The president of Georgia has been threatened, told he needs to cooperate, with a reference to Fico

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Wow where can we read more about that?

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May 24Liked by Brucha Weisberger


This is what is going on Georgia. The West wants the right to act with impunity anywhere and everywhere, and Georgia's minor effort to shine a spotlight on the flow of foreign (aka EU and US) money funding internal political interference is existential to them.

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Wow this is very important. Thank you.

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There are black-pillers around who want to say Geula is not really on the cusp, it's just another horrific war, and so forth, who ignore what is going on all around us. Regardless of their doubt, the world is a tinder box about to ignite. Tomorrow will be like today, until it won't.

They (whoever they are) are clearly desperate. This was always going on, but never so brazenly, and at such a frenzied pace.

Here is a first-hand report from a son who spent a year in America and returned recently B"H. Not in a Jewish area either. The nearest Chabad is 30 minutes away. Semi-rural county with lots of farmland northwest of Los Angeles about 90 minutes by car on the 101 (most of the way).

He worked in security here before going there. He considered finding work there as a security guard (readily available to a Jew with his background) somewhere but said he was scared of Americans (for some definition of American; there are many immigrants and ethnicities) and how unpredictable and angry they are, and that he could be killed at any moment for the most trivial of reasons.

In semi-rural Ventura County! Bucolic today, and formerly idyllic. There are certainly decent people there, but it too sounds like a tinderbox. I doubt this mood is limited to the area he was in. It is probably representative of much of America.

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This is true, but as is easily observed, the Covid narrative is shifting, and what he said in no way threatened his life.

His stance and threats on restraining EU and Nato ability to act in Ukraine and against Russia were what actually made him a marked man.

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Thank you, Brucha! 🙌❤️👏

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What a truly good human. Thank you, sir, so very much for speaking out and taking action.

And then there is youtube with their BS notice in blue right underneath the vid.....unbelievably shameful.

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😢😭😢😭😢😭 I'm so sick of all of this mess! People (in general) are so much more hateful now. If they find out you think differently than them, you are a marked person, in one way or another.

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