I watched Shemirani's linked clip (and a few others as well), and I cross-checked her citing of the UK's palliative care funding review - she was quoting them accurately.

In one of her other clips, she referred to a 'pandemic' simulation in 2016 called Exercise Cygnus as disturbing, which I also verified - yes, they did focus on 'reverse triage' as a way to cope with hospital resource shortages (which actually included shutting down IC units and ventilators!). And no, they didn't try to rectify the shortages that they found at that time.

OTOH, I was not able to find anything at all on "the Planned Tariff Incentivized Euthanasia Point System, in which 1,642.5 people must be euthanized daily in England alone, in order for hospitals and care homes to get their money." (I tried alternate search engines as well as google.)

I also could find nothing about Jeremy Hunt allowing "the government to take 100,000 from our elderlies' assets when they go into the hospitals and social care settings."

These are really alarming statements that need conclusive documentation, and at the moment I'm assuming she has it... but wasn't specific enough. Any chance we can get these?

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Thank you so much for looking into everything.

Regarding the Planned Tariff Incentivized Euthanasia Point System, she did mention that it’s illegal. Certainly it would also draw tremendous anger from the populace. So it makes sense that we can’t simply look it up.

I would also love to see the documentation.

However, based on what we know went on in 2020 and what we see going on now right here in the US with hospitals doing their best to murder rather than heal elderly patients, her words ring true to me, and that’s why I put her video in an article.

I wonder if you or another reader can go onto her telegram channel she mentions or find another way to look her up and connect with her and get the verification.

I’ll ask someone I know as well to see if he can find a way to contact her.

By the way, I googled her now and from the vitriolic hate against her online from the establishment, I suspect she’s onto truth. Lol.

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The hospital seems like the most dangerous place for a loved one.

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Because round 1 worked so well. 🙄

Time to send the elites into the hospital.

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wull here stateside they DO take justa'bout all ya own (drain the ol' bank account) if ya have to go into a nursing home / elder care--had it happen to both elderly friends and my own "fambly" right here in New Yawk--bad enough--BUT ta do this when ye just enter the hospital is even darker--sez they know they're'a gonna kill ya, it's the plan. This is incentivized (in-cent-advi$ed...) MURDER (most foul)... Those with the BIGGEST audiences need ta' know this.

Brucha, Steve Kirsch KNOWS the clot shots are deadly BUT he sez the "cull" / depop agenda / eugenics are unfounded "conspiracy theory." HE of all folks needs to hear this and ta' see all yer other good research. This IS a killing... he's got a big audience and more now that he spoke up in Stew Peter's documentary... Perhaps ya kin reach out ta' him?

This needs ta get out, Murder Will Out!

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He’ll figure it out. There’s no other conclusion when all that will help has been discouraged, censored, or prohibited, and all that will harm has been incentivized.

People wake up gradually and on their own time. Everyone has blind spots.

He’s a great warrior and great with the statistics AND I absolutely do not agree with everything he thinks/says.

He just barely woke up this past year.

Some of us have been at it for years.

The length of time that one understands there’s evil in the world probably determines how open minded we are to the possibility of more evil than we ever thought possible in the beginning.

Give him some time. If he’s open minded enough, he’ll see more of the Truth as time goes by.

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They (the hospitals) would need to take it (kill you) the first chance they get—it’s not that they won’t get second chances with repeat hospitalizations of the ill or infirm, but because the longer (or more often) you’re in there, the more you cost and take from from their profits when keeping you alive long enough to make it look Les’s like a murder.

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Now that Havdallah candles🕯 have burned out for the night, let's add some legal pieces. Keep an eye on this Remdesivir civil suit:


Criminal charges needÄšd to happen before or simultaneously, which is a problem. We should start with Dr. Ralph Baric at Chapel Hill, who had a huge role in Remdesivir's invention along with these 2 huge global patents he spearheadÄšd:

Wo2002086068A2: SARS-C¤vid-1 @UNC

Wo2015143335A1: Spike Protein @UNC


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This is the culmination of where we have been going for nearly three years (or thirty millennia?). There are 8 billion of us. The elite are 1%.

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i know i know... but time ain't on our side--if I was a rooster I'd crow outside his winda--sooner the good man wakes up the better! I DO believe some lives kin be saved as he's gotta "rilly big" followin'--friends tell friends--AN' the more'at wake up the more that 'r gonna fight all the mandates, digital currency, etc.... if he sees the bigger picture he kin paint it fer those'at trust him, jus' sayin'...

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