When I hit my liberal friend with lots of evidence of the deaths and injuries from the jab, she always hits me back with the old fact check. I was throwing her lots of truth bombs the other night and she didn’t have any fact checks to fight back with so I noticed a new defense- the fake yawn.

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One wonders what it will take to get through to these zombies, apparently not even the death of a child. There was a Senator, I can’t remember his name, whose daughter died in her sleep after being vaxxed & he didn’t make the connection. And then there was the well known body builder who was an outspoken proponent of the Vax, who said if he died then that would prove the anti vaxxer’s right. He took the Vax & dropped dead.

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Fact checkers are like a laundry machine of words aimed at creating a distorted image of reality and presenting it like truth. So you don’t trust your own lying eyes and ears and are programmed to use the washed out reassembled words that are actually not describing reality.

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Fact-Checker Jeff. Yeah, this is the same guy who tried to wave away Pfizer's admission to the European Parliament that the jab was never tested for preventing virus transmission.

He rated the statement - "Pfizer executive admits vaccine was never tested for preventing transmission" - as false information.

(So did Fakebook, as he proudly pointed out.)

Not because the Pfizer executive didn't really say that, because Jeff quoted her saying it.

It was "false" because it was not an "admission".

Why wasn't it an admission?

(a) the shocking fact was "nothing new" - it was only new to the masses who had never read the 149-page Pfizer Phase 3 study;

(b) the ones who said repeatedly that the jab COULD prevent transmission were Walensky, Fauci, et al., who supposedly DID read the Pfizer study. Not Pfizer's fault, you see.

Even if they never EVER corrected that erroneous statement... for two years... until cornered by the Dutch MP with a "yes or no question".

Anyway, Fact-Checker Jeff didn't check far enough.

Pfizer's partner went on record in Nov. 2020 with this statement:

"Prof Ugur Sahin, BioNTech co-founder, also raised hopes the [Pfizer] jab could halve transmission of the virus, resulting in a "dramatic reduction in cases".... In an interview on BBC One's Andrew Marr Show, Prof Sahin said he expected further analysis to show the vaccine would reduce transmission between people as well as stop symptoms developing in someone who has had the vaccine. 'I'm very confident that transmission between people will be reduced by such a highly effective vaccine - maybe not 90% but maybe 50%.'"

Funny that he didn't know his partners at Pfizer never intended to do any such "analysis".

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How does Jeff sleep at night?

Probably soundly as he is, based on his anti-human and profoundly opportunistic behaviour, most likely completely without conscience, making him a perfect sociopathic candidate to be one of today’s fact checkers.

Look around. For every celebrity dying suddenly and unexpectedly from cardiac arrest or fast malignant cancer, there are thousands more regular victims that go unreported, weekly, because of the censorship of people like Jeff and the thousands of Demons like him, that facilitate this ongoing Democide by stealth.

Jeff is the perfect Useful Idiot. Jabbed and fully boosted he helps deliver his own demise and the Apex Goblins directing him always laugh the hardest when their mindless slaves succumb.

It’s their code. Ritual sacrifice of the fools.

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According to numerous fact checking sites, George Soros is a benevolent philanthropist.

For all those who’s countries had to endure one of his Colour revolutions (with help from US and UK 3-letter agencies plus USAID and national endowment agency plus UK Foreign office) he’s an usurper of democracy.

That’s why he worked tirelessly to overturn the democratic vote for Brexit.

FYI we signed up to becoming a vassal state. Blair and Soros are thrilled. Just like being in the EU but without any veto rights. And now our loss of sovereignty is complete by EU’s integrated armed forces swallowing up our military. WHO = EU.

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