Pride was satan's downfall and now even with factual and even anecdotal proof lining up, nobody wants to admit they were wrong...including those who took the shots. Those who conspired to experiment on a global population are laughing all the way to the bank because their impunity is guaranteed. The Word says....good will be seen as evil and evil will be seen as good.

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We are clearly living in the end times! Zephaniah 2:3 comes to mind!

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Israel became Pfizsrael.

My only question is whether Bibi was a dupe like Trump, was coerced, or was a willing participant.

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My understanding is he had a deal with Pfizer. He has a financial stake in this. Most regrettable.

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definitely participated with Pfizer. Sold off Israeli data to Pfizer for a chance to make Israelis the world's live laboratory. When his agreement with them was FOIA'd, the bulk of it was redacted.

And there's something about Hydroxychloroquine he did too but my memory is fuzzy--something about ordering a huge supply and keeping it locked in a warehouse until the shots were rolled out. I don't want to misspeak so i won't be definitive but i do remember he did something really shady regarding the HCQ. Bibi is a crook and a globalist prostitute.

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Modi from India sent a warehouse full of HCQ to Israel. It’s still there. The Pfizer contract forbade any other therapies being used.

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How was Trump duped? He had all the right people giving him the right information. He caved like a frightened mouse.

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I don't know what planet you're living on, but if you read Birx's book, she says it straight our that they lied to Trump. That's called treason and yet she is now the head of a biopharma company while Fauci counts his royalties from shares in Moderna and Remdesivir.

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Dr Atlas told him the truth but Trump made the choice to ignore him and go with Birx's BS.

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Now even Gauci has been FAOci’d.

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Living in NYC throughout the insanity many family, friends Jewish it was eye opening

I couldn’t believe how many jews in NYC were rabid supporters of illegal restrictions upon those who refused to get the jab.

I could not grasp how my Jewish circle could not draw any parallels from history. How stigmatizing groups of people as clean or unclean (in this case vax or not) was how tyranny worked. Having to show papers to eat a bowl of pasta at your local restaurant and so on.

They not only seemed incapable to understand how what was happening was what happened in Nazi Germany, with different human targets, but were actually outraged that I would suggest there might be a connection.

That did not go so far as to call me an anti semite, as they knew it would be laughable, but it got close

When they banned me and others in the family, who were Jewish from their homes, events because we were not jabbed, they still could not connect any of it to how Nazi Germany happened

To this day, it still blows me away that NYC, predominantly Jewish, not only got on board with the vax, but were rabid in supporting a two tier world

Yes, I am well aware this was not the same response throughout the Jewish community, but the Jewish in name only, had little respect for those who actually tried to live the faith.

How can it be a wide swath of Jewish people, including those in Israel, seemed incapable of not only learning from history, but their actual history. They could not connect the dots. For them getting vax and punishing those that didn’t was right and just

Crazy times we live in

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Why did so many Jews in NYC and Israel not only go along with it but became sort of ‘brown shirts’?

I don’t know for sure. But my thoughts, still a work in progress, that many Jews, are in name only. For the benefits it provides and as a weapon to shut up anyone who calls them out

Their belief in God, or how they believe in Him makes little sense, and if you probe beyond that they get mad.

To use biblical terms they are sort of ‘Babylon Jews’.

All so smart. Elite educated. At least my circle. Do the Jewish holy days, but more a get together then anything else and a reminder to everyone else that they are Jewish

“Stiff necked” is how God described many of them. How so many in NYC and Israel went along with the vax and were on board for a two tier society, seems the more things change the more they don’t

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I watched Israel from the beginning of this pandemic, hoping it would be a beacon of light and truth; because, the Israeli government would never knowingly harm its own people, right? After thousands of years of brutal persecution, the Jews living in Israel were finally safe and protected, right? I couldn’t have been more wrong. I just don’t get it. Honestly, that’s been one of the most bitter pills for me to swallow.

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Bibi was vital for Trump warp speed to go world wide fast perfect set up for a Jewish govt to jab the Jews with a German tonic so the world will say, then it must be good for us all

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Thanks for this Brucha. Do you know the rates for Palestinians? All along I was thinking they were fortunate to be "deprived" of these shots. I have a relative, 42 year old rabbi in Israel who died of a massive heart attack and a friend I grew up with had an aggressive cancer. I follow Ilana Rachel Daniel and the testimony project and the orthodox rabbis in NYC who listened to 8 hours of testimonies and declared the shots against Halacha for pregnant women and children. Heartbreaking.

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I don't think that their families are aware of the cause.

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This is an excellent expose…sad and alarming, but we must live in truth.

Thank you for your constant reporting vigilance.

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And IIBR/NRx’ promising alternative.. BriLife.. was blocked. Bibi knows.

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Start listening to Netanyahu's plan for Israelis at the 52 minute mark.



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Overall in absolute numbers is the jewish population of Israel rising or falling?

The absolute number dying of cardiac arrest is not that large. The total number of excess deaths and significantly permanently injured may be significant

and may be noticable

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Is the Israeli government anti-Semitic?

Well it would be just as germane to ask if bears defecate in the woods? However, the question would be better titled to ask whether the Israeli government is anti-Jewish. One can also answer that with a yes. Or even better, is the Israeli government anti-humanity. We once again come up with a yes.

