Four Years In – A Survivor’s Reflections on the Greatest Psychological Warfare Operation in History: Read this to learn their tactics!
We are in the thick of the battle at this moment. Your awareness of the enemy’s identity is critical.
This article is dedicated in honor of my wonderful new English daughter in law, Rivky. She wishes all my subscribers “the best of British luck.” (Rivky tells me that’s an old English expression.)
Four Years In – A Survivor’s Reflections on the Greatest Psychological Warfare Operation in History
It’s much more than four years, really. They were paving the way with programming for decades. But my title reflects the timeline of their greatest trick yet, the 2019 fear pandemic. Here, I want to share some thoughts that tie together many different things that we are witnessing globally. Nothing is a “coincidence.”
Psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald notes that “the Left wants to take all joy out of life.” This struck me as a perfect summary of what the tiny evil group who’ve appointed themselves in charge of the world are trying to do.
Sometimes people who only know a bit about what’s been going on ask me, “So, are you still busy with covid? Isn’t it over already?” If only. “Covid” was simply their coup de grace, the most momentous single attempted power grab yet – but it’s only one cog in the huge master plan of those who want to fight G-d and control humanity.
The more I learn, I am becoming more convinced that “covid” was actually caused by a poisonous toxin, intentionally spread in certain population centers. People got sick and flooded hospitals, where they were denied lifesaving treatment. Some died of the effects of the poisoning itself. Others were made sicker and killed by the deadly “treatment” remdesivir, by misused/overused ventilators, by sedatives, and by denial of hydration and nourishment. Of course, this evil scheme only worked because of several key elements – firstly, the airtight collaboration of the mainstream media in promoting the fraudulent narrative and the paralyzing fear, secondly, by isolating the elderly and the hospitalized from their family members, thirdly, by fake PCR tests creating a “casedemic,” and finally, by top-down instructions to ignore all precedent in medical experience: No early treatment, no antibiotics, no steroids, but early and aggressive ventilation. Doctors who quickly figured out how to treat covid successfully and save virtually every life (when protocols were begun soon enough) were viciously attacked and maligned, their careers destroyed. For their plan to work, it was not necessary to actually spread the toxin worldwide. A large number of deaths in some major metropolitan centers – particularly, in New York – did the trick very nicely. The PCR tests, the graphic images and fear spread by the media, and the hospital protocols did the rest.
Of course, all the above was meticulously planned to accomplish a number of goals. Global lockdowns, never implemented before in all of world history and previously unthinkable, were now slid neatly into place by the evil powers, based on only a few reported “cases” in each location, and justified by fake projections of how many deaths were expected. A population cowed into compliance by fear made nary a peep. Those who protested the destruction of the economy or the loss of liberty were tarred as granny killers. Lockdowns themselves were multi-purpose. They established a tighter degree of government control (not relinquished when reopening was allowed), they plunged more people into poverty (reliance on the government), and they created a desperate desire to be freed at any price – paving the way for population-wide acceptance of otherwise unthinkable brand-new “get me out of jail” gene shots.
Our natural instinct for self-preservation tells us to keep the flow of oxygen to our lungs unimpeded. Our G-d given need for warmth and social interaction makes us want to see others’ faces. Indeed, this emotional connection is a crucial requirement for our health and the health and normal development of our children. How did they manage to convince us – without any proof – that covering our faces was healthful, safe, and would save lives? All studies prior to the “pandemic” showed that masks did nothing to stop the spread of influenza, and logic dictates that particles smaller than the holes in the weave of the masks will not be stopped by the masks – while the lowered blood oxygen level and increased carbon monoxide lead to grave and often permanent health problems. But propaganda tragically succeeded in making masks a “political” issue and painting mask-refusers, who were simply using their critical thinking skills, as murderers to be hated. Unbelievably, four years in, many are still wearing the oxygen-blockers, even as the evidence is clearly in, showing the lack of benefit and the severe harms caused, including an unprecedented drop in children’s language development.
None of this damage was unintended. Dividing us, blocking us off from each other emotionally, and isolating us, was exactly the point of it all – thereby to attain control over us. As with each component of the evil ones’ agenda, masks accomplished more than one purpose. They also created a perception of increased danger, and they contributed to a willingness to get “vaccinated,” if only to be freed from having to mask.
