How to fight the horrible NY Bill A6761/S8352, (Minor Consent Law) which will be voted on anytime very soon: Here are the legislators’ contacts!
Please call them! And don’t forget to ask the Creator of the world to foil their plans! (That’s what will truly help.)
Remember: Bill A6761 says that a child of any age can make their OWN decisions about having surgery, without telling their parents. It says that a child can take any drug or injection without their parents’ approval. This bill removes all parental authority and decision making from where it belongs – with the child’s parents. Unfortunately, the ones who will influence children’s decisions are government, social workers and guidance counselors, peers, media, etc. There could hardly be a greater nightmare.
For more background on what the bill is about, please see my previous article:
Here is the contact information for the principal legislators in the fight for A6761/S8352.
Use this link to send messages to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to A6761/S8352:
Contact your State Senator and Assemblymember to express your opposition to A6761/S8352. Look them up here:
Call A6761/S8352 sponsors Reyes and Senator Rachel May Tell them you oppose this insane bill and ask why the official description of the bill is inaccurate (more info below).
Asm. Karines Reyes, Sponsor, (718) 931-2620, (518) 455-5102
LOB 327, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @karinesreyes87
Senator Rachel May, Sponsor (518) 455-2838, (315) 478-8745
Legislative Office Building, Room 803
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-2838
Call the legislature’s leadership Ask them to oppose this insane bill.
Carl Heastie, Speaker of the Assembly
LOB 932, Albany, NY 12248
(518) 455-3791, (718) 654-6539
Twitter/X: @carlheastie
Amy Paulin, Chair, Assembly Health Committee
(518) 455-5585, (914) 723-1115, sponsor
LOB 822, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @AmyPaulin
Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Majority Leader
Albany: (518) 455-2585, District: (914) 423-4031
Twitter: @AndreaSCousins
Gustavo Rivera, Chair, Senate Health Committee
Capitol 502C
Albany: (518) 455-3395, District: (718) 933-2034
Twitter: @NYSenatorRivera
The following members of the Assembly and State Senate have signed on as co-sponsors for the bill. Please call their offices and politely ask them to reconsider their sponsorship and ask them if they understand that the bill is inaccurate and contrary to the official description.
Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn: 518-455-5385, (718) 940-0428,
LOB 727, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @NYSBichotteHerm
Linda Rosenthal: (518) 455-5802, (212) 873-6368, Co-Sponsor
LOB 943, Albany, NY 12248
No Twitter
No Facebook
Andrew Hevesi: (518) 455-4926, (718) 263-5595, Co-Sponsor
LOB 626, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @AndrewHevesi
Jeffrey Dinowitz: (518) 455-5965, (718) 796-5345, Co-Sponsor
LOB 632, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter; @JeffreyDinowitz
Chris Burdick, (518) 455-5397, (914) 244-4450,
LOB 417
Albany, NY 12248
Twitter/X: @BurdickAD93
Yudelka Tapia, (5180 455-5511, (718) 933-6909
LOB 432
Albany, NY 12248
Harvey Epstein, (518) 455-5506, (212) 979-9696
LOB 419
Albany, NY 12248
Rebecca Seawright, (518) 455-5676, (212) 288-4607
LOB 744
Albany, NY 12248
Twitter/X: @SeawrightForNY
Assemblymember JoAnne Simon, (518) 455-5426, (718) 246-4889
LOB 435
Albany, NY 12248
And in the State Senate please call:
Senator Kristen Gonzalez (518) 455-3250, (718) 765-6674
Legislative Office Building, Room 817
Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @Gonzalez4NY
Senator Samra Brouk
Legislative Office Building, Room 812
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-2215
Please do this to save our children’s futures!
G-d bless you!
Please share!
ALSO, join the rally against dangerous bills in Albany on Tuesday this week if you can:
Save Our Kids!
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Rally, East Capitol Park, 10 am
Capitol doors open at 9
Albany, NY
fyi the first link is no longer live. And a law school student informed me that “infant” is actually a legal term for anyone under 18. I’d assume this to be true, otherwise absurdly nonsensical—which of course it still is! Thank you for your work Brucha💗
There is a treaty called the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Only the US and Somalia have not ratified that treaty. As recent as the Obama administration (Hilary Clinton) they have tried to pass it here in the US but it failed. So they are bypassing the treaty process with laws like this bill you describe coming for a vote in NY.