How interesting and disturbing. While in my 30s I often had benign, fluid filled cysts develop on my ovaries which would occasionally burst and cause a lot of pain. Lupron was offered to me as an option for treatment by my obgyn. I could not imagine going to such an extreme - basically shutting down my ovaries for a period of time. Thankfully God put someone in my path who had taken it briefly. She said that Lupron caused her to gain 30lbs and cry nonstop for 3 months. That was all I needed to know. And there was no mention of all these horrible side effects you’ve written about here by my doctor. Just wow. Unbelievable.

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Call me 'crazy,' but it's my contention that all these drugs are being used intentionally to screw up children and our future generations in the name of 'gender affirming care'... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/gender-affirming-surgery-is-an-attack?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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note the Cleveland clinic warns men about Lupron on their cancer side. But fails to warn those who are choosing to change their gender. think about that.

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They. Don't. Care. It's a feature, not a flaw. A very necessary paradigm change to view these topics. It's Eugenics. Buck v. Bell "three generations of imbeciles is enough" sterilization of imbeciles. Historically paired with euthanasia. Eugenics. Master race stuff.

Buck v. Bell was slightly restrained in Oklahoma v. Skinner, where consent to sterilization was taken into account. Not absolute. But increased weighting. Buck v. Bell eugenics sterilizations of imbeciles was upheld as recently as 2003. Was often cited in upholding pandemic mandates for masks and vaccines, along with Jacobson.

Buck v. Bell gets little to no coverage, unlike Roe v. Wade, yet it's even more dangerous to more people. Buck v. Bell was raised by defendants at Nuremberg Crimes Against Humanities Subsequent trials. "But you Americans do it, what's the big deal?" The Nazi doctors and judges on trial had a point.

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Journal of Special Education/Catholic Culture, 2002


This is why incredibly dangerous drugs are given to kids, along with incredibly dangerous "gender-affirming" surgeries. "Gender-affirming" is Madison Avenue's marketing and advertising makeover for Buck v. Bell's "sterilization of imbeciles" eugenics. By who the old HBO show "Madmen" appropriately described. Marketing sterilization like cosmetics, soap and cars to bypass Skinner's consent obstacle. So the imbeciles would demand their own sterilization as their right, even as impressionable minors, unrestrained by parents. Accompanied by the occasional euthanasia side effect, even better for the eugenicists.

And Buck v. Bell isn't just eugenics for the imbeciles. It's the pathway to eliminating any "undesirable" DNA from society, including entire races, political opposition (asocial defiance), etc. using advanced technology.

Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:

Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Equity, January, 2020


Buck v Bell, one of the Supreme Court’s worst mistakes

BioEdge - Bioethics News from Around the World, February 22, 2016


When you understand it's the goal, the real agenda, you realize that the current approach to fighting these atrocities is insufficient to the threat. Call it what it is: Eugenics. Sterilization of imbeciles. Not my words. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's writing for the 8-1 majority.

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thank you, brucha, for summarising this and bringing it to our attention. wow!

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A gazillion percent!!! G-d bless you for keeping us informed.

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Thank you for this well researched article. I am impressed and will share it with my friends and with other substack authors.

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It’s A Midwestern Doctor who gets the real credit. 😊

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