Ohio Toxic Bomb Update Part 1
What we have learned as of now, and how to help protect yourself.
This is a Twitter Spaces discussion now, at 9 PM Eastern time tonight, that some good people I know are going to be on.
Residents of East Palestine have been exposed to toxic chemicals, so what now?
Tonight, Mon., Feb. 20, join us in Twitter Spaces as we speak with doctors, OSHA trained experts & Ohioans about what to do next to protect themselves now & in the future.

Next: I have learned a lot and been through a LOT since I last posted. I’m not a scientist in any way, so without pretending to be one or taking responsibility, I’ll share what I have.
First I’ll start with positive: here are some very encouraging things I got - guides to detoxing from dioxin. So dioxin isn’t a death sentence.
Here are excerpts from the link above. There’s so much more there, so be sure to open it.
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁/𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
- Anthocyanin rich foods
- Turmeric
- Cacao beans or nibs
- Organic Matcha Tea
- Propolis from the Baccharis dracunculifolia plant
- Resveratrol (purple/red grapes, cacao, blueberres, cranberries, organic red wine or japanese knotroot extract are good sources)- Pomegranate peel tea or extract (which has a long list of additional health benefits)
𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘅 (𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀):
- Spirulina
- Turmeric
- Organic matcha tea (or green tea)- Pomegranate peel tea or extract (which has a long list of additional health benefits)
- Sea Vegetables/Seaweed or Kelp (such as Nori, Wakame and Kombu)
- Cilantro
- Pine Needle Tea
- Mustard greens (such as "Komatsuna")
- Parsley
- Cacao beans or nibs
- Quercetin (green tea, pine needle tea, Tulsi, kale, goji berries, hot peppers, onions and apples are good sources)
- Reservatrol (purple/red grapes, cacao, blueberres, cranberries, organic red wine or japanese knotroot extract are good sources)
- Mitsuba
- Milk thistle
- Schisandra chinensis berry extract
- Garlic Scapes or "Chinese chives"
- Perilla
- Chrysanthemums (such as "Shungiku")
- Bok choy
- Onion
- Cabbage (especially when fermented)
𝗗𝗶𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗻 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗱 / 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗯 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵:
- A variety of vegetables reduce the absorption and enhance excretion of dioxin : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10396873/
- Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplementation decreases dioxin:
- Cacao polyphenol extract suppresses dioxin-induced toxicity:
- Protective effect of curcumin on immune system impacted by dioxin toxicity:
- Curcumin reduces oxidative stress associated with exposure to dioxin:
- Curcumin and resveratrol attenuates dioxin toxicity:
- Matcha green tea was able to lower gastrointestinal tract absorption of dioxin in this animal study:
- Propolis from Baccharis dracunculifolia exhibits suppressive effects against dioxin toxicity:
- Strategies to support detoxification of dioxins:
https://bioclinicnaturals.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/BCN-Detox-TechEdSheet-POPs-FA-NoTrims.pdfBelow I have added info that was shared in a comment made by Roman S Shapoval regarding the benefits of healthy fats in assisting with Dioxin detox as well as info from the following post regarding the Chaga mushroom and it’s potential benefits in mitigating the damage of the toxic chemicals that were dispersed in Ohio (such as vinyl chloride).
“Since dioxin is fat-soluble, certain fats in the diet can help with chelation, such as grassfed clarified butter. I make it at home, super easy. Just simmer butter until it foams, keep simmering for 20 minutes, then strain through a cheesecloth. Shelf-stable forever.
FYI: In one study with 88 subjects, 48 of them underwent a 7-day detox of ingesting ghee (clarified butter) while on a no fat, meat or dairy diet. The researchers measured 9 different environmental PCB dioxin toxins and 8 pesticide toxins.”
They saw a significant reduction in the 9 PCBs and the 8 pesticides after the 7-day ghee protocol: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12233802/
The author links this post and adds excerpts from it:
From above: “Above all, vinyl chloride will attack the liver. It is most rapidly fatal through breathing with a sufficiently large volume of it, however, it produces the most damage over the longer term via the liver.”
..This would be a clear pointer to daily use of Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) tea as it is very liver protective as has been established over a number of studies over these last 100 years. And we specifically note in the article at the link below, that Chaga prevents, reduces, and eliminates liver cancers in a general sense, but also has had results against the specific ‘rare’ liver cancer that is associated with vinyl chloride exposure.”
Of course, I don’t have personal knowledge or experience with any of those things, but I’m just passing them on from the articles.
What I did start using myself is Valasta, (www.Valasta.net), a special, extremely potent brand of astaxanthin, which G-d prepared in advance for me. My friend had ordered me a bottle as a gift, just to reap its benefits, before I even knew about the Ohio tragedy. Her son brought it over on Thursday.. and then when I realized we might be getting some fallout, this supplement was already in our house - thank G-d. I’m giving it to my husband and kids too. I actually want to write a whole post about it, because I hear it’s helping a LOT of people with cancer.
When I saw that the author of the post above recommended anthocyanins, I looked up astaxanthin and discovered that it’s a step above anthocyanins. And Valasta is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary astaxanthin. So it seems like a great idea to me. (Not sold on Amazon.)
