Thank G-d, good news for NY and the world. Prayers and efforts pay off!
All the NYS bad vax bills did not pass. This has ramifications far beyond NY.
I got an email from Autism Action Network on June 10, with very encouraging news.
Good News NY, Albany is done. No bad vax bills become law!
COVID mandate bills for school and college withdrawn
Good News New York, the legislature went home in the wee hours this morning for the rest of the year and none of the bills we have been fighting so hard since January became law!
A276b (Paulin-D)/S762a (Krueger-D) that would allow drugs and vaccines purported to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases to be given to minors of any age without parental knowledge or consent went nowhere. Perhaps the fact that federal courts have established that any policy that gives a vaccine to a child without parental consent violates federal law, and is unconstitutional, finally got through to the legislators.
A837 (Dinowitz-D)/ S1946 (Hoylman-D) that would require the New York State Department of Health to post on their website the percentage of students at every school who have medical exemptions passed in the Assembly Health and Rules Committees but was never voted on the floor by the whole Assembly.
A7154 (McDonald-D)/ S1531 (Hoylman-D) that would have made recording vaccine records into the adult vaccine database essentially mandatory passed in the Assembly and on the floor of the Assembly, but went nowhere in the Senate.
Perhaps even more important in the long run, two extremely dangerous bills A2178 (Dinowitz-D) that would have mandated COVID shots for pre-school daycare and K-12 students, and A2143 (Dinowitz-D) that would have mandated COVID shots for college students were withdrawn! A college mandate bill S624 (Hoylman-D) remains active.
The bills will remain active through November of 2024, so we must remain vigilant. Especially on A7154/S1531, the bill to make adult database mandatory. This database is essential for the future of vaccine enforcement against adults and providing the raw data for vaccine passports which is a top priority of the international vaccine industry.
G-d was with the thousands of people who rallied, made office visits, emailed, wrote letters, commented online, protested, went to Albany, and called and called.
Here is a a miraculous backstory to the failure of the adult vaccine database bill, as written up by Curtis Cost.
Some excerpts from Curtis Cost’s article:
We in the New York Group, which is a coalition of different groups and individuals, met to see what we could do to stop this bill from becoming the law in New York State, and ultimately spreading to other states across America, which is a common trend. There was only a week left in the legislative session and a final vote could be done on any day during that week. Many in our group were very pessimistic about our chances of success given that we had so little time. I have been fighting against this database bill for over a year, doing everything I could to draw public attention to this issue.
We realized that our only chance was to try to stop the New York State Senate from approving Senate Bill S1531. The key person we decided to focus on was New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera. He is the chairman of the Senate Health Committee. He is the one who had the power to stop this bill. Unfortunately, Senator Rivera was also one of the sponsors of the bill!
We knew that we had an uphill battle ahead of us. Gustavo Rivera’s office is located in the Bronx.
Fortunately, our band of dedicated volunteers did show up! We were able to get the flyers printed up and ready. Also, the digital truck not only arrived on time but managed to park directly in front of Senator Gustavo Rivera’s building! We set up a table with the Children's Health Defense logo in front of it.
We were able to not only hand out flyers but also talk to a lot of people about the bill. They were shocked by the information we provided. None of them had heard anything about this bill even though they lived in Senator Rivera’s district.
I was amazed that not one person we spoke to in front of the senator’s office building knew anything about it. Given all of the access to the media that the senator has, especially in the Bronx, how could none of his constituents who we speak to, know anything about a bill that would have such a far-reaching impact on their lives?
Some of the people were so upset by the information, that they promised to not only call the Senator but also to reach out to their networks to do the same. Others took it a step further and went up to the senator's office and gave the staff a piece of their mind! At one point, the Senator’s office refused to see anyone else claiming that there were no office hours during that time. This was even though the sign on the wall said that office hours were from 12 noon to 4:00 PM. The response from the staff was that it was an “old sign!”
As more people went to the Senator’s office, a staff member then said that the senator would not bring the bill to the floor to be voted on this session! It seemed too good to be true! That same staff member refused to put that statement in writing or be videotaped saying it. Nonetheless, a lot of us took that as a very positive sign.
Some of the senator’s staff came outside and saw our huge digital truck in front of their building and our table with volunteers handing out flyers and talking to people. When they reported this to Senator Rivera, we could only imagine his reaction.
… the database bill was defeated! It was never even presented to the Senate to be voted on!! This was even more powerful than if a vote was taken and we won. They did not even want to bring this bill up to be voted on!
We have learned over time that many politicians prefer to do things in the dark. They become very upset when light is cast on them and the things they want to get away with. This victory has also become an inspiration to many in our group. I spoke to people who had not been that active for a while and they told me how shocked they were that we were successful! They had started to give up hope.
The moral? Do NOT think your efforts are in vain! Pray, and go fight on G-d’s side, for the basic human dignity and free will that He gave His creations. He created us to serve HIM, not to be slaves to humans.
Please stay tuned, because there are MORE horrific bills that will need to be fought.
G-d is with US!
Such great news. I am in Europe but we all know that things often start in the US and spread elsewhere. The ‘leadership’ of that corrupt organisation the EU do not have good intentions for us and your victory sends a brilliant message.
Thank you so much standing up for us humans and doing the right thing. Thank you.
Thanks for the work on the ground, I needed some decent news. It's so unbelievable to have to protest bills that lead to the injury and murder of citizens by their government.