly accepted for many years, and the falsity of the hoax was only definitively demonstrated in 1953. An extensive scientific review in 2016 established that amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson was responsible for the fraudulent evidence.[1]
In 1912, Charles Dawson claimed that he had discovered the "missing link" between early apes and man. In February 1912, Dawson contacted Arthur Smith Woodward, Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum, stating he had found a section of a human-like skull in Pleistocene gravel beds near Piltdown, East Sussex.[2] That summer, Dawson and Smith Woodward purportedly discovered more bones and artifacts at the site, which they connected to the same individual. These finds included a jawbone, more skull fragments, a set of teeth, and primitive tools.
Smith Woodward reconstructed the skull fragments and hypothesised that they belonged to a human ancestor from 500,000 years ago. The discovery was announced at a Geological Society meeting and was given the Latin name Eoanthropus dawsoni ("Dawson's dawn-man"). The questionable significance of the assemblage remained the subject of considerable controversy until it was conclusively exposed in 1953 as a forgery. It was found to have consisted of the altered mandible and some teeth of an orangutan deliberately combined with the cranium of a fully developed, though small-brained, modern human.
The Piltdown hoax is prominent for two reasons: the attention it generated around the subject of human evolution, and the length of time, 41 years, that elapsed from its alleged initial discovery to its definitive exposure as a composite forgery.“
Exactly. AND why would a big bunch of dinosaurs all die at the same time in the same place forming enormous "oil fields" in very specific locations that just happen to make those specific people in those locations very wealthy? Makes no sense. Never did.
They're petrochemicals. Or one of a few other descriptive and accurate words. "Fossil fuels" is absurd when talking about oil. Coal, however, is a different matter. That needs to be discussed separately.
There's a theory that oil is abiotic and percolates up from the mantle. If that's true then there is no end to it, but nobody seems to know just how long that journey from mantle to accessible parts of the crust takes. In any event, oil seems to occur in far more places than was previously believed. The abiotic theory was proposed by American petroleum engineers/scientists in the 1920's or '30's but for some reason research stopped fairly quickly in this country. It continued in Russia but I have no idea where it went there or whether or not their scientists have concluded that it is either true or false.
Excavations carried out in ancient civilisations would have unearthed dinosaurs, if they existed! and would have been recorded in the ancient writings, carvings and paintings of that time.
Well, considering everything else we have learned to "unlearn" in the past 4yrs this doesn't surprise me at all. More shenanigans to hoodwink the masses!
Those "terrible lizards" ...along with the Romans and the pyramids - they're the very first things rammed into the heads of children in school. All fabrications. Thanks for your reporting and this great article. I subscribe to the agent :-) but hadn't seen this.
That is completely believable that it is made up. My eyes have been opened to so many lies these last few years. We've been indoctrinated and lied to our entire lives.
What an amazing coincidence! I linked to an article on T Rex Sue in an earlier comment, and one of the pictures does double duty for ANOTHER dino (Dakota) in Part 4.
this is crazy! i have to read this carefully again later because it's so different than what people have always believed to be true I feel i can't wrap my head around it lol.
I've never been interested in the topic of dinosaurs, figured they died off in the flood or something and the reptiles we have now are remnants... I never looked at it as proving we had no creators because that's just kind of stupid.
I went through a period of doubting there is a creator when i was a teen, but as soon as I studied natural history/field biology at a secular university--it became very obvious there is a Master Creator because everything is so perfect.
What i'm curious about is recent headlines I've seen where they find a dinosaur egg with the hatchling intact, or colored feathers on a dinosaur that was maybe frozen--are those fake too?
Like I said , I've never looked into the topic but I know I've seen those headlines and photos. like this one
There may be scams in fossil finds but nearly whole dinosaur skeletons have been found. T-Rex Sue was discovered in 1990 - 90% of it recovered (by bulk). Scientists have seen and studied the actual fossils of this skeleton. There have been others as well. Research it yourself.
There is a single picture I found of "T Rex Sue" in situ (https://www.fieldmuseum.org/blog/sue-t-rex) and it is, shall we say, Sketchy. The most important find in decades, auctioned off for millions of dollars, and that's it? A single blurry photograph? In 1990?! Did they run out of film? Forget to bring a camera? Lots of pretty pictures in the museum and in the lab though.
What research did you actually do, yourself? What you said is not incompatible with what Mrs. Weisberger (or the original author of the material) said.
Let's start with this. For dinosaurs to be a hoax, it would require the complicity of millions of people over hundreds of years all over the world. What are the chances of that?! Out of all those millions in all that time, not one whistleblower. Amazing.
It's like those who claim the moon landings were a hoax. That would require the complicity of thousands who worked on the space program at NASA over decades. In all that time, no whistleblowers.
don’t need to avoid becoming whistleblowers. They never became informed in the first place, because they aren’t deeply investigating anything. They’re just trusting the experts, like you are.
I'm not referring to laymen like me. I'm referring to all the people who have worked with fossils. We'd have to assume that they're all in on the hoax and have been for 200 years and not one has come forward. That's quite a claim.
