Yes absolutely

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Thank you for this information.

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I'm 43 years old. Everyone in my household had COVID-19. It was like a mild cold. A little achy, a low grade fever for a few days, then we lost taste and smell for a few days. The strangest thing was the loss of taste came after we all had no other symptoms. Then a few days later, taste and smell were back and we were fine.

I don't buy any of the numbers, because my experience was like nothing they are describing. Of course you could say, "You're only one person." That's fair enough, but my two boys and my wife had it as well, we all had it around the same time and we all had the same symptoms.

My experience with COVID-19 was such that I can't see anyone requiring hospitalization. that is unless there was something already badly wrong with you, and you weren't aware of it. If it wasn't for the COVID-19 scare, I would have taken Tylenol and showed up for work as usual. I've been much more sick in the past -- from I don't know what. There's absolutely NO WAY that I would consider even a traditional vaccine for something so mild.

My wife worked at a local hospital, and had worked for that hospital system for 15 years. When the vaccine mandates came down. They were "allowed" to request a religious exemption, with a vaccine deadline of November 2021.

I immediately went to work, to slim down our budget, so that my wife would no longer have to work. I tried to get a home refi, to pay off all our debt, but I couldn't because of one late payment within a 12 month period. We owed $96k on our house, and in 2021 it was valued at $285k. There was zero liability for the bank, but because of FHA rules, we were unable to do a refi.

I watched my 401k lose $2k overnight. After that I made a decision. If things keep going the way they are, I'm NEVER going to retire anyway. So, I rolled my 401k into a rollover IRA and drew it all out. I used the money to pay off our house, pay off my wife's school loans, our car, and whatever debt we had left.

This made it so that my wife no longer had to work. A few days after we paid off our debts the hospital came back and said that my wife's religious exemption was accepted. But it didn't matter, my wife retired early!

We took a VERY large tax hit for 2021 and had to do a cash out refi to cover it, but still we are in a much better position than we were after withdrawing my 401k. The way I see it, we own our house now, and the house is a much better investment than the stock market. As long as we pay for our local property tax, and insurance, we'll be OK. I can still keep things afloat even if I were to lose my current job.

The COVID response will go down in history as the biggest scam -- ever. It destroyed small businesses, and became the de facto excuse for every government action -- that was designed to crash the economy.

And, I don't see things getting better for decades at least. We have a whole generation of people who think that "public health officials" can override The Constitution. This doesn't go away quickly.

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Thank you for sharing. Although the images are not for the squeamish, it certainly helps to get the point across. Glad too that many nurses and doctors are finally breaking their silence.

I had a text from my surgery encouraging me into research. Of course they send links what they wish you to see. However, I’m doing further research into the vaccine or jab or better known by many to be a bioterrorist weapon.

I have noticed something that maybe of significance. I understand from my studies; and, please correct me if I’m mistaken. That “a vaccine was never meant to be put directly into a vein.”

According to Nobel Prize Winner, German Chemist, Dr. Andreas Noack on graphene oxide. Whom you may know died the very day he released his video. That, graphene Nano particles, are razor sharp. If it gets into a vein, it will cut you to pieces.

Doctors such as, Dr Robert O’ Young, have since discovered that there is indeed graphene oxide in the vaccine. According to Dr. Andreas Noack, graphene is also highly magnetic.

The United States Patent No. US 2012/0265001A1 (See Index) Says;

19. The method of localized therapy of claim 18, wherein a quantity of 10 composite magnetic nanoparticles is delivered into the body of a patient by injection into the bloodstream.

20. A method of preparing a nanoparticle comprising the steps of combining a synthetic resin polymer composition with a biological targeting agent; mixing said synthetic resin polymer composition with said biological targeting agent; and forming nanoparticles under high shear conditions.

21. The method of claim 20, further comprising the step of adding a quantity of magnetic nanoparticles to said synthetic resin polymer composition and said biological targeting


It appears to me that the vaccine is also delivered using this same above method. You may have seen the video, whereby Bill Gates, (You Tube TED talk) whom is looking to depopulate the world by over a billion people. In another video says, “we take little kids by the arm and shoot them right up the vein.”

Personally speaking, the graphene oxide goes directly go into the blood stream, which is a probable cause of heart inflammation, blood clotting and the cause of mensural cycle disorders. That Sir Christopher Chope, in his appeal to parliament (Sept 2021) said, there, had been 700 reports of heart inflation, 35,000 complaints of mensural cycle disorders, and most concerningly 1,632 had died having taken the vaccine. The video was taