You said:

"A good clue as to the governments’ true intentions is the “education” they have been implementing in schools worldwide (top-down, originating with the UN.) Parental autonomy and decision making in our children’s education and lives is being removed one chunk at a time. Instead, children are being fed a toxic brew teaching them to disbelieve in the Creator, to distrust and disrespect their parents, to be confused about and unhappy with their gender, to be promiscuous, to be uninterested in marriage or childbearing, and to believe that the globe is in imminent danger of overheating and of exhausting our resources. Add in Critical Race Theory, which brainwashes students to believe that entire swaths of the population and their traits are inherently, irredeemably bad and are to blame for all the troubles experienced by other parts of the population. According to CRT, you are automatically either an evil oppressor or a helpless victim. Of course, CRT by definition creates polarizing divisions in society. The origins of CRT are Marxist."

I say:

Yes to all of the above. Just look at what is going on in Canada right now. The province of Alberta tried to bring in some common sense legislation around the whole trans issue and the feds (and the media) have been attacking her vehemently, and making all kinds of irrational statements. Ottawa is clearly ruled by a Marxist leader, since he is also an obvious proponent of CRT. Even though he denies it his words and behavior reveal the truth again and again.

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Super awesome post. And I have used a very similar parable in my religious exemption request. Really good writing and analysis on your part. A tip of my cap to you.

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Every last word is true! Thank you!!

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The plot to end western civilization. It is directed at us….

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Your insight is remarkable! Thank you for continuing to lead us back to the only truth that ever existed.

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Great summary of the past 4 years and the agendas at play. They are anti nature, anti human and anti G-d.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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i came to a similar (same?) conclusion about the nature of the seeded 'toxin.' venom. no one on either side talks about that, and yet it really is the perfect weapon. well studied by the cia and others as a secret killer for likely more than 70 years. the root of 'virus' has links to 'venom'. all the symptoms of 'covid' and the 'injection' are the exact same envenomation symptoms. ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are agents that disrupt and/or clear venom from the Nicotonic Acetylcholine Receptors, the most prevalent and important receptor in the body and present in all cells. when smokers were found to comprise only 5% of the hospitalised sick, french doctors suggested that nicotine be looked at as a possible medicine. A week or so later the who and the other big health agencies absolutely lied announced smokers were doomed and many countries announced major expensive anti-smoking campaigns at the height of the plandemic. a coordinated attack false flag attack was launched against nicotine-based vaping products pre-pandemic. in the late '60s and early '70s the cia confirmed the efficacy of envenomating water systems by secretly envenomating the fbi building; from that 'study' they learned about the importance of compensating for chlorination, a venom neutralising agent present in hydroxychloroquine. many (all?) of the major cities of na have had 'secret' duplicated water systems following 'secret' construction that commenced in the 1970s(?). the cia created a heart attack gun to assassinate a target with very little likelihood of detection using venom. venom is a cleaving agent for gene work. it has been claimed by judy mikovits that all vaccines contain elements of venom. nicotine might be the most important health agent — and was deemed so by the indigenous healers for thousands of years — and has been vilified and bastardised by rockefeller medicine. (want to know when our official allopathic priests are lying? only when they talk about good and bad health practices.) all vegetables have nicotine presence, with eggplant the second highest after tobacco. the food agencies have steadily removed healthy foods from recommended diets with increased processed foods displacing vegetables. nicotine is not addictive and no study has been able to say it has. that is a lie; additives to popular tobacco products are addictive. (it was a sugar solution treatment that balanced the alkalinity of tobacco enough for it to be inhaled. indigenous practices mostly drank it as an infusion or, for some specific health purposed, swallowed the smoke. venom particles have been found in peoples blood and in injections.

that is a short summary of why covid was not a airborne virus. it was a delivered toxin and that toxin was most likely the well studied, researched and utilised venoms; it is easily transported, manufactured, and can be aerosolised, added to water and food.

also there may be some special 'kinship' with the cabal and their worship of satanic principles and energies, of which the snake is of course linked in the christian bible.

Because of length, i’ve put my resources in a separate comment.

Below in my own replies are the links and resources i've been collecting since 2022. roughly oldest are at the top, newest at the bottom. for the interested

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Thank you. But the resources you listed are way too many to track down. So I watched the first link only ("Watch the Water").

I was guarded, having seen Stew Peters passively encourage antisemitic conspiracy theories.

And for the record, I strongly disagreed when they implied that those who received the nRNA jab are now human hybrids with satanic DNA. Physical snakes were created as part of earth's ecosystem by the same GOD that created us; they are not small versions of the Ancient Serpent/ Dragon but only symbols of spiritual evil (like the wolf). The DNA corruption is a physical evil, but by itself it has no bearing on someone's spiritual state.

