Wow. Thank you

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Hi everyone. Please see Phil Harper’s new revelations and the comments as well. The study is looking faker and faker.


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Everyone, please see this NEW Twitter thread by Alexandros Marinos which shows additional revelations- the supposedly independent data monitoring and safety board overseeing the trial was not independent at all! https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1511612742351798276?t=rkt00aURHBAPQdTX9SKzhA&s=19

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Not so sure that the ivermectin dose WAS 0.4mg/kg/day as claimed given that the study also states

"patients weighing less than 60 kg will receive 12 mg of ivermectin, between 60 to 80 kg will receive the dose of 18 mg and patients weighing over 80 kg will receive the dose of 24 mg of ivermectin" (see top of page 19).

This would work out to a MAXIMUM dose of 0.3mg/kg/day for patients weighing 60kg and 80kg and 0.2mg/kg/day for those just under 60kg and less than 0.2mg/kg/day for those over 120kg - unless I'm missing something?

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The doctors discussed it but in the end it seems that the dosing you found (page 56 of the protocol) is not what the trial ended up using. They did seemingly use a dosing which was 0.4 mg per kg give or take. That dosing chart is on page 39 of the Reis IVM Brazil RCT NEJM protocol PDF (I received a screenshot of it.)

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I see the section you mention though it's on page 25 of the copy I have (18mg for 40 to 50kg, 24mg for 51 to 65kg, and 36mg for 80kg+). Do these numbers match what you have? It looks that they may have initially planned to go with the lower dose but changed their mind and failed to give the final dosing ranges in the section I checked.

This brings up another issue though. Do they give the weight range of the participants anywhere in the study other than just dividing them into those above and below a BMI of 30? If the dosing chart on my copy of the protocol is correct, then a 300lb (136kg) patient would have only received a dose of 0.26mg/kg. When they state that they gave 400mcg/kg up to 90kg weight every 24 hours for 3 days, do they really mean that there were no participants who weighed over 90kg or that they gave less (perhaps far less) than 400mcg/kg for participants over this weight? I suspect the latter given that the dosing guidelines state that 36mg is to be given to those over 91kg. This could have greatly affected the efficacy of ivermectin in the over 30 BMI group.

Also, it states "weight and height information provided by the patient". Did they really not confirm the information provided by the patient themselves? A mistake could have had a huge effect on the dose any given patient received.

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Thank you so much, I’m going to check with the doctors.

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You’re on to something!

One top doctor answered that what you said is absolutely correct. Waiting for further confirmation and if so, G-d willing I will edit the article.

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Amazing work.

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