gotta quick question fer ya Brucha--is there a good free or low cost resource for torah verses for applyin' for a religious exemption for a minor child? Our (former) temple pushed the jabs like hot dog vendors at a ball game so no help there! Tho' (thank g-d) the covid-jab mandates have mostly been dropped all 'round, there are general jab-mandates an' protocols (all lousy) for most schools / colleges / even summer programs in NYState... Thankfully the program my daughter will attend for summer will accept a sincere, home-written religious letter (exemption)-- but the CHD's online "help letters" don't help much unfortunately--is there a good free or low cost resource for such things? our beliefs are sincere (includin' that of the sanctity of the body) but for good quotes (in translation) I'm at a lack-- thanx fer any help! (blessin's yer way!)
Bills like this defy all logic. Unless you look at through the lens of satanic rituals and pedophiles!
On a sort of off topic point, I don’t know how many of you have ever typed the word “pedophile” in your iPhone (not sure about Android phones) but have you noticed that your phone doesn’t do it’s normal predictive text and if you spell it with an “F” instead of “ph” it knows its spelled incorrectly but it has no alternative spelling. This is abhorrent to me because it is just more evidence that all the tech companies are complicit in allowing pedophilia to perpetuate.
I bet these senators and their reps either never bother to read the Bills that go over their desks, or don't have the time. 'Evan Almighty' comes to mind.
Thank GOD!
Thanks for the wonderful news.
Gratitude for everyone who went to Albany.
FANTASTIC!!! Thank you all so very much.
A stunning victory. Well done!
Congratulations to all who persevered.
We all owe a great deal of gratitude to those who helped defeat this bill.
However, this victory will not halt the deadly agenda, of those with evil intent.
The following, and many other clear warning signals, should not be ignored.
"He busily wrote down some notes and said he would look into it."
"John also asked if there were any constituents who requested that this type of bill be created, and the answer was no."
"He ultimately did agree to review the bill with his representative."
This is a start, but diligent follow-up is needed.
The war is not won, with one battle won.
hooray, wonderful news!
gotta quick question fer ya Brucha--is there a good free or low cost resource for torah verses for applyin' for a religious exemption for a minor child? Our (former) temple pushed the jabs like hot dog vendors at a ball game so no help there! Tho' (thank g-d) the covid-jab mandates have mostly been dropped all 'round, there are general jab-mandates an' protocols (all lousy) for most schools / colleges / even summer programs in NYState... Thankfully the program my daughter will attend for summer will accept a sincere, home-written religious letter (exemption)-- but the CHD's online "help letters" don't help much unfortunately--is there a good free or low cost resource for such things? our beliefs are sincere (includin' that of the sanctity of the body) but for good quotes (in translation) I'm at a lack-- thanx fer any help! (blessin's yer way!)
People power! It really works!
Bills like this defy all logic. Unless you look at through the lens of satanic rituals and pedophiles!
On a sort of off topic point, I don’t know how many of you have ever typed the word “pedophile” in your iPhone (not sure about Android phones) but have you noticed that your phone doesn’t do it’s normal predictive text and if you spell it with an “F” instead of “ph” it knows its spelled incorrectly but it has no alternative spelling. This is abhorrent to me because it is just more evidence that all the tech companies are complicit in allowing pedophilia to perpetuate.
Praise the Lord.
I bet these senators and their reps either never bother to read the Bills that go over their desks, or don't have the time. 'Evan Almighty' comes to mind.