Other than that, though, I was impressed with Bryan Ardis. Despite my own extensive homework on the background of this Plandemic, most of what he said was new to me.

Ardis backed up his statements with online documentation -- which I looked up myself to make sure, while the clip was paused. I actually never came across the cobra venom theory, much less the idea that the word "coronavirus" aka "covid" was derived from "king cobra venom". Yet there it was, hiding online in plain sight.

I was even able to answer an inner question that arose while he was discussing the effect of snake venom on thinning the blood (preventing coagulation) to fatal levels. My thoughts went to the prevalence of the opposite effect from the jab -- clotting. And specifically those awful rubbery strings pulled out of major veins of people both alive and dead, which medical people said they had never seen before.

So I did a quick search.

Lo and behold, within a microsecond that very same question popped up, answered courtesy of the NIH:

"Q: Can snake venom cause blood clots? A: They induce blood coagulation either by specifically activating zymogen, one of the blood coagulation factors, or by directly converting soluble fibrinogen into an insoluble fibrin clot."


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yes to all. at first i didn't watch the stew peters interview for similar reasons. my first intro was a smaller interview later in my resources. like you i paused and then did my own poking around.

and then that expanded over the following 18 months.

another 'hidden' clue, to me, is that neither 'side' talk about this. this is the elephant in the room: pharma or the mfm 'mouthpieces' are keeping our eyes looking elsewhere: the falseflags of lab leak of virus (keeps virus alive) or 'germs/terrain' vs 'virus' keeps virus alive by trying to kill it.

envenomation covers all that happened, explains much of the actions and language, has a super long history of study by 'the bad guys', ease of procurement and manufacture, symptomaology, and aligns with the really evil nature of the ptb.

thank you hannah, for looking with a skeptical eye and then looking! curiosity is the key, imo. mfm or ptb are killing us because they have closed their curiosity down to an arbitrary truthiness.

great comment. again, thank you.

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part 2 of 3 - resource list for comment:

Watch the Water Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters


Definition of 'virus' related to snake venom and virility


Ivermectin also binds with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson with Ardis


Stew Peters Jonathon Otto COVENOM-19 Series Vol 1


49:58 ACE-2 receptors not in lungs - found in nervous system and brain.

Venom peptides attached to virus(?)

52:44 CIA hearing William Colby Water System Test

Book: At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic by Janet Phellqn

Bryan Ardis Jonathan Otto

PCR testing 100% accurate for snake venom

Book with Point link


We were told PCR tests are an accurate way to test for COVID. That was a LIE.

So, what was the REAL reason PCRs tests were used throughout the pandemic?

“Why are they using a test which is 100% accurate in identifying the DNA, RNA, and mRNA of snake venoms if SARS-CoV-2 did not originate from venom?”

That’s what Dr. Bryan Ardis has been asking for a long time.

In fact, he’s been at the forefront of proving that the so-called COVID “virus” and “vaccines”...

Are actually lab-created bioweapons made from snake venoms.

“It's incredible that in the Italy study, they confirmed 36 different venoms were present in those whose PCR tested positive for COVID. Really? The PCR test that's been used for 20 years in venom research to identify DNA, RNA and mRNA of snake venoms, which are the backbone of proteins they were identifying from all these venoms in COVID-19 patients positive with PCR only. The PCR negative groups, zero venoms. And this whole time, we as medical professionals and health professionals, have known that PCR tests do not accurately test or confirm respiratory viral diseases. We're absolutely right about that. So we all said that it was fraudulent, inaccurate. The truth is the people who were behind and orchestrating all of this pandemic who forced all medical professionals and innocent people around the world to be tested for COVID, were telling them they had to use 1 test and 1 test only, PCR test.

“All the medical professionals were like, "That's not an accurate test. We're not doing that." Oh no, it is accurate. I think we were wrong the whole time. We didn't know that snake venom researchers and pharmaceutical industry giants who have been paying these snake venom researchers to do research for them for their drug manufacturing in the future from venoms, they've been using PCR tests to identify venom in all materials, all tissues for 20 plus years. The PCR test was probably absolutely accurate in identifying and confirming the presence of venoms, which is all COVID was. And it wasn't just the Italy study. So Italy's study was in June of 2020. The April 2020 study done in France by different scientists and geneticists, they figured out the spike proteins, these spike glycoproteins- This is phenomenal. Dr. Henry Ealy, Ryan Cole, and I were texting this last week.”