For 170+ studies showing the harmfulness and uselessness of masking, see here:
More than three years after the first covid shots were given, it has never been clearer that they were a total scam from the get-go. The “vaccines” are a poison soup that decimates the immune system, increases the risk of getting “covid,” and heightens one’s risk of cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, sudden death, cancer, and many more unpleasant outcomes. The trials were a sham, the “data” on vaxxed and unvaxxed outcomes was deviously manipulated by internal hospital systems to fraudulently convince even the doctors that the vaccine was “working,” (as Dr. Pierre Kory MD and as Steve Kirsch have documented), and the “vaccine” certainly never saved anyone. Instead, it has caused tens of millions of deaths worldwide and illness, suffering, and disability in proportions magnitudes greater. Even as all this is clear to see, government and medical agencies wickedly and unabashedly continue pushing the death potion. One cannot help but see “population reduction” as a goal.
For data on the covid vaccine harms, see this piece, and my prior article linked inside it, as well:
To help attain their “One World Government” power grab goal, the UN’s WHO division is trying to pass internationally binding laws putting themselves in charge of declaring pandemics and dictating required responses, worldwide. If the UN would, G-d forbid, get this legal power, what would be beyond their reach? As we have seen, everything can be regulated under the excuse of a “pandemic.”
James Roguski has been reporting for nearly two years on the WHO plans and secret meetings. Here’s one article:
Too few people even have any idea that this unbelievable silent danger is brewing.
Here is a current summary by Dr. Peter McCullough:
Another excellent name I just came across for the WHO, is the World Hypocrisy Organization.
A good clue as to the governments’ true intentions is the “education” they have been implementing in schools worldwide (top-down, originating with the UN.) Parental autonomy and decision making in our children’s education and lives is being removed one chunk at a time. Instead, children are being fed a toxic brew teaching them to disbelieve in the Creator, to distrust and disrespect their parents, to be confused about and unhappy with their gender, to be promiscuous, to be uninterested in marriage or childbearing, and to believe that the globe is in imminent danger of overheating and of exhausting our resources. Add in Critical Race Theory, which brainwashes students to believe that entire swaths of the population and their traits are inherently, irredeemably bad and are to blame for all the troubles experienced by other parts of the population. According to CRT, you are automatically either an evil oppressor or a helpless victim. Of course, CRT by definition creates polarizing divisions in society. The origins of CRT are Marxist.
A greater recipe for disconnection, depression, and suicide would be hard to imagine. But as a government control tactic and a way to curb population growth, this “education” is working very well, indeed.
LawyerLisa reported in her recent substack showing the shocking evils of the “gender education” (to put it delicately) now being provided to children, that Planned Parenthood partners with schools in North America. I confirmed this with a simple google search.
I paraphrased Lisa’s last sentence here slightly:
“Planned Parenthood. The name that means, planning not to parent. Or planning society for no families. Or the Marxist state raising the kids and making sure those values are their values.”
Here is a very relevant and current example of just one detail - the proposed dissolution of parental authority in NY State. The author is someone I know and collaborate with. I did not have a chance to view the video yet:
Excerpt from the article:
“The New York State Legislature is literally on the verge of passing a law that would strip parents of their right to make medical decisions for their children.
“This would mean that a child of any age, even as young as 4 years old, could make their own decisions about taking drugs …. as well as surgeries which could include (gender) change operations without their parent’s knowledge or consent.”
This lie is one of the bigger ones the world has ever seen. Like covid, it is used to attain control of the population. Like covid, climate change is a major fraud - but the dogma has the status of “religion,” and may not be questioned. Those who dare to say “but the emperor has no clothes!” are brutally sidelined and shamed.
Those who never fell for “climate change” have tended to write it off as a harmless joke and its proponents as loonies, not to be taken seriously. But this was a mistake, as those individuals (the WEF, UN, and their associates) are some of the most dangerous in the world, and they are using the climate change lie - which they have established as fact in the minds of a large portion of the population - to pass unprecedented draconian laws which will greatly impact our lives. Under the guise of “saving the planet,” they plan to regulate how much meat we can eat, how much gasoline we can buy, and even whether we can own a car, how far we can travel, what we can spend our money on, how many children we can have, and much more. (Central Bank Digital Currency, which is in the works, would enable this level of control over every individual’s life.)
There is no space here to go into much detail in debunking the fake climate change narrative. For just one example, a fascinating February 4 article by LawyerLisa reported on how increased CO2 leads to increased plant growth, which actually cools the atmosphere by evapotranspiration.
Yes! Plants need carbon dioxide. And there is a Creator Who has everything worked out in an intricately wonderful system, way beyond what we understand.
Of course, the climate change narrative directly contradicts our knowledge of the All-Powerful Creator, Who runs the world. He maintains the perfect balance of CO2 and oxygen constantly, and He controls the temperature. It is blasphemously ludicrous to think that the continued existence of life on Earth - which we did not create and which we do not have the wisdom or ability to maintain - rests in our hands.
