Has the nightmare just begun? PARAMEDICS SPEAK OUT💥Sudden advanced cancers. Likely, mass undiagnosed myocarditis. (And, does coffee cause blood clots?)
Some humor first and then the tragic reality. Paramedics last.
Note: For those who may be wondering why my posts start with “BS”D”, it’s the abbreviation for “Bisyata Dishmaya”, which means in Aramaic, “with the help of Heaven” (meaning G-d.) Starting each writing with those words strengthens our G-d consciousness and brings more success as we remember Who is enabling everything we try to accomplish.
You may have noticed that the last several days, I’m trying to bring you a lot of ammunition. I am hopeful because I know that there are people in many locations trying to bring the dangers that our babies are in to the attention of community leaders. If you aren’t yet one of them, please join. I hope that the powerful things that G-d is sending my way to share with you will help some decision makers and influencers to awaken and attempt to salvage what is left.
It looks like the world IS noticing the greatly increased rate of blood clots, heart attacks, and sudden death. Silly writers and “experts” are scrambling to come up with reasons. Of course, anything but the truth. Here, I circled some of my favorites.
The collection above didn’t include two of the best, though.
This isn’t satire. The above article quoted a British doctor who actually warned that drinking coffee could cause blood clots. Because caffeine dehydrates. Weird how we never noticed it until 2022.
I like what Jeff Childers wrote in his “Coffee and Covid” substack post on July 11:
In an Express “exclusive,” cherry-picked expert Professor Mark Whiteley warned caffeine can cause “sticky blood”, increasing the risk of a blood clot. “Dehydration affects the constituents of the blood, making blood thicker and more ‘sticky’,” the useless expert explained.
Quit smirking, tea drinkers, you didn’t dodge the bullet either. He also defamed tea. The Express reported Professor Whiteley noted tea – Britain’s favorite brew – also contains caffeine, “which actually causes you to lose water.” It wrings the H2O out of you, just like squeezing a moist dishrag.
And guess what else dehydrates you? The prof pointed out that ALCOHOL is also a terrific dehydrator.
You know what else makes you dehydrated? NOT DRINKING WATER FOR A FEW HOURS. Remember all those people getting blood clots after forgetting to hydrate at an endless JV volleyball tournament or something? Yeah, me neither.
Haha, the doctor also pointed out that dehydration — and sticky blood clots — can even come from an unexpected source — WATER: “over-drinking [water] can also cause problems,” Professor Whiteley warned.
Water causes blood clots! I’m not making that up!
Let me bottom line this for you: Blood clots must be getting so common that they are now blaming EVERYTHING. Everything causes blood clots. Air. Mosquitos….Express readers are, apparently, dumb enough to slurp up this conspicuous nonsense. I’m only going to say this once: Keep your mad theories but Leave Our Coffee Alone, Brits! Remember what happened last time!
Here is an excellent article from yesterday, which really illustrates what’s now happening in the world in terms of sudden deaths and cancers. Important for anyone who isn’t “out there” enough to be seeing it personally. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. And again, thank you to my Rabbi for sending this to me.
The Global Vaccine Nightmare Has Just Begun
What happens when 3 billion vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis?
Jul 12
I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young woman working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.
This last weekend, I had attended the funeral of an old friend. He was perfectly healthy too, and then he got late-stage pancreatic cancer — and he was gone a few months later.
That was the exact same story for another friend. He was healthy as a horse, until he wasn’t — because he too had suddenly developed late-stage pancreatic cancer.
Not to mention a young (and very fit) mother I know who just got a check-up, and was told that she too has suddenly developed aggressive cancer in her early 40s.
The perfectly healthy are getting bad cancers much too frequently now.
The perfectly healthy are dying suddenly.
What all of them shared was being vaccinated.
Steve Kirsch on Substack has conducted a survey (done by a third party) and the results are so disturbing that nobody in the corporate media will touch it.
Ten million Americans have heart injuries.
Ten million Americans had to be hospitalized after taking the vaccines.