Dr. Ardis on proof of the presence of snake venom in long haul covid patients.


Dr. Chetty in Africa 'found replicating snake venom, starfish venom and sea snail venom in their bodies and in their intestines just like we've said for the last year. Now confirmed by another medical professional.'

In this episode, Dr. Ardis plays a five minute clip of Dr. Shankara Chetty confirming the findings of many different venoms found in the bodies of Covid-19 long hauler patients. That's right, plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients revealed toxin-like peptides from venoms. Dr. Ardis found of specific venoms found in the bodies of Covid-19 patients, many of which destroy copper and zinc.


"Unleashed on Covid with Dr Shankara Chetty" substack post by Dr. Philip McMillan https://substack.com/profile/64004555-dr-philip-mcmillan

Dr. Philip McMillan Research webpage



"Is it time for an open, frank discussion about COVID-19?" Neil Oliver



Quote from Dr Chetty: 'No hospitalisations, no deaths, no need for oxygen in my practice, and I've clearly negated that need for a vaccination to solve the problem.'

Long-term Effects of Snake Envenoming


NIH Library of Medicine 2019 "Toxins"

PMC (PubMed Central) Journal List Toxins (Basel) PMC6521273

Frances Leader via Tereza Coroggio


Vaping & Snake Venom: conspiracy realists Mark Kulacz, Bryan Ardis and many others

comment expands to include possible role of 5G


I heard that Bing Liu was studying electro-magnetic frequencies in relation to Covid19 - not snake venom.

I have been writing on every social media that would permit me for these three years.


I was then convinced that the faked virus genomic sequence was poisonous in the extreme and was part of a clever cover up for the roll out of 5G which had triggered illness everywhere it had been installed. Moreover, the geographical pattern followed was PRECISELY as the 5G facilities were switched on.

Wuhan installed 10,000+ towers ahead of the Oct 2019 UN Military Games. There were hundreds of thousands of 5G ready phones activated at the same time and the games participants remarked on how deserted Wuhan was at that time. (Note: One competing country did not attend..... UK!)

Next to declare a Covid19 outbreak was Bergamo in Northern Italy when their 5G service was switched on. Then Teheran as soon as they trialled their 5G network.

Swiftly followed by London and New York.

One industry was considered "essential" during lockdowns and that was the installation of 5G in all our major cities.

I put it to you that Covid19 is misnamed Electro-Magnetic Hypersensitivity which presents with all the same symptoms especially hypoxia or Rouleaux blood, as proven by Dr Magda Havas more than 11 years ago. https://youtu.be/L7E36zGHxRw

Via Tereza Coraggio and Sage Hana



Mark Kulacz housatonic on vaping as part of the plan to discredit nicotine.

Link to vaping and players, including the controlled opposition Andrew Huff


Ep 169.1: Summer (and fall) of 2019…. Too Juul for flu

Stew Peters extended version of the above with Jonathon Otto

COVENOM-19 Series Vol 1

https://rumble.com/v26g9jm-stew-peters-presents-covenom-series-vol.-1.html at around 49 minutes comments that the ACE-2 receptors, the main entry of the supposed virus, do not exist in the lungs.

52:44 CIA hearing William Colby Water System Test

Conspiracy Wiki


from https://conspiracy.fandom.com/wiki/Heart_Attack_Gun

Citizen Truth page heart attack gun


See https://covenomseries.com/ part 1 about 4 minutes in

From Enjoy the Show by

Tore Maras aka Terpsehore Maras

A pretty deep look at the CIA’s role in the media, beyond just Project Mockingbird


In Dr Uldo Ulfkotte exposed CIA in news/media Book Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News in 2016.


Heart Attack Jan 2017


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i love bryan ardis even tho i disagree or am skeptical of some of his conclusions. I don't 100% agree with anyone but i think many freedom fighters/truth tellers are valuable contributors to the conversation. I only draw the line when they become anti-semitic or encourage antisemitism. Ardis is the first person i heard say that Remdesivir is harmful

I've always thought "C19" was a toxin and/or radiation poisoning..never thought it was contagious even in the beginnning..nothing made much sense so I was SO skeptical even before I had completely learned what I know now. I knew it was bogus before they even closed everything down b/c the PCR test are so bogus as "tests"

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I heard about remdesivir as toxic many months earlier. Ardis was the first to link it to venom specifically.

