Brucha…it may be a good idea to have him on again and ask him to be clear about how this works (basically a free sample from a distributor)…versus $200 for a kit. Obviously, people should not be expected to provide free treatments. Also, it may very well be that I already have the ingredients as I prepare many of my own remedies…I know…
Brucha…it may be a good idea to have him on again and ask him to be clear about how this works (basically a free sample from a distributor)…versus $200 for a kit. Obviously, people should not be expected to provide free treatments. Also, it may very well be that I already have the ingredients as I prepare many of my own remedies…I know these are some excellent things to have on hand: food grade hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, DMSO, lipo vitamin c, etc. So, that is another reason I was hoping to know what the ingredients are. He said there are 4 bottles…I know one is food grade hydrogen peroxide…but what are the others or can you not say? Is there a distributor in Virginia? BTW…thanks for all you are doing to share the truth!
Brucha…it may be a good idea to have him on again and ask him to be clear about how this works (basically a free sample from a distributor)…versus $200 for a kit. Obviously, people should not be expected to provide free treatments. Also, it may very well be that I already have the ingredients as I prepare many of my own remedies…I know these are some excellent things to have on hand: food grade hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, DMSO, lipo vitamin c, etc. So, that is another reason I was hoping to know what the ingredients are. He said there are 4 bottles…I know one is food grade hydrogen peroxide…but what are the others or can you not say? Is there a distributor in Virginia? BTW…thanks for all you are doing to share the truth!
Oops I had replied earlier without seeing your second comment.
Yes it would be good to have him on again.
I don’t know the test of the ingredients, I wish I did.
I think the people that are distributors do know but can’t say, for reasons of protection as we mentioned.