One of the goals that the Amalekite, Marxist “elites” are most obsessed about is greatly reducing the world population. Climate change and “limited resources” propaganda is one very effective tool which they have used for decades to convince people that it is immoral to have children. For example, a very sizable percentage of young people in England say they will never have kids, for the sake of the environment.
Believing that there are limited resources means that one lacks understanding of the All-Powerful Creator, Who sustains us all constantly, and has unlimited means to do so at His disposal. He is the same one Who commanded mankind to be fruitful, multiply, and settle the earth. That is His desire.
There are many other methods that the anti G-d world control planners have been steadily using to attain their population reduction goal.
• Promoting societal norms and thinking that discourage marriage and encourage divorce
• Promotion of birth control
• Promotion of abortion
• Encouraging women to have education and careers which by default limit childbearing, and promoting the ideas that lack of these constitutes a grave “wrong.”
• Promotion of gender confusion, gender disfiguration surgeries and sterilizing hormonal treatments, and same-gender relationships.
Note that all the above steal from women what is unique to us and what gives us unparalleled joy and fulfillment - the ability to carry life and bring generations into the world - while parading as kind and equitable.
As they have inexorably eaten away at society’s previously held concepts of the sanctity of life and of G-d alone being the One to decide when it begins and ends, the evil ones have now added simple murder to the list of population-reduction tactics:
• Promotion of euthanasia
More details:
The anti-G-d Marxists have been working quietly towards undermining and destroying the family unit for many decades. Only now, as the results of their evil work have become apparent, with fewer and fewer marriages and less and less of them being lasting, and the resultant devastating effects on children, are the results clear to see.
Now, they are actually calling for abolition of the family unit, under the guise of “kindness.”
The “kindness” of condoning and encouraging same-gender relationships and the fake idea of “gender fluidity,” and the associated hormone treatments and disfiguring surgeries, is not a kindness, but a grave cruelty to the individuals themselves and to society as a whole. G-d created man and woman to complement one another and to partner with each other, to find true happiness and fulfillment – and to build civilization - in a permanent, loyal relationship with the opposite gender. In His infinite wisdom and love, He gave us laws forbidding harmful and society-destroying relationships, and even laws prohibiting cross-dressing. The evil planners know just how destructive the forbidden acts are – which is exactly why they spend so much money to promote them.
What could be a greater robbery from a person than stealing from him or her the most basic aspects of their identity by confusing them, and depriving them of their most foundational personal fulfillment in life, through mass propaganda demonizing traditional roles and relationships?
But now, when a troubled young person comes to a therapist for help, the therapist is under orders to validate any gender-confused feelings they express - no matter what actual problems may be at the root of their suffering - and set the young person on the path to “gender change.” (See The Free Press for whistleblower therapist Tamara Pietzke’s account of this travesty, in a February 5 article.)
This is the ultimate goal of “elite” minority who have assumed control of governments and media worldwide.
The following article provides important food for thought regarding the origins of those planning these evils in the US government:
Note, that I continuously stress that all the above is what the evil ones want to do. I am not afraid that they will ultimately succeed. G-d is the Owner and Master of the world. He is in charge. Whatever they have done till now and whatever they will still manage to do, is because He allowed and wanted it – but He will put an end to all of them and their plans the instant He wills it. A superb illustration of this concept can be found in the events G-d orchestrated leading up to the exodus from Egypt and the decimation of the “powerful” Egyptians, who had denied Him and cruelly enslaved us.
Recently, I was thinking hard about how to explain to people who were until now unfamiliar with the topic, that G-d loves us and designed the world and all its biology – along with the restrictions He placed on us – for our benefit.
I came up with the following parable: Imagine an endlessly loving and equally wealthy grandfather. He’s also a home designer and architect. Grandfather wants to gift his beloved grandson with the ultimate dream home which will last for many generations and bring him and his descendants endless pleasure and benefit. When Johnny turns eighteen, Grandfather hands him the deed to a paradise of a property, together with meticulously perfect and wondrous building plans, which took years to draw up. The blueprint takes into consideration every possible need that Johnny’s family will have for generations to come – and calls for the highest quality building materials, all paid for on Grandfather’s account.
To give Johnny even more pleasure, Grandfather adds in a Lamborghini. He cautions Johnny not to tinker under the hood, as the engine is a sealed system and an untrained amateur could only mess the car up. Additionally, only the highest grade fuel and oil are to be used. Anything coarse and low quality will cause damage.
Johnny is enthralled and thanks Grandfather profusely. The next day, he gets right to work on the dream homestead, meeting with the contractor, ordering the materials his grandfather specified, and preparing to start construction.