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i don't remember him linking it to venom. but in the talk i heard he said it killed his father-in-law and he showed a study partially conducted by Fauci --from a few years prior to 2020--and in this study they had to discontinue Remdesivir as opposed to the other drugs in the study because Remdesivir was killing too many patients.

i've forgotten when i heard this talk but it may have been as early as late 2020 ... so it's possible that he linked it to venom later after digging deeper.

the talk was definitely long before his snake venom movie came out.

i'm not really into the snake venom theory but i'm in a weekly group with many members who chew their nicotine gum regularly bc of this

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Sorry, Guy, but Tereza Coraggio doesn't pass the basic integrity test, either factually or from a Jewish perspective. (Take note, Brucha...)

Some examples where she gets her facts REALLY wrong and shows antisemitic bias:

She linked her Plandemic comments to the rants of Isaac Middle, writer of "down the wombat hole". He blames the Jewish people for engineering "psy-ops" to coincide with the Biblical 7-year cycle called the Shmittah. He called this "one of, if not the, most crucial Bible Conspiracy burrows for understanding our current psy-op stricken times."

Never mind that Middle is hilariously math-challenged - he links the "mild to moderate socio-economic chaos" around the world to "every seventh Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah)", but he lists disasters taking place after the END of the Shmittah. Except for 2015, when apparently nothing notable happened. And 2022, which was also disappointing, so he jumps to predicting horrors triggered by Sept. 2023, TWO years after the Shmittah.

Corragio misses that blooper, and adds to it: "Isaac points out the train bomb in (east) Palestine, which seem almost too obvious a connection..." As we all know, this toxic spill took place in Feb. 2023.

She then pours gasoline on that Jewish-conspiracy fire with her own blooper:

"Isaac didn’t realize, until I pointed it out, that the Shemitah refers to the sons of Shem or the Semites. This felt like a missing puzzle piece to both of us."

BZZZT -- WRONG! The Hebrew word is "Shmittah" and it means "release" and/or "letting it rest", because GOD's command to Israel was to release financial debtors and hired servants, as well as to let the farmlands in the Land of Israel rest for that year.

Corragio then adds: "And in the covenant with Noah, God gives the Semites ownership over everything."

BZZZT --WRONG AGAIN. Anyone with a Bible can verify that the "Semites" descended from one of Noah's three sons (Shem), whereas GOD's covenant was made with all mankind surviving the Flood.

Since she didn't even bother to look these simple facts up, because she's gunning for the Jews, this makes her other research claims questionable. Please be wary of this source.

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Part 3 of 3 resource list for comment:

Brian Ardis and Dr. Tau Braun with excellent details:


From Jeff Childers


🔬 A new study published in the the Journal of Biological Chemistry this month with the complex title, “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Ectodomain Targets α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors.” It was more bad news about the spike, showing how nature somehow rapidly evolved the spike protein in parallel to lots of other existing deadly diseases and poisons.

Here’s the knockout part of the study, right from the article’s abstract:

The SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein contains a neurotoxin-like region that has sequence similarities to the rabies virus and the HIV glycoproteins, as well as to *** snake neurotoxins,*** which interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes via this region.

Snake venom! The researchers discovered neurotoxic, snake venom-like genetic characteristics within the spike protein. It confirms Dr. Brian Ardis’ concerns, who faced ridicule and exclusion from medical freedom conferences after he discussed the similarities between the spike protein and snake venom on the Stew Peters show. Somebody owes Brian Ardis an apology.

Other venom/nicotine resources

Guido, https://substack.com/profile/57681777-guido

an avid vaper who paid close attention to the issue, posted these leads:

(via Tereza Coraggio

Malone & Slaughterhouse Four

six tells for whether someone is controlled opposition


— BMJ comment, Jan 2020, “Nicotine and COVID-19,” concluding “the evidence suggests that nicotine or other nicotinic agonists could have beneficial effects against severe COVID-19.”

— Jerusalem Post, June 2020, “Israeli study points to nicotine as a potential therapeutic for COVID-19.”

— Medical News, July 2020, “Involvement of nicotine receptors in COVID-19” (nicotine interferes with spike protein).

— Cureus Journal, October 2020, “Does Nicotine Prevent Cytokine Storms in COVID-19?” (Nicotine may act as an anti-inflammatory that prevents cytokine storms caused by spike protein).

— American Council on Health and Science, June 2020, “Does Smoking Prevent COVID-19? We Don’t Know, But Some Journalists Don’t Want To Find Out.”

— Journal of Biophysics, February 2021, “A potential interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors” (nicotine interferes with spike protein).

— GLP, October 2021, “Smokers are less likely to get COVID: French researchers explore whether nicotine might prevent transmission.”

— Medical Hypotheses, January 2022, “Nicotinic receptors as SARS-CoV-2 spike co-receptors?” (nicotine interferes with spike protein).

