The Palevsky input is enlightening and valuable.

However, still only another piece of the puzzle for me.

I have tended to ignore those on the fringes, who have long held that the MSM is hypnotic.

Perfectly represented by the spell cast on Mowgli, by Kaa the sly python, in The Jungle Book.

I am thinking now that this is probably true.

Everyone I know, who is devoted to the MSM covid narrative, is also a MSM addict.

No one I know, who knows the truth, is an MSM addict.

The facts can break the spell, forcing people to face reality, but only when the facts become compelling and can no longer be denied.

The media is owned, by people who are evidentially evil, period.

What does that tell us?

Avoid snakes if we do not want to get poisoned.

However, if the snake does not appear to be a snake ...

If the medical profession does not appear to be a snake ...

Palevsky touched on this, but this is inevitably skating on thin ice, as people are very protective of their religion and its priests, regardless.

To dismantle the cults of government, religion, academia, law, medicine, education, etcetera, all infiltrated by Kaa, would cause massive social upheaval.

We have that anyhow.

We can choose our own New World Order.

Or it will be chosen for us.

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i love Dr P. You're the second person who has recommended this interview so I can't wait to watch it

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Watch it soon because soon it will be behind a paywall on Curtis’s substack.

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oh no i'm mistaken. The other person who shared it with me also shared the substack link. idk why i thought it was Rumble. oops. Thanks i'll hurry and watch

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Thank you. I saw that but i'm pretty sure it's on Rumble or maybe bitchute. I'm working so don't have much time but i'll see if I can find the link real quick. Chag Sameach btw 🥰

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