Such great news. I am in Europe but we all know that things often start in the US and spread elsewhere. The ‘leadership’ of that corrupt organisation the EU do not have good intentions for us and your victory sends a brilliant message.

Thank you so much standing up for us humans and doing the right thing. Thank you.

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Thanks for the work on the ground, I needed some decent news. It's so unbelievable to have to protest bills that lead to the injury and murder of citizens by their government.

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Hallelujah! This is absolutely fantastic news! This gives us hope which we desperately need today! What a great way to start off the week, thank you!

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Yes! Wonderful. Each of us, one person at a time, is important.

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This IS wonderful news! I am rejoicing with you, Brucha!

God is good! (I live in the Chicagoland area now, but was born & reared in NY.

I have always admired the grit of freedom-loving folks in both NY & IL)


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Thank you for this very important report! The battle for medical freedom and for the children must be fought at the city, country, and state level -- and as you have shown here in your report, at the local level especially, citizens' voices do matter.

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Wow!! I’m impressed!

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Thank G-d.

It’s Him.

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yay baruch hashem thank you Brucha for all you do.

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Baruch Hashem is right!

Please note that I’m just reporting this victory but I’m not the one who was on the ground.

That report I quoted was from Curtis Cost.

All I did was write an article asking people to call legislators. I don’t want to take false credit for this fight. 😊

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i just meant thank you for everything generally speaking.

no matter what part each of us does, to me the credit always goes to Hashem because he gives each of us what we need to do what we need to do. ❤️

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ישר כוח.

ברוך ה.

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Here is a comprehensive warning on the methodology of the totalitarianism we will soon complete through municipal governments https://substack.com/redirect/6b62ee19-69c4-4e12-bf6f-86ce5cc9975d?j I will do an interview if you request.

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God Bless NY freedom fighters. What a blessing today to read this.

Please share this Pfizer Leak from the EMA


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