Every one of these stories makes your head explode. How did we as a species get to this point? Have we learned nothing? To think that the AMA wants protection so that they can continue to mutilate children & create a new money making niche for surgeons & endocrinologists is revolting. Whatever happened to ‘do no harm?’

Governor Newsom is a psychopath, dictator whose time hopefully is coming to an end in California. He has led California to the brink of catastrophe & there is only one positive hope. That is the New California State. I think it’s the one bright spot on the very near horizon. Newsom, thankfully will be ruined. New California will be a Constitutional Republic model for the rest of the nation & the world.

The FBI should be dismantled ASAP. Planned Parenthood also.

Something good has to happen soon or I think G-d will have to rethink saving humanity a second time.

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Newsom plans to run for President in 2024. We may not be rid of him for a long time

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There is a lot happening behind the scenes in California. He’s about to get decimated in the next few months.

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Please Hashem!!! Obviously you’re not referring to the midterms (as that’s in a month)

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No, not referring to mid terms. Stay tuned.

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The possible less-dark, if not bright, spots, are these,I believe:

1) the mid-term elections are about a month away and approaching, and there is significant reason to believe and hope that pro-American candidates will substantially win in both houses of Congress, “iym yirtzeh Ha’Shem “;

2) if not, or if the corrupt festering sore in District of Criminality continues it’s depredations, one may expect a national uprising in actual fact, to remove the left-fascists from power, beginning in a few areas of significant patriotic populations and spreading therefrom.

There has even been revival of proposals for State /Regional compacts to reverse Federal laws and to emphasize reliance on the 9th and 10th Amendments, along with open talk about Secession.

So, we may hopefully be seeing either a peaceful improvement in our status, or, if regrettably necessary, a less-peaceful return to Constitutional principles as evinced by our G-d fearing Founders.

Have faith , be courageous and strong!

May you and yours have been Sealed for a good year!

Moshe Aharon ben Shimon Zerg

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Our so called “doctors “ need to resign from the AMA to prove to us that they haven’t been corrupted

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Correction: (autocorrect/spellcheck). Shimon Zeev

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