
I want to mention another good book to read to learn the truth about the FDA, Pharma, and more. It’s called “Fight for Your Health - Exposing the FDA’s Betrayal of America.” Also available on Amazon.

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In the meantime, I updated my article to reflect that I do not have personal experience with the product, but a very valuable reason to read the book is to become informed about the criminal corruption of the FDA, Pharma, and more, which the book does a fabulous job documenting.

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Your flyer is impressive, but I'm afraid that the masses of sheep will only see it as more evidence that we are crazy. Far better in my opinion to put together quotes and evidence for the depopulation agenda first, as you have done in other articles, and package it in a clear concise form.

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I've worked with cancer patients full time for 15 years, as a naturopathic oncologist, and have had the opportunity to compare many who had chosen B-17 with those who chose not to use it, while both groups had cancer treatment at my clinic. The B-17 patients did not have better results, and generally did slightly worse, likely due to cyanide content of B-17. It's not a B vitamin, but was given that name. But there are plenty of other very helpful low cost, natural treatments for cancer that actually work well. I discuss those here: https://www.NatureWorksBest.com. Click on "documented."

Also, A Midwestern Doctor is correct. It has been known for decades that each mass killing is by those with Rxs for SSRIs. The black box warning for those drugs has acknowledged risk of suicidal or homicidal ideation.

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