The WHO treaty is quite possibly the worst treaty of our lifetimes and is being supported by all the elitist institutions and richest oligarchs. Fortunately, we now have a real chance of stopping it.
Thank you Brucha for keeping us focussed on this important issue. What I find simple & easy to do is print off stickers (address labels you can get from any stationery store) with short, clear messages and a web address (or two) to useful articles. Next time you go to the shops you quietly place them on the inside of toilet cubicles (you can shut yourself inside while you're doing it). Of course they get removed eventually, but many people will see them first. They can take a photo of the weblinks if they are interested to know more.
It seems to me that unless the Senate DOES ratify it, it is not binding, because that is what the Constitution requires. And as it is being presented as something other than a treaty, it would be void ab initio. So if Biden decides to sign it anyway, court proceeding will probably kill any enforcement. And how DO they plan to enforce it? Whose guns will they point in people's faces? They don't have an army. So unless people cooperate wholesale, it may not have much effect. Will people cooperate? Time will tell.
The link below contains a video of the attempted Fico assignation that we did not see because it was taken down. Ole Dammegard, who has been examining false flags, other operations, and predictive programming for decades, shows this video and raises some interesting questions. Even in the short video that circulated - what stood out was the lack of response of some people in the crowd to the noise of the gun and the failure to cover Fico - all protective service guys ran to the shooter. See about 30 min in the video below.
Did a ‘Public Lynching’ Prepare for the Danish Stock Market Fire?
Thank you Brucha for keeping us focussed on this important issue. What I find simple & easy to do is print off stickers (address labels you can get from any stationery store) with short, clear messages and a web address (or two) to useful articles. Next time you go to the shops you quietly place them on the inside of toilet cubicles (you can shut yourself inside while you're doing it). Of course they get removed eventually, but many people will see them first. They can take a photo of the weblinks if they are interested to know more.
It seems to me that unless the Senate DOES ratify it, it is not binding, because that is what the Constitution requires. And as it is being presented as something other than a treaty, it would be void ab initio. So if Biden decides to sign it anyway, court proceeding will probably kill any enforcement. And how DO they plan to enforce it? Whose guns will they point in people's faces? They don't have an army. So unless people cooperate wholesale, it may not have much effect. Will people cooperate? Time will tell.
They already have!
The link below contains a video of the attempted Fico assignation that we did not see because it was taken down. Ole Dammegard, who has been examining false flags, other operations, and predictive programming for decades, shows this video and raises some interesting questions. Even in the short video that circulated - what stood out was the lack of response of some people in the crowd to the noise of the gun and the failure to cover Fico - all protective service guys ran to the shooter. See about 30 min in the video below.
Did a ‘Public Lynching’ Prepare for the Danish Stock Market Fire?