May G-d cause you to find the woman quickly and be the good messenger to bring healing and life to her grandson.

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This whole article is fantastically informative, and a real red pill too.

Chag sameach!

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Chag Sameach!

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Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS) is probably the best cure for cancer. There are lots of testimonials about it.

A nice documentary about chlorine dioxide and free course:


A Telegram group where you can ask questions and get lots more info:


MMS testimonials:


Amazing speech from Andreas Kalcker on curing autism and the role of parasites in disease:


Nice article about it:


You can skip the first few paragraphs. Start from:

"In this article I want to discuss one of the most profound healing remedies found on the planet."

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Thank you so much. I want to learn more about it.

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Wow I just read the article. This is amazing.

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i had heard of the doc in the documentary (link below) more than once over the years but hadn't heard the whole story--which i've discovered has gone on since i was a kid (I'm 57 now).

Not only does his story echo what we have just seen with IVM, I wish I'd known the details sooner.

I looked him up, it appears he's still practicing in Houston, which is fabulous bc my daughter was just diagnosed with cancer and she lives there. Now to just get her to look into it. I'm sure she's overwhelmed with all the info and with the diagnosis itself. Please pray for her. Her initials are AB. she doesn't have a jewish name (for mi sheberach purposes)



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Refuah shlaima min Hashamayim bekarov!! ❤️

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Amein and thank you, Brucha 🥰

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my mom cured her "incurable" cancer B'H ten years ago--just happened to also be in Redding CA. All the docs at Stanford, and in Israel told her don't even bother with chemo. No one lives with this cancer and treatment will just make you sick.

I don't know everything she did but in know it was all

alternative and 10 years later she's still cancer-free!!!

my daughter has cancer post -shot. i'm going to send this to her. thank you Brucha

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Refuah shlaima to your daughter!

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Someone in Substack comments asked about alternatives for a recent diagnosis of her 6 yr. old grandson & glioma w/ a couple months to live after Thanksgiving diagnosis (wondering shot connection).

Wish I could find her

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