I see that they also recommended, among other things, pine and resveratrol. I know a great product that is a compound of those two, called Folium PX. It’s available on Amazon. (Don’t use pine products if you might be pregnant.) Note: Pine cannot be used continuously; after finishing a bottle of Folium, you need to take a break (for a month or two, I believe.)
This substack specifically recommends astaxanthin:
My toxicologist friend recommended cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, saying that they may block the pathway by which dioxin harms the body. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1044579X17301530
Here is an excellent dioxin resource that a reader sent me. Please open the short article; it’s fascinating. They explain that dioxin always comes with deception. There is no “safe” amount of dioxin.
Another excellent article: https://toxicfreefuture.org/blog/ohio-train-derailment-vinyl-chloride-disaster-is-another-painful-reminder-of-pvc-plastics-toxic-lifecycle/
I must confess that on Saturday night and Sunday, I tasted the fear of death. Late at night, I received an article warning that just about everyone east of the Mississippi had only days left to flee before accumulating a fatal dose of vinyl chloride fallout, and I had no idea if it was true. (I’m in NY.)
My preliminary texts to leading doctors I trust showed that the majority did not agree with the article. Nobody had plans to flee.
But still, I could not help but think it might be true. My Rabbi said he needed time to think about it.
I hardly slept Saturday night. I had no idea if I should be sounding an alarm and freaking people out, or not. What a horrible responsibility.
And how to realistically get my whole family to safety? (And where?!?) And then, of course, I was thinking of the exposure that we may have already had, which the article spoke very darkly of. I felt like I was reliving the Holocaust. I knew that if the author’s warnings were on target, even if I warned everyone I could, most people wouldn’t believe me and pick up and run.
This is the scary article. I don’t want to take the responsibility of not sharing it with you. But I don’t want to scare you, if you’re far away from ground zero, because the consensus I’ve gotten now is that this isn’t true.
Thank G-d, by late Sunday I’d heard back from six scientists and doctors “on the good side”, and none of them saw things in such stark terms, (for the people who are far away from East Palestine, that is. If you are close by, PLEASE, please, please try to leave.)
One scientist - the “strictest” - my toxicologist friend - thought that it would be prudent to people in my area to go away for a few weeks, if possible, although she didn’t agree with the grave predictions the article warned of. The other scientists and doctors either didn’t believe that the distant areas are in danger, or didn’t believe it’s as serious as the author said.
I should mention that none of them are environmental toxicologists, it’s true. And this is obviously nuanced. I think they were definitely reassuring me about the metro NY and NJ area, because they know I’m in NYC. I’m not 100% sure what they would say about different points in between, like Pennsylvania.
When talking to my toxicologist friend, she said that in order to make a true risk assessment, she needs the numbers from the models that the environmental toxicologists would run - and she hasn’t gotten any.
But she pointed out that small animals are our warning signs. In the places where they’re sadly dying, it’s a clear danger signal to the people. And vice versa.
There is a .gov site which offers tools to do modeling of the air current movements for exactly these types of dangers. https://www.arl.noaa.gov/hysplit/
HYSPLIT models simulate the dispersion and trajectory of substances transported and dispersed through our atmosphere, over local to global scales.
They’re a site where a great many atmospheric agencies and professionals get together. The abilities were developed and are accessible there for particle tracking are absolutely exquisite.
Systems were built that could literally track molecules from spills as they evaporated, combined with moisture or other elements, and dispersed among air currents. Among the goals the project delivered to America were ways to identify what happened to all those molecules, and where they were going to BE NEXT.
Where are the models that can be made from HYSPLIT’s extremely advanced tools now, when we need them? Curiously, they are absent. All we can find is the February 4-6 dispersal on Reddit, and a Feb. 8 still picture.
The above is a map of a model of the dispersal over the first few days, even before any of us knew that anything happened. WHY WEREN’T WE BEING TOLD THEN? It looks like it moved very close to NYC two weeks ago.
And this is a screenshot of a dispersal model from one moment of time on Feb. 8.
This is the type of thing we need to have the predictions of in advance to be informed - but those in positions of authority to safeguard the public are not using the available tools to safeguard us! Crazy!!
(With much gratitude to the reader who has graciously educated me on this topic, and provided a lot of other important material and information for this article, and others, as well!)
My Rabbi, after researching the matter and thinking about the evacuation warning in that article, feels basically the same way as the doctors and scientists I heard back from - that at present, the situation for people in the US who are far away from East Palestine, OH doesn’t have the signs of being a major danger; that we don’t need to evacuate.
Of course, we know the chemicals have spread. I will share more about that in Part 2, G-d willing.
We know they contaminated the waterways, and we need to be concerned now about where our food comes from. I don’t even know how to do this. 😰
A friend forwarded this message to me:
Just did some quick research about farms and meat processing plants in East Palestine, Ohio general area. There are over 72 farms primarily organic and cage-free/pastured in the area as well as 30 meat processing plants. Many heirloom seed growers. This is tragic.
I got these screenshots, which say so much. 😰
I have much more to share, G-d willing, in Part 2, including about getting a water filter.
I just love it how you are trying to find and present solutions for everything. We need the encouragement, and the to do list. Ha'Shem bless you Brucha.
Amen, you too.