Jul 2·edited Jul 2Pinned

Five people have reached out personally, telling me about severe repercussions of SSRIs to themselves or to their family members. These are the more common experiences - no one actually died or was killed, but the negative effects and suffering as a result of the drugs have been life-changing and decades-long. Here are two stories that I was given permission to share anonymously:

1) “My mother was severely affected by all these medications. She was on them for years - antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and now she has a condition called tardive dyskinesia where her whole body is basically shaking. They caused so much damage to her and they never helped her with her anxiety and her depression. Only one medication actually helped her, but that’s the one that caused tardive dyskinesia.”

2) “My daughter was put on Paxil at age 13 due to “anxiety”. At first, she seemed happier and more outgoing and silly. Shortly afterwards she changed to a different person. She became very mean and angry way above teenage angst and it also had a very disinhibiting effect. While her anxiety had made her rigid and inflexible in personality at times, she was mostly a timid and thoughtful child but now this was huge anger and explosiveness at home and it was unimaginable at times. Something you’d see on Dr. Phil. I took her off after the several months it took to make the connection but the genie was out of the bottle and it never went back. Our family life was in shambles and my husband and I were not a team with navigating the dynamics and it was a factor in the end of our marriage for me. She’s 35 now and doing ketamine therapy up in NY to help rewire her brain, now 20 years later. That Paxil ruins lives .”

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Disproven theory: SSRIs help with a chemical imbalance

Proven fact: SSRIs create a chemical imbalance.

Proven fact 2: artificial blue light from devices destroys hormones and creates mood disorders.

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Jul 2Liked by Brucha Weisberger

peter and ginger breggin just did a substack on this same topic. He's been saying this for years!!

both of your posts have different content but the same general idea. Very timely!

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Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

i had a good friend shoot himself shortly after being put on psych meds, they changed him to the point he didnt think he could come back from. Then i went to pharmacy school were i discovered the most important thing to pharmaceutical companies was steady income!! i also grew up with common sense, so i noticed how easy it was for someone having a bad week to get diagnosed with a psych problem, and how the same bad day became several different psych problems that need several different drugs but never get better.

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Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

And the only way to get to the point of taking several meds is for the patient first to be convinced that they have a "disorder," or an "illness," and that medications are necessary and effective and the only way to treat that disorder/illness.

The medical industry says:

You're not sad or worried; you have depression or an anxiety disorder. Feeling sad or anxious is abnormal. You should avoid those emotions, you should not experience them, examine them, or work your way through them.

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👍🏼 perfectly stated

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Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

1993 interview Dr. Vernon Coleman on Prozac https://www.bitchute.com/video/SAFcS4CDKk19/

- note the issues raised.

When you consider how drugs were introduced in to the US population by our own CIA, the development of LSD by our scientist, the MK ultra projects, the movement of cocaine into this country during the contra affair, the extraordinary increase in opium production that occurred after the invasion of Afghanistan, the current movement of fentanyl through the open borders, the State's legalization of pot regardless of the THC content (legislation pushed by Soros); When you consider all the "vaccines" which the government recommends/requires children receive while ignoring the obvious harm; when you consider the stated purpose of education is compliance and control;

When you consider that the 1960s Hippie movement, which no doubt most of the participants and observants thought was an organic movement, - was in fact created by military intelligence (e.g., The Beatles were created by the Travistock inst. and bags of drugs were handed out at their concerts at the time). Even the whole feminine movement was orchestrated by Rockefeller foundation and others. It is not difficult to imagine that SSRIs would be used to numb the population with the consequences that certain folks would react in a hostile manner and such could be use to create greater crime which creates greater fear which results in people begging government to do something - solution greater controls on our freedoms. I am of the opinion that most of these shootings are either false flags or allowed to occur to achieve a greater goal- which is Satanic.

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Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

On the topic of the dangers of psychiatric drugs I would recommend the superlative work of Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, the world's foremost anti-psychiatry psychiatrist. He had some of his training at Harvard and for years he has recommended all people (without exception) get entirely off of psychiatric drugs. He's the author of around 24 books including Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, which is a manual. Some drugs can take a year to withdraw from. No matter how disturbed the person, Dr. Breggin always recommends complete removal of psychiatric drugs. Obviously, that includes the types mentioned in this article. His Simple Facts About Psychiatry playlist is available at Breggin.com and makes a great introduction to his work. He has testified as an expert witness and has many other great things on his resume, you might say. Another anti-psychiatry resource is CCHR. They have museums about the horrors of psychiatry and these are not merely historical horrors but are ongoing. But of course a person should only fear HaShem, the G-d of Israel. A brave African king advised his people not to use psychiatry at all after he encountered material from CCHR. These resources, along with the more foundational advice against psychiatry and all secular forms of G-dless psychology given by Orthodox rabbis such as Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and the Lubavitcher Rebbe (and advice about healing afflictions of the soul from Rabbi Gutman Locks and advice about the use of the GAPS diet), should be included if I have time to make a flier I plan to call Psychiatry Facts for Grown-Ups in the Legal Profession. [Update: I now see the next article, which just came out, mentions Dr. Breggin's work.]

But I would like you to know about the main physical cause of the mass shootings. Psychiatric drugs such as SSRIs are a highly significant secondary cause and are a very large part of the problem. But there is a technology that you should know about which has been the main problem.