The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19

Bryan Ardis and Jason Shurka https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote

Meerkat's resistance to snake venom with their adaptation of the Nicotonic Acetylcholine Receptor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJel-OwGCtw

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This psyop has been ongoing for thousands of years. C-19 only woke more up than usual. We need to adopt King Arthur's attitude, as per: https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/the-parable-of-adopting-king-arthurs

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So happy someone else has picked up on this theme.

Maleagant gives the classic speech, justifying the freedom of selfishness, and rejecting the tyranny of selflessness.

Regrettably, we do not have standing.

We cannot stand against the violent evil of the dark lords, when we harbour many little snakes of personal selfishness.

We abandon the innocent to death via abortion, which is infanticide, while we claim to be horrified by the evil of genocide.

Precious, innocent little ones are expendable.

We are not.

Time to take accountability.

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Great post ... thank you ...


Unless the 'goldfish' wake up ... very soon ... in a matter of weeks soon ... it's going to be all over ...


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World War 3 rages on…approaching its 4th ‘anniversary'.

You can be righteous or you can be victorious. Doing both is unlikely.


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I think we all owe Brian Ardis a big apology.

I mean all of us, on both sides, in the middle and on the fence.

Brian Ardis stood his ground, when we abandoned the truth, for more convenient, acceptable lies, that would not risk tarnishing our credibility.

Shame on the truth seekers.

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Refusal to wear masks doesn't necessarily occur because of rational thinking. My sister in law is terrified of masks because she suffers from claustrophobia. She did get vaccinated, though. I wore masks because I didn't want to be fined or rejected. However, I did find unmask.com that sells "sports masks" with lots of holes so you can easily breathe. They look like real masks, though. Now they even sell an N95 knock off.

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I love that "unmask" idea - beating the con artists at their sham requirement with sham compliance!

The only down side is... everyone around you will think you are *really* complying and they will go put on the oxygen blockers.

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yes, i got a breathable mask for my mom, who lives in the SF bay area and even her senior apartment complex was harassing her about masks..the mask i got her was from judy mikovits and was made of silver plated threads (anti-bacterial) and was basically a screen, so breathing was unobstructed but no one could tell. The bay area was/is still brutal to non-compliers and my mom is too elderly to have to deal with that stress. She didn't get any shots altho she is constantly around my heavily vaxxed brother's family so I still worry about her health via the shedding toxins

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Honest question:

A close friend is in town BUT is Covid terrified. I've been sick -- nothing serious, but sick -- and we'd love to see each other.

The problem: She wants me to take a Covid test so that we can visit.

I told her that if there is a spit test, I'm willing to spit and test. I am not willing to take a swirl-a-swab-up-my-nose test. Who knows what's on the swab, after all?

There are commenters who know a great deal more than I know. Is my super caution warranted? Or should I be willing to swab and test?

I would appreciate sound advice.

Here's my Thank You for the advice: a compelling article on Ignaz Semmelweiss who, alone among all the physicians of his time, was right:


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My advice for what it is worth.

Friendship is valuable.

But not worth risking health and life for.

Tough love.

For you and her.

If there is no spit test, do not compromise.

She has set her boundaries.

You are entitled to set yours.

I will share a little personal experience.

I only ever wore my own pure cotton mask.

Caught without my mask on one unexpected occasion, I wore a commercial one for a couple of hours, in a critical situation, involving significant personal, relationship agenda.

My skin where the mask had covered, was irritated when I removed the mask .

The next day, I had a red, sore rash and many apparently infected pimples.

I will not go into details, but I continue to struggle with a skin condition, months later.

I can prove nothing - the mask may not have been the cause.

However, I have heard of others having skin problems from wearing masks, usually for much longer than I did though, which is understandable.

My point - I wore a commercial mask for two hours and have an ongoing, very resistant skin infection of some sort, which is consistently mildly painful and therefore causes some degree of nervous tension, and looks unhealthy like severe acne.

I just have a skin rash.

No one should risk their health and life for any reason IMO.

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Thank you for telling us about your experience.

I think there are way too many chemicals of all kinds in ordinary products.

As far as cotton is concerned, I do my best to stick to organic cotton. Not always possible but I try.

Again, thank you for sharing your experience. VERY interesting.

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I agree with you about not wanting the up-your-nose swab. There will definitely be something unnatural on it. I think there are spit tests around.

You're a good friend - I hope she appreciates you.

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We have to be nimble. It's the same hydra. If you are silenced in one area, push the next. I push on green Marxism because, it's evil but also because it opens a new battle field.

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