Five million Americans can’t work after being vaccinated.
At least 600,000 Americans died after getting vaccinated.
More than 5 billion people have been injected with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine — so if we extrapolate a 6% heart injury/hospitalization rate from the survey, that would mean 300 million people have been effected.
If Dr. Malone is correct and a majority of vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis, that would mean 3 billion people are at serious risk of sudden cardiac death.
You can’t imagine it (and I can’t imagine it ) but if that really happens to even a tenth of 3 billion people in the next few years, then we are talking about a world-altering event.

If you’ve being paying attention on social media — or, most of all, on Substack — then you already know that this man-made disaster was happening on a vast scale because you’ve seen far too many posts of soccer players suddenly collapsing on the field, or young people hooked up to machines at the hospital after getting their first clot shot, just like me.
In fact, mortality rates for young people across Europe are rising dramatically — in yet another sign that the use of the experimental COVID vaccines should be halted immediately.
Healthy people are now dying so frequently and suddenly from heart failure that the totally corrupt corporate media has invented names like Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (“SADS”) to account for these obviously vaccine-related deaths.
Suddenly, toddlers are now having seizures after getting vaccinated as well.
As for vaccinated women who are pregnant, they are experiencing miscarriages and still births at much higher rates than in the past.
What has the American medical community done about this catastrophe? They have aided and abetted it the entire way.
They have taken the Big Pharma blood money and the Federal government’s blood money — and they have stayed silent while they injected your friends and family with these deadly vaccines and watched them die.
You know it — and I know it.
When their patients asked for ivermectin to treat COVID, they denied them those prescriptions and treated them like deviants for asking — and they strongly recommended they get vaccinated instead.
When injured people had the audacity to complain about their vaccine injuries, our doctors and nurses gaslighted them, or told them to stay silent, or told them they had no clue why they were having problems.
It’s the most shameful episode in the history of American medicine.
Sudden deaths. Infant seizures. Blood clots. Miscarriages. Heart attacks. Skyrocketing mortality rates. Declining birth rates.
You might think that the COVID virus has gone away, but the global vaccine nightmare has just begun.
Here is the link the Emerald’s original article:
💥💥💥Here are excerpts from the story that the Western Standard printed on Monday about the paramedics speaking out.
I want to mention that in the following article you will meet paramedics in Canada, who say that they were not busy during covid. They are obviously in an area that experienced few deaths during covid waves, and nevertheless their media lied, greatly exaggerating the situation, to sow fear.
HOWEVER, I personally am in NYC and am fully aware of the huge wave of illness and death in my community in Spring 2020. Let no one think that I minimize that. THE QUESTION IS, WHAT REALLY CAUSED THOSE DEATHS? We have the evidence that we were sickened and killed on purpose, to create fear and panic and make us run for salvation to a new mRNA injection not adequately proven to be safe or effective and with blaring danger signals.
Western Standard article:
EXCLUSIVE: Paramedics speak out about empty hospitals, probable vax injuries during COVID
By Matthew Horwood July 11, 2022
Link to original article: https://www.westernstandard.news/news/exclusive-paramedics-speak-out-about-empty-hospitals-probable-vax-injuries-during-covid/article_273993dc-0167-11ed-97d5-978f968c2e82.html
Paramedics say they transferred few COVID-19 patients during the early stages of the pandemic — despite media claims that hospitals were overwhelmed — but since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines they've seen a rise in heart attacks, strokes, and chronic infections.
"If I hadn't heard about COVID all day, every day in the news, I don't think I would have known that anything was any different," said Greg McTague, a paramedic of 25 years from Penticton, B.C. "It seems clear to me at this point, the vaccines are causing a lot more harm than the actual virus."
In response to an anonymous testimonial by an Atlanta, Georgia paramedic, who claimed to be seeing a huge increase in cardiac-related calls for vaccinated men aged 18-30, the Western Standard put out a call on Twitter to see if paramedics were experiencing something similar.