Many have heard about the technology used against the “Cuban diplomats.” This is something even the CIA's legacy media outlets have covered. But of course, they did not cover it truthfully. There exists a technology intended to alter free will. Whereas MK Ultra was an older method of using direct physical methods on the person with abductions, tape loops, sensory deprivation, psychedelic drugs, electroshock torture, etc., there is no longer any need for taking a person to a facility. Instead, there is the ability to do such things remotely and it does appear that there is no earthly defense against such technology. That is why we all must be sure that we follow G-d's ways to avoid being deserving of suffering from attacks. Any people who may be in bunkers behind computer screens running the software which has been carrying out wireless torture are merely axes in the hands of the Woodchopper. They can't do anything without G-d's approval. And again, we should be very steady in insisting that we do not let ourselves become afraid of anything except for the Creator. Anyone who adopts the sin theory of dictatorship and corresponding repentance theory of freedom can learn about this technology without becoming overwhelmed.

The resources I would recommend are Project Soul Catcher | Volume 2: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed (2010) by Dr. Robert Duncan and the works of Dr. Nick Begich of Alaska (his books and other resources). Those who have been attacked remotely have been referred to as targeted individuals (TIs).

We should be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that the mass shootings are not at random and admit that they are organized. If I told people that they were organized by a foreign power to cause the USA to pass anti-gun laws, many would immediately think this was correct. But that isn't exactly what I have concluded. The reality is worse. Criminal elements within our own government have been the ones with the anti-gun agenda, so much so that they have been willing to organize one mass shooting after another after another with the goal of disarming the public. It is safe to conclude that the actual mass shooters are TIs, by and large; that the ones organizing them are probably not a foreign power but criminals within our own federal government; and that their ultimate goal is another Holocaust.

All of this might seem like gloomy news. But there is good news: I put out a new free report recently called Abortion and Gun Control: Cause and Effect. It is all about the middah kineged middah (“measure for measure”) elements of divine justice which must be responsible for the increasing loss of America's last remaining significant right: the Second Amendment. Now for any who might think it is irresponsible of me to be in favor of the Second Amendment, they are welcome to check out the simple, irrefutable historical observations made on the one-page Genocide Chart by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) which is free at their site as a printable PDF or also reproduced by permission of JPFO in my report, Abortion and Gun Control: Cause and Effect. The good news about this report is that it begins to show the way out. No amount of secular activism efforts will succeed. Addressing the sin theory of dictatorship at the root cause is the only way out. And that's good news because the way out is clear. There is a companion letter linked to on the first page of that report. It is what I sent to a number of law enforcement outlets when there were power grid attacks recently. I believe I sent that along with my tri-fold on how to survive very well, with G-d's help, if the power grid ever fails. That tri-fold (http://insultingconsulting.net/fliers.html) would probably take 10 minutes to read and the good news is at the end. The report (http://insultingconsulting.net/reports.html) is about 40 pages but would be exactly the kind of thing your community would like to know about since you are Orthodox Jews. I'd say the whole thing is good news because it proves that activists have been focused on speaking logically about the gun rights arguments to the exclusion of repentance (and that's where the solution is found.). L'alter l'teshuvah, l'alter l'geulah! "Immediately to repentance, immediately to Redemption!" Music video in the works to promote the tri-fold, the report, and other good things from Insulting Consulting.

A Noahide (a non-Jew who keeps the Seven Noahide Laws relevant for all mankind),


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Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

I know one thing for certain... several people in my life who have been on SSRIs are basically zombies now (of course, they're also "vaccinated," so...)

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Jul 1Liked by Brucha Weisberger

You are brave souls, tackling this issue. thank you!!

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Brucha Weisberger

>The uninformed response is a cry for “more education and awareness of mental health.” More funding, more programs, more being on the lookout for symptoms of “mental health problems” in people around you, so they can be “caught early.”<

Unfortunately, it is this uninformed response that has become political and has garnered bipartisan support. Especially dangerous is push to get "health clinics" installed in schools, where students can be prescribed these medications without their parents' knowledge or consent. It's bad enough that most parents have no idea of the dangers of these products, and so they can easily be persuaded by doctors to allow their children to take them. (If you don't do as I say, your child may commit suicide. Then, if the child commits suicide even while following the advice of the physician, the parents are convinced it is still their fault; they should have gotten their child "help" earlier.) But with these in-school clinics, the medical industry can even bypass the few informed parents that would object to their use in their children.

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Exactly. 😭

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Great post.

Psychotropic medications are involved at every mass shooting (requires some digging into district attorney public records because MSM focuses on the sensational.) The fact that they are administered "off-label" & were never intended for most of the psychiatric conditions treated or ever tested on adolescents, but come with warnings about severe delusion or paranoia in tested adults should be enough reason to stop their use.

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My mom tried pushing anti depressants on me for no reason. I have concluded it is because she has a very unhealthy amount of compassion and empathy, to the point where she cries over ever stupid ass dodgers baseball game. I just laugh it off these days, I have no desire ever to run along with the sheep or put anything in my body that takes me out of my element.

I don't even want to think about how many American citizens are on these dangerous drugs. The last time I checked over 2/3 of women are on them, which makes dating for someone like me who gives a damn quite the needle in a haystack

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You wrote "antidepressants - are exactly what cause these horrific and sudden psychotic episodes."

Do you know that SSRIs were actually used in these two cases "in my orbit"?

If yes, you should change "what cause these horrific" to "what caused these horrific". It's much clearer that that was the cause.

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