Remember Midazolam? Round 2 kill-off of elderly and disabled apparently now planned in UK.
Mass murder 😱. Stay away from shots & please try to stay out of the hospital.
Someone sent me this shocking video, which was on a Telegram group called Rebels in the Wire.
It’s only 7 minutes long. You especially need to watch the first 5 minutes where a huge amount of critical information is packed (link below.)
I must note that I have not personally investigated the claims made in this video, but I am sharing it because the thrust of it rings true to me, and we need to beware, for the sake of our loved ones’ lives. Here in the US, based on my own experience and that of my colleagues working to help patients in hospitals, and witnessing how the hospitals often try their best to kill the patients - there clearly seems to be an incentive for them to do this.
Here, British Nursing Alliance cofounder Kate Shemirani reports that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced that he’ll be allowing social services and the government to seize a huge amount of money from the assets of an elderly person when they enter the hospital or a social care setting.
She explains that this is particularly significant in light of a new UK government medical protocol for elderly people in the hospital. It’s called Protocol NG191, and it’s an end-of-life pathway that they’re putting the elderly and disabled on. It replaces NG163.
While NG163 involved morphine and Medazolam, the new one, NG191, includes Remdesivir, benzodiazepines and opioids, including Lorazepam. Kate reports that the British government has just ordered huge amounts of Lorezepam.
By the way - she notes - shares of Lorazepam went up 34% in one month, in February 2020. They knew worldwide that this was going to be used.
Protocol NG191 will be used to knock people off in hospitals, the way that Medazolam did in 2020. They are currently putting more and more people on this end-of-life pathway.
Kate suggests looking up the Palliative Care Funding Review, which shows that palliative care is going to increase, and on page 64, shows how much the deaths of the elderly are going to rise, up to 2031, which is when their plan goes up to.
She ties the above in with the Planned Tariff Incentivized Euthanasia Point System, in which 1,642.5 people must be euthanized daily in England alone, in order for hospitals and care homes to get their money. This includes disabled children.
If hospitals go below the target, they lose money, and if they exceed their quota, they get extra money.
Of course, this is still officially illegal.
How do they euthanize? By causing death with Protocol NG191 for the elderly and disabled, of course.
Kate points out that many elderly people in nursing homes (“care homes”) have recently received their 5th covid shot, plus a flu shot, shingles shot, and pneumonia shot!
They’re aiming to cause a massive “pandemic” of illness with these shots - to get the elderly into hospitals where they can finish them off with NG191.
Of course, it’s the doctors and nurses expected to do the dirty work, and it’s not the first time. Kate said that if you look at history, since the 1700’s, whenever there’s been an economic downturn, euthanasia has been practiced.
My take:
Stay away from all those shots, and do your best to stay out of the hospital. This means knowing is advance a doctor with the proper mindset to turn to, if you don’t feel well, and having treatments like ivermectin on hand in case of need.
For example, if an elderly person becomes weak, one choice is to go to the hospital, where they’re likely to be given Remdesivir, may not be fed or hydrated, and may not make it out alive. Another choice is to - under the care of a doctor - try to get diagnostic tests, if needed, outside the hospital, and to treat for the infection/virus/dehydration at home, if possible. There are so many things, such as IV and oxygen, that a doctor can order for a patient at home, and a visiting nurse can come at administer/set up. In this way, you can avoid the toxic Remdesivir and other attempts at murder, and have access to lifesaving treatments that hospitals refuse to provide, like ivermectin, or IV vitamin C.
Of course, if someone does need to to go to the hospital, REFUSE remedesivir, and be sure an alert family member or friend is always with the patient.
Video in link below photo:
Oh, one more thing. Kate said that the Medazolam that was used to kill the elderly in UK in 2020 came from Accord Healthcare Limited. They supplied Chain Coordination Limited, a company set up by Matt Hancock, who bought millions of shares with taxpayer money. He was the sole shareholder. This company supplied 52% of the drugs to the NHS.
(Matt Hancock is a member of British Parliament and served as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 2018 to 2021.)
May G-d save everyone from the hands of the evil murderers.
Other very significant video to watch - DIED SUDDENLY - you’ve probably seen it already! It has over EIGHT and a half MILLION views. I’m in the middle of watching it.
I watched Shemirani's linked clip (and a few others as well), and I cross-checked her citing of the UK's palliative care funding review - she was quoting them accurately.
In one of her other clips, she referred to a 'pandemic' simulation in 2016 called Exercise Cygnus as disturbing, which I also verified - yes, they did focus on 'reverse triage' as a way to cope with hospital resource shortages (which actually included shutting down IC units and ventilators!). And no, they didn't try to rectify the shortages that they found at that time.
OTOH, I was not able to find anything at all on "the Planned Tariff Incentivized Euthanasia Point System, in which 1,642.5 people must be euthanized daily in England alone, in order for hospitals and care homes to get their money." (I tried alternate search engines as well as google.)
I also could find nothing about Jeremy Hunt allowing "the government to take 100,000 from our elderlies' assets when they go into the hospitals and social care settings."
These are really alarming statements that need conclusive documentation, and at the moment I'm assuming she has it... but wasn't specific enough. Any chance we can get these?
The hospital seems like the most dangerous place for a loved one.