In my mind, there was a definite plan to lockdown & they were going to do it no matter what. China started it & Italy’s leadership cooperated. Links had been made for some time, substantially deepened after 2008, where China provided a cash “exit” for tens of thousands of distressed family businesses. There was a steady flux of Chinese into Northern Italy including in early 2020.
The fact that Italy did a senseless thing in no way persuaded other countries to follow suit. They were already going to do it. We know this because it wasn’t only “lockdown” that represented knowing stupidity. No, lots of known stupidity was in the works. Lies about asymptomatic transmission, anyone? Lies about the seriousness of the alleged virus? We had cruise ship Diamond Princess as a real time lab. In the end, around 1% died. Sounds horrific, yes? What do you think was the median age of the passengers? Well over 60. Around 1% of 60yo people don’t make their next birthday (even without Covid19).
So how many were really killed by this virus?
Also note, not one crew member died.
Here we had unequivocal evidence of a normal death structure. Young people rarely die, statistically speaking. Older people have an ever increasing probability of death in the next year. Age is the key risk factor for death. Comorbidities are the next risk factor.
Oddly enough, precisely the same is true of seasonal influenza & other respiratory virus infections.
The unusual happenings in Italy, particularly prosperous, elderly Italy, are less to do with a virus & mostly due to well planned & damaging measures which induced terror in the population. Many people in care homes were found abandoned & died of thirst, starvation & neglect, their mostly foreign staff fleeing for home.
All but Sweden locked down & lied to their people using every organ of the state & all others were incentivised to do what they were told by threats & bribes.
Remember, WEF had “penetrated” not only government but all institutions by then. It was simply a matter of awakening the sleeper cells.
Thank you so much Dr. Yeadon for helping us to make sense of the craziness. About a year ago, I spent an inordinate amount of time over a period of months trying to convince someone that there was a global fraud and “they” were not out for our interest (and hence, she shouldn’t give her kids the shot.) She asked “who are ‘they’?” At that time I didn’t quite know - I had not yet heard of the WEF- and I sadly couldn’t convince her to connect the dots.
In my mind, there was a definite plan to lockdown & they were going to do it no matter what. China started it & Italy’s leadership cooperated. Links had been made for some time, substantially deepened after 2008, where China provided a cash “exit” for tens of thousands of distressed family businesses. There was a steady flux of Chinese into Northern Italy including in early 2020.
The fact that Italy did a senseless thing in no way persuaded other countries to follow suit. They were already going to do it. We know this because it wasn’t only “lockdown” that represented knowing stupidity. No, lots of known stupidity was in the works. Lies about asymptomatic transmission, anyone? Lies about the seriousness of the alleged virus? We had cruise ship Diamond Princess as a real time lab. In the end, around 1% died. Sounds horrific, yes? What do you think was the median age of the passengers? Well over 60. Around 1% of 60yo people don’t make their next birthday (even without Covid19).
So how many were really killed by this virus?
Also note, not one crew member died.
Here we had unequivocal evidence of a normal death structure. Young people rarely die, statistically speaking. Older people have an ever increasing probability of death in the next year. Age is the key risk factor for death. Comorbidities are the next risk factor.
Oddly enough, precisely the same is true of seasonal influenza & other respiratory virus infections.
The unusual happenings in Italy, particularly prosperous, elderly Italy, are less to do with a virus & mostly due to well planned & damaging measures which induced terror in the population. Many people in care homes were found abandoned & died of thirst, starvation & neglect, their mostly foreign staff fleeing for home.
All but Sweden locked down & lied to their people using every organ of the state & all others were incentivised to do what they were told by threats & bribes.
Remember, WEF had “penetrated” not only government but all institutions by then. It was simply a matter of awakening the sleeper cells.
Thank you so much Dr. Yeadon for helping us to make sense of the craziness. About a year ago, I spent an inordinate amount of time over a period of months trying to convince someone that there was a global fraud and “they” were not out for our interest (and hence, she shouldn’t give her kids the shot.) She asked “who are ‘they’?” At that time I didn’t quite know - I had not yet heard of the WEF- and I sadly couldn’t convince her to connect the dots.