The state of Israel was planned and founded using the Zionist ideology which only began in the 19th century by the Rothschild banking cartel. While purportedly Jewish, in reality, the Rothschild cabal is practicing Luciferian (or Satanist), but let’s not quibble. (Actually the great Austrian mystic, Rudolf Steiner, asserted that the two were quite different multidimensional individuals with different “personalities,” but neither are nice guys.) The term Semitic is derived from Shem, one of Noah’s sons, all of whom where directed to move to different parts of MENA and repopulate the planet after the Great Flood. A fabulous job if you can get it, at least at a younger age. But the harsh reality is that the vast majority of Israeli Jews are Ashkenazi and descended from the 9th century Khazarian empire. The top dog of this empire wanted to expand his business from simply robbing spice road caravans to money lending, but he faced a big problem which is that Islam and Christianity (at the time) both strictly forbade usury, which is truly defined as lending money at any interest rate. He discovered that the Jewish religion did not forbid this activity, so he and all his aristocracy converted. As Khazaria was basically Turkic in both language and genetics, they certainly weren’t Semites, though there was a small Jewish exile community in the area from the Diaspora.

The bottom line is that only a small minority of Jewish Israelis are probably Semites, the Sephardic Jews, and they incidentally are quite discriminated against, at least when I was there for a year in the 60s. The fact that the government excepted the Palestinian population (totally Semitic) from the clotshot mandates is interesting, and something I didn’t know. I guess they felt that they wouldn’t pass "the virus” to the Jews being of a different species. Sounds like sound science to me, at least as sound as the FDA, CDC, and NIH. (Another theory being that the Palestinians had an unwarranted lack of confidence in the beneficence of the Zionist government, and would have vigorously resisted have the glopshot going into the their arms, and perhaps setting a bad example for the Jewish community.)

But I would simplify have titled the lead question to "Is the Israeli Government anti-Humanity" which I would also assert to be a strong yes.

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The stupidity of this fairy tale about the Khazars is intolerable. Many people might not know how to refute the rubbish, but this time, you promoted your anti semitic slurs to the wrong audience.

I guess that you didn’t realize that I am an Ashkenazi Jewish woman. I know exactly who I come from. Hanging on my dining room wall is a family tree. I know every single generation back to the great Sage Rabenu Zerachya HaLevi, born in Gerona, Catalonia in 1131 - and even to HIS great grandfather ShemTov Yitzhari born in Girona in 1035. These ancestors knew they descended from the exiles from Jerusalem at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple, and before that, from the Biblical Yitzhar, son of Kehat, son of Levi, son of Jacob.

Or, on a different branch of the tree, I know every generation back to the great Sage Rashi in 11th century Worms, who knew that he came from Rabi Yochanan HaSandlar, who came from King David himself.

Thus, I can trace my lineage back to the Patriarchs and even to the beginning of creation.

Also, we have Kohanim (the priestly family) among us, that trace their lineage and bloodlines to Aharon - and their DNA tests prove it.

How about writing on a subject you actually know something about, instead of parading your abysmal ignorance for all to see, as you insult me and my people with falsehoods?

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I'm an Ashkenazi Jew as well, and I find merit in the Khazarian hypothesis. From the handful of books I read on the subject, the evidence is rather compelling. But then, even after the destruction of the second temple, the overwhelming majority of Jews in the Roman Empire was converts. Back then, out of 5 million Jews (25% of the empire's population), perhaps 10% had thier linage hailed directly from the ancient Israelites.

Thanks for the great work.

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Please do become more educated. First of all, when people know where they come from, they don’t need a “hypothesis” to tell them. This whole discussion bears similarity to evolutionists giving us a “hypothesis” that we evolved from monkeys, G-d forbid. No thank you. We have an unbroken chain of tradition passed down from parent to child since our entire Nation received the Torah at Mt. Sinai (and since Creation.) We know exactly who we are.

Secondly, if you will study it better, you will learn how historically illogical and impossible the “hypothesis” is. And, notice that it is promoted by Jew-haters. That tells you everything you need to know.

Those who promulgate this made-up idea are virulent foaming-at-the-mouth anti Semites that want to show how they really have nothing against the “genuine Jews” [who are of course, nowhere to be found] and it’s just these usurpers, these “Khazarian Jews” they hate so horribly, for not being the REAL thing”.

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Aug 8, 2023
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We don’t debate with heretics.

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Khazar story is b.s. most converted by force or decree discard it later . Ashkenazi themselves are mingled and not all same anyway. To simplify it's b.s. nature, there is suppressed info. After Soviet union crumbled, archaeology was allowed at north west side of Caspian at khazar capital city ruins the khazars are just one tiny piece of lost tribes of Israel thus authentic Jews whether religious or pagans. What really counts is God's law in Bible of who is a Jew. Even a person of Jewish ancestors is cut off of being a Jew by God if he goes against God, Israel or the Jewish people. So most lefty Jews are not Jews in God's eyes.

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Too long to comment on Ashkenazi Jews as it's quite complicated but Israel Jews are 70% Sephardic and mizrachi. Ashkenazi are a minority but do have power.

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The majority of Jews in Israel are of Sephardic descent. As for the rest, your knowledge of history is shallow at best, so better devote your energy to other subject matter.

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......wouldn’t pass "the virus” to the Jews being of a different species. Sounds like sound science to me, at least as sound as the FDA, CDC, and NIH. (Another theory being that the Palestinians had an unwarranted lack of confidence in the beneficence of the Zionist government, and would have vigorously resisted having the glopshot going into the their arms, and perhaps setting a bad example for the Jewish community.)

But I would simply have titled the lead question to "Is the Israeli Government anti-Humanity" which I would also assert to be a strong yes.

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