Sadly, it does not take very long for some of Johnny’s friends to plant harmful ideas in his head.
“Why are you so sure that Grandfather’s plans are the best for you? Don’t you want to design your own home? What makes him an expert?”
“Why use the expensive building materials Grandfather specified? You can order them, sell them on the side for profit, and use cheaper ones. Take the extra money and have fun with us. Liquor, gambling, fun things to get high on… we can live it up together, and Grandfather won’t know the difference.”
The evil words had their desired effect, and Johnny indeed began shortchanging himself on the building materials, substituting cheap garbage for the solid, everlasting products Grandfather had ordered. The house was going up and it was looking glitzy, but the structure was ready to fall at a moment’s notice.
His friends’ appetite for thrills at Johnny’s expense only got bigger.
“Grandfather is so restrictive and so old fashioned! What does he know of modern times? Open up your Lamborghini’s hood, let’s play around with the inside – we certainly know a thing or two he doesn’t. Our modifications will only make it more fun. And for goodness’ sake – get rid of those brakes, they just get in the way of having a good time.”
Johnny was badly hurt over and over, and the gorgeous Lamborghini severely damaged - but always, his friends had soothing explanations. None of the bad things that happened were ever because of their advice to ignore Grandfather’s instructions. Of course not. It was all a coincidence.
Little by little, his friends’ words ate away at Johnny’s previous absolute trust in Grandfather and his love for him. It only got worse:
“Your grandfather doesn’t even love you. He has ulterior motives for everything he gave you.”
“Your grandfather isn’t your real grandfather.”
“You don’t have a grandfather and all your memories of him are a figment of your imagination. That man took property that was already yours and concocted a story because he wants to have control over you. Cut your ties with him and live up your life with us.”
Before long, Johnny’s life was a shambles. He had permanent disabilities from many road accidents caused by removing the brakes on his car, was destitute and miserably surviving in the shell of what should have been a glorious mansion, and he was not only deeply estranged from his grandfather, but also abandoned by his “friends” once they had milked his fortune for all it was worth.
“Johnny” is us. Our loving Creator has gifted us a gorgeous paradise of a world - all for us to benefit and enjoy. The gift came with a User’s Manual containing detailed instructions. Those are G-d’s seven basic commandments for every human being, so that society may flourish. The car’s “brakes” are prohibitions which protect us from harm.
“Johnny’s friends” are Amalek, the evil inclination and its physical manifestation, the wicked people denying our Creator and seeking to distance us from Him, trying to take all joy out of life, ruin the nurturing family structure, dissuade us from having children, convince people to castrate themselves and abort their babies, persuade us that the planet is running out of resources and is teetering on the brink of climate disaster, and send us running amok with fear so that we lock ourselves in our homes, obstruct our breathing and that of our children with face coverings in contradiction to every normal human instinct of self-preservation, and inject ourselves and our babies with unknown toxins directly into our bloodstreams – of our own free will! All these are facets of Amalek’s “war against G-d” – a fight to the end in which Amalek’s prize is to estrange us from our Source of life, control us, and make us miserable.
Recognize Amalek and fight him wherever he presents himself. Stand on the side of G-d in this battle. G-d does not need our help, but we need Him, and we need merits. He is giving us a chance to prove where our loyalties lie and earn eternal reward.
You said:
"A good clue as to the governments’ true intentions is the “education” they have been implementing in schools worldwide (top-down, originating with the UN.) Parental autonomy and decision making in our children’s education and lives is being removed one chunk at a time. Instead, children are being fed a toxic brew teaching them to disbelieve in the Creator, to distrust and disrespect their parents, to be confused about and unhappy with their gender, to be promiscuous, to be uninterested in marriage or childbearing, and to believe that the globe is in imminent danger of overheating and of exhausting our resources. Add in Critical Race Theory, which brainwashes students to believe that entire swaths of the population and their traits are inherently, irredeemably bad and are to blame for all the troubles experienced by other parts of the population. According to CRT, you are automatically either an evil oppressor or a helpless victim. Of course, CRT by definition creates polarizing divisions in society. The origins of CRT are Marxist."
I say:
Yes to all of the above. Just look at what is going on in Canada right now. The province of Alberta tried to bring in some common sense legislation around the whole trans issue and the feds (and the media) have been attacking her vehemently, and making all kinds of irrational statements. Ottawa is clearly ruled by a Marxist leader, since he is also an obvious proponent of CRT. Even though he denies it his words and behavior reveal the truth again and again.
Super awesome post. And I have used a very similar parable in my religious exemption request. Really good writing and analysis on your part. A tip of my cap to you.