You are wrong about Reb S. Cohen. This comes to show how you are exploiting and creating fear . The family is asking you to please not use his name for this propaganda

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One more thing. Remember, just 80 years ago, people who escaped being murdered in Nazi occupied Poland and fled to Hungary tried to wake up their fellow Jews there, urging them to escape before it was too late. No less a person than the young future Bobover Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, who was himself a Polish refugee, was THROWN OUT OF SHUL when he banged on the podium on Shabbos to try to get a chance to speak the truth and warn the crowd about the Nazi atrocities! Then, as now, those who tried to alert others and save lives were accused of spreading fear and were suppressed and scorned.

Why don’t we learn a lesson?!?

When someone risks themselves and sacrifices so much in order to warn you of danger for the sake of no personal gain, why would you choose to ignore the warning???

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It is not my desire to cause anyone pain, but only to save lives.

I get Rabbinical guidance and act according to Torah requirements. The highest value in the Torah is placed on SAVING LIVES.

It is pointless to get drawn into a debate but for all the readers here I need to state clearly:

1) R’ S. Cohen himself stated that he was vaxxed. I also spoke personally to someone who knew him well.

2) It is unfortunately extremely common for families to deny their relative’s vaxxed status after a tragedy, or to become very upset at the insinuation that the vax harmed him. This is happening so much of the time. I DON’T understand why. People have an opportunity to save lives! WHY wouldn’t they use the opportunity?

It’s tragic because then other people don’t find out about the dangers and blindly follow and also get hurt.

If everyone who had been hurt or lost a relative would tell it to the world loud and clear then many less people would have died.

3) I gain nothing financially from devoting my life to saving lives. I am working on a volunteer basis full time to try to save humanity.

So, why would anyone believe that I am trying to “exploit and create fear” when there is no basis for fear?

I gain nothing.

I wish that there was nothing to be afraid of and I could go back to a normal life and not have to sacrifice everything to be involved in this on a constant basis - but I am a personal witness that this is simply untrue.

I am constantly being contacted by people whose lives or those of their loved ones have been ruined by the “vaccine” and who are in desperate need of help.

Yes, I AM trying to arouse necessary fear of the poison, but this is not “propaganda”. This is called saving lives.

4) “Propaganda” denotes lies, spreading hype like the government does, with no basis in reality.

That is exactly the wrong term to use for the factual information that I disseminate.

The “vaccine” is creating death and destruction everywhere it goes.

Anyone who stated that this is propaganda clearly is uninformed, so I suggest they read the other articles on my site.

Here are a couple quick stats:

-All-cause mortality rates are much higher among vaccinated individuals.

-Spikes in covid cases and covid death follow vaccine rollouts. The vaccine ruins the body’s natural immune system by creating highly specific antibodies which overpower the regular antibodies which can fight a whole variety of pathogens.

- All over the place, including in the Jewish communities, young and middle aged healthy people are dying suddenly.

-Healthy young athletes, who were forced to vaccinate, are dropping dead on fields like never before.

-Miscarriages and stillbirths are through the roof.

-The birthrate for the first quarter of 2022, nine months after young people started being injected, is way down in many different countries.

- The CDC reporting database shows close to 30,000 deaths after the covid shots, including 120 in children. There was NEVER a vaccine that had reports anywhere near this, EVER. When a medical treatment is correlated with 25-50 deaths, it is PULLED OFF THE MARKET. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? And still, no investigation, and now they’re injecting 6 month old babies with this shot for a disease that never was a danger to them.

Who that is not blind does not see a problem here?

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thanks for this. i'm sharing that great 1942/2022 flyer you made. who is singing that beautiful song?

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You’re welcome and thank you so much for sharing the flyer.

I don’t know the name of the singer whose song was used for the background music. (I didn’t create the video.) The music is indeed beautiful, and haunting.

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