But billions of people fooled!! Just like Climate Change.
The few people at the top who manufacture the dolls are the crooks. All the gullible college kids going on expeditions to dig for fossils, don’t have to be complicit. They genuinely believe the lies and fabrications, just like you do, so who is going to be a whistleblower?
Regarding climate change, I'm old enough to remember when Global Cooling was hyped as the fear of the day in the mid-1970s, before it slinked off into the trash-heap of failed psyops. I remember thinking in 1990, as the earliest stirrings of Global Warming (now called Climate Change) was being introduced into the zeitgeist, recalling my childhood memories of Global Cooling, which I had not forgotten about, and thinking, naively, that no one would buy the swill they were offering, without even understanding there was a "they" or just how toxic the swill was. Boy was I wrong. I have learned much about human nature since.
Let me translate this into a modern example for you.
I worked in the space program in 1990-1. I worked with tenured profs and PhD students, writing code to manage a laboratory setup. I posted the code I wrote online, if you don't believe me. I worked on the hardest of hard science. I was a space junkie. From elementary school and on into college, my room always had NASA pictures festooning it. I went to the landing of the first Space Shuttle trip into space at Edwards Airforce Base in 1981, along with 500000 other Americans.
Five years ago, I learned space was fake. Not a little fake. Or mostly fake. Fake. The project we worked on was genuine and the science was real, but it was hyper-focused and specialized. How and where it was deployed was irrelevant to the project. Very few people as a matter of fact have to be in on anything. Money and make work jobs can accomplish a lot.
Check out this video explaining the premise and implications of the "werewolf game."
An informed minority will nearly always succeed in lording it over an uninformed majority. You are uninformed, and deceived, and highly invested in the deception, for emotional, not logical, reasons.
Here’s some food for thought that I received on an email thread:
“The Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological fraud in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human. Although there were doubts about its authenticity virtually from the beginning (in 1912), the remains were still broadly accepted for many years, and the falsity of the hoax was only definitively demonstrated in 1953. An extensive scientific review in 2016 established that amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson was responsible for the fraudulent evidence.[1]
In 1912, Charles Dawson claimed that he had discovered the "missing link" between early apes and man. In February 1912, Dawson contacted Arthur Smith Woodward, Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum, stating he had found a section of a human-like skull in Pleistocene gravel beds near Piltdown, East Sussex.[2] That summer, Dawson and Smith Woodward purportedly discovered more bones and artifacts at the site, which they connected to the same individual. These finds included a jawbone, more skull fragments, a set of teeth, and primitive tools.
Smith Woodward reconstructed the skull fragments and hypothesised that they belonged to a human ancestor from 500,000 years ago. The discovery was announced at a Geological Society meeting and was given the Latin name Eoanthropus dawsoni ("Dawson's dawn-man"). The questionable significance of the assemblage remained the subject of considerable controversy until it was conclusively exposed in 1953 as a forgery. It was found to have consisted of the altered mandible and some teeth of an orangutan deliberately combined with the cranium of a fully developed, though small-brained, modern human.
The Piltdown hoax is prominent for two reasons: the attention it generated around the subject of human evolution, and the length of time, 41 years, that elapsed from its alleged initial discovery to its definitive exposure as a composite forgery.“
'fossil fuels' = fraud term to indoctrinate ppl into thinking fuel is 'limited'
Exactly. AND why would a big bunch of dinosaurs all die at the same time in the same place forming enormous "oil fields" in very specific locations that just happen to make those specific people in those locations very wealthy? Makes no sense. Never did.
They're petrochemicals. Or one of a few other descriptive and accurate words. "Fossil fuels" is absurd when talking about oil. Coal, however, is a different matter. That needs to be discussed separately.
it's all compressed organic materials. oil reproduces relatively quickly.
There's a theory that oil is abiotic and percolates up from the mantle. If that's true then there is no end to it, but nobody seems to know just how long that journey from mantle to accessible parts of the crust takes. In any event, oil seems to occur in far more places than was previously believed. The abiotic theory was proposed by American petroleum engineers/scientists in the 1920's or '30's but for some reason research stopped fairly quickly in this country. It continued in Russia but I have no idea where it went there or whether or not their scientists have concluded that it is either true or false.
We've been fooled again.
Excavations carried out in ancient civilisations would have unearthed dinosaurs, if they existed! and would have been recorded in the ancient writings, carvings and paintings of that time.
Well, considering everything else we have learned to "unlearn" in the past 4yrs this doesn't surprise me at all. More shenanigans to hoodwink the masses!
Those "terrible lizards" ...along with the Romans and the pyramids - they're the very first things rammed into the heads of children in school. All fabrications. Thanks for your reporting and this great article. I subscribe to the agent :-) but hadn't seen this.
That is completely believable that it is made up. My eyes have been opened to so many lies these last few years. We've been indoctrinated and lied to our entire lives.
This is magnificent.
Meanwhile they dispute the archaeological evidence of our historical connection to Israel. This world is such a joke.
The original author’s new installment, Part 4. Fascinating.
Advance warning that there is objectionable language, unfortunately.
What an amazing coincidence! I linked to an article on T Rex Sue in an earlier comment, and one of the pictures does double duty for ANOTHER dino (Dakota) in Part 4.
The enormous dinosaur skeleton in the London Museum must be a tribute to the inventors should it ever be taken as artificial.
this is crazy! i have to read this carefully again later because it's so different than what people have always believed to be true I feel i can't wrap my head around it lol.
I've never been interested in the topic of dinosaurs, figured they died off in the flood or something and the reptiles we have now are remnants... I never looked at it as proving we had no creators because that's just kind of stupid.
I went through a period of doubting there is a creator when i was a teen, but as soon as I studied natural history/field biology at a secular university--it became very obvious there is a Master Creator because everything is so perfect.
What i'm curious about is recent headlines I've seen where they find a dinosaur egg with the hatchling intact, or colored feathers on a dinosaur that was maybe frozen--are those fake too?
Like I said , I've never looked into the topic but I know I've seen those headlines and photos. like this one
hmmmm 🤔https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/asia/baby-dinosaur-inside-egg-scn/index.html
Can't wait to dig deeper after my workday today.
Thanks for sharing, Brucha ❤️
After seeing the overwhelming evidence of their fraud, it’s clear that any claims they make are to be viewed as automatically fake - DOA.
it sounds like it! I just feel I need to re-read your post in depth, i mostly skimmed it getting ready for work, and don't feel I absorbed it all.
One thing 2020 taught me is anything is possible, and there are more lies than most of us ever imagined.
If they existed, they were feathered anyway
There may be scams in fossil finds but nearly whole dinosaur skeletons have been found. T-Rex Sue was discovered in 1990 - 90% of it recovered (by bulk). Scientists have seen and studied the actual fossils of this skeleton. There have been others as well. Research it yourself.
Tell yourself that.
There is a single picture I found of "T Rex Sue" in situ (https://www.fieldmuseum.org/blog/sue-t-rex) and it is, shall we say, Sketchy. The most important find in decades, auctioned off for millions of dollars, and that's it? A single blurry photograph? In 1990?! Did they run out of film? Forget to bring a camera? Lots of pretty pictures in the museum and in the lab though.
What research did you actually do, yourself? What you said is not incompatible with what Mrs. Weisberger (or the original author of the material) said.
Let's start with this. For dinosaurs to be a hoax, it would require the complicity of millions of people over hundreds of years all over the world. What are the chances of that?! Out of all those millions in all that time, not one whistleblower. Amazing.
It's like those who claim the moon landings were a hoax. That would require the complicity of thousands who worked on the space program at NASA over decades. In all that time, no whistleblowers.
That’s easy. The “millions of people”
don’t need to avoid becoming whistleblowers. They never became informed in the first place, because they aren’t deeply investigating anything. They’re just trusting the experts, like you are.
I'm not referring to laymen like me. I'm referring to all the people who have worked with fossils. We'd have to assume that they're all in on the hoax and have been for 200 years and not one has come forward. That's quite a claim.
Millions of conspirators?? No! A tiny handful.
But billions of people fooled!! Just like Climate Change.
The few people at the top who manufacture the dolls are the crooks. All the gullible college kids going on expeditions to dig for fossils, don’t have to be complicit. They genuinely believe the lies and fabrications, just like you do, so who is going to be a whistleblower?
Regarding climate change, I'm old enough to remember when Global Cooling was hyped as the fear of the day in the mid-1970s, before it slinked off into the trash-heap of failed psyops. I remember thinking in 1990, as the earliest stirrings of Global Warming (now called Climate Change) was being introduced into the zeitgeist, recalling my childhood memories of Global Cooling, which I had not forgotten about, and thinking, naively, that no one would buy the swill they were offering, without even understanding there was a "they" or just how toxic the swill was. Boy was I wrong. I have learned much about human nature since.
You think you know how a deception like this is perpetrated. You do not.
Let me translate this into a modern example for you.
I worked in the space program in 1990-1. I worked with tenured profs and PhD students, writing code to manage a laboratory setup. I posted the code I wrote online, if you don't believe me. I worked on the hardest of hard science. I was a space junkie. From elementary school and on into college, my room always had NASA pictures festooning it. I went to the landing of the first Space Shuttle trip into space at Edwards Airforce Base in 1981, along with 500000 other Americans.
Five years ago, I learned space was fake. Not a little fake. Or mostly fake. Fake. The project we worked on was genuine and the science was real, but it was hyper-focused and specialized. How and where it was deployed was irrelevant to the project. Very few people as a matter of fact have to be in on anything. Money and make work jobs can accomplish a lot.
Check out this video explaining the premise and implications of the "werewolf game."
An informed minority will nearly always succeed in lording it over an uninformed majority. You are uninformed, and deceived, and highly invested in the deception, for emotional, not logical, reasons.
Sounds like you're trying to prove how easy it is to fool an uninformed minority into believing that dinos are real.
I am responding to Moshe Dovid's comment. Read his, then reread mine, and let me know what you think then.
Yes, I see what you mean.