The Western Standard heard from more than a dozen healthcare workers, including six paramedics, three emergency dispatchers, two nurses, two firefighters, and an embalmer.
All said they'd begun seeing an increase in medical conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes, chronic infections, and women with menstrual issues, after the vaccines were rolled out.
But they said a culture of silence in the healthcare industry, particularly among doctors, was preventing the issues from being openly discussed.
Many healthcare workers said they feared they would lose their jobs for speaking out. The Western Standard chose to showcase the stories of three paramedics, one of whom chose not to share her identity.
'The vaccines are causing a lot more harm than the actual virus'
McTague said he wasn't busy during the pandemic's early stages. He claimed many people were so afraid of contracting COVID-19 they chose not to go the hospital, even if they were experiencing serious medical episodes.
McTague also said every patient that was brought into the hospital was labeled as having COVID-19, no matter what their symptoms were.
McTague said following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, he began seeing "weird stuff that I had never seen before." These included a woman in her 30s who suddenly went permanently blind, men under the age of 25 having heart attacks, and people having seizures for the first time later in life, which McTague said "usually happens when people are younger."
"I saw a few people that went blind, but her in particular, she was pretty young and healthy. People don't just suddenly go blind unless they get hit in the head or have a stroke. To just go blind, shortly after being vaccinated, I can't imagine what else that would be," McTague said.
Many of the people McTague saw with heart attacks and strokes, "didn't have the textbook presentations or symptoms."
"There was a guy in his in his 20s, who was a very fit, bodybuilder type. He woke up in the middle of the night screaming with chest pains. We couldn't even assess him because he couldn't talk to us. He was in so much pain and writhing around. I can't prove to you what caused that, but he had been vaccinated," McTague said.
McTague said because the majority of paramedics got vaccinated and "obviously felt an air of superiority," they are more likely to "turn a blind eye" to injuries that could have been caused by vaccines.
"They just say, 'it can't be the vaccine, because that's been proven safe and effective. So it's got to be something else,'" McTague said.
"Then people like me, we see these calls differently. We look at a patient with those presentations, and we think, 'we can't prove it, but maybe it was the vaccine,' and we are at least open-minded. Whereas the other people wouldn't even consider it as a possibility. Because they also don't want to admit they might have made a mistake."
McTague ended up losing his job in October of 2021 for not getting vaccinated. He said besides wishing he had gotten a full pension, he doesn't regret his decision. "I don't miss that job at all. And the way things are now, I don't think I could ever go back anyways," he said.
McTague said he believes the COVID-19 vaccines have caused more damage than the virus itself. "I'm not saying that there is no COVID virus, I just don't think it's any more serious than the average seasonal flu. And what the politicians have done is beyond stupid."
Elliot Axelman, a paramedic of eight years from New Hampshire, and author of Corona-Fascism, also claimed to not have been busy during the initial months of the pandemic. He said it appeared many were too afraid of getting COVID-19 to come to hospitals.
He said:
“I remember this one guy, we were bringing him back to a nursing home, and he had beaten COVID. He was 85 years-old, with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, CHF, COPD, and other issues, and he'd had COVID and got over it. I thought, 'he's the ideal guy this disease is supposed to kill,'" Axelman said.
Axelman claimed hospitals in the U.S. over counting COVID-19 patients "by potentially tenfold." He claimed the PCR tests were done at 45 cycles instead of the recommended 25, resulting in a higher number of false positives and they used an overly broad list of symptoms for COVID-19 that ended up including people with other illnesses.
Additionally, Axelman said for every COVID-19 positive patient a hospital admitted, they received around $13,000 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS). When a hospital would put a patient on a ventilator, the hospital would also received approximately $39,000 from the CMS.
Axelman said he's heard of an increase in cardiac-related calls in young men since the COVID-19 vaccine was rolled out. One case that stuck out to Axelman was a 17-year old boy that came with chest pain and dizziness two days after his second shot. Axelman said the boy had elevated Troponin levels, which is a protein released into the blood after a heart attack.
"I was talking to the attending doctor in the ER. And she was freaked out," Axleman said. "She was like, 'I've seen a lot of these cases in the last few weeks.' And I asked, 'so young males with myocarditis after the second shot?' And she's like, 'Yeah.'"
Axelman said while most cells in the human body can regenerate, brain and heart cells cannot. "When they die, they're dead forever. And that's the issue with heart failure. It's always progressive. It never really gets better."
Since the vaccine rollout, Axelman said he has also seen a huge increase in females with "weird" issues with their menstrual cycles. He's heard of women experiencing heavy or irregular periods, and even cases where women who have already went through menopause got their periods again.
"You don't need to be a genius to know that the same system that affects the period, is the one that impacts fertility and pregnancy," he said.
A paramedic of 18 years from Southern Ontario, who refused to divulge her full name because of fears she could lose her job, said the call volume for paramedics was reduced during the first months of the pandemic.
"Everybody was so scared, they were all staying home. But we were not seeing people sick with COVID-19," she said. The paramedic said they were busier during that winter, but the call volume was still lower than previous years. "The only thing that was different than a normal flu season was that patients' oxygen saturation would be lower. But we never saw any young people. These were all 80 year-old, bedridden people [who] were dying," she said.
The paramedic said during the third wave of COVID-19, they kept hearing on the news that "Toronto hospitals were overwhelmed and they were using ambulances to transport people to surrounding hospitals."
But after they signed up for a hospital transfer shift, they would "sit there for 12 hours." "I did one transfer out of a Brampton hospital, but that was it. They eventually cancelled the program because nobody needed to be transferred out of the hospital," they said.
“But then I would go home and hear on the news that hospitals were overwhelmed, and yet I had just been to the ICU that day, and seen that the place was half empty. And I thought 'what is going on here? Where are all the COVID patients?”
The paramedic also claimed that screening for COVID-19 was extremely broad, and any patient with "nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shivers, or shortness of breath" was labelled as COVID positive.
“And that's considered to be everybody. So if you had a breathing problem because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you were considered COVID positive. I don't know if that's how it worked for the hospital numbers, but that's how we would treat it when we were dispatched," they said.
The paramedic said during the Omicron wave of last winter, when "everybody I knew got sick with COVID," virtually nobody was sick enough to be transferred to hospitals. "I would say I saw three people that maybe died in 2021, but they were all over 75 years-old and had all the comorbidities. Three people for a whole year. I work full-time in a busy service where I'm doing eight calls a shifts," she said.
But the paramedic said since the vaccine was rolled out, they have seen a large increase in young people experiencing chest pain right after getting vaccinated.
They have also seen an uptick in middle-aged people suffering from strokes, and an "enormous amount of people in their 50s and 60s with new-onset heart arrhythmias."
"I have to do a very thorough history. They'll tell me these problems started a month ago, and then a couple questions later they'll say they got their fourth vaccine dose around that same time.
“I can't tell you how many healthy, older people have gotten their third and four doses, and now they've got these new cardiac issues. It just seems really obvious to me. I don't see unvaccinated people getting this sick."
The paramedic also claimed to be seeing older people with chronic infections that "just keep getting worse and worse."
"They tell me 'I just keep getting worse. I don't know what's going on. I can't get up anymore. I'm weak, I'm nauseated all the time, and I've got his chronic infection I can't seem to recover from.'"
"I've been working for 18 years, and the majority of my patients now are in their last few weeks of life," the paramedic said.
"They're just dying. They're all so, so sick. It's just this general decline in the population."
End of quoted article.
Remember, there IS treatment to help people already vaccinated, whether they’re already suffering injury or just want to try to prevent sudden death or heart attack. Please see my article from last Friday. I do not earn any money on the products I recommended, and only wish to help avert tragedies.
Please spread this and save lives. Keep praying to the Creator and trying your best.
Excellent work, Brucha. This is a grim read, but it is useful. Thanks for doing it.
Here's one you haven't heard: A healthy college student dying of joy https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/university-student-dies-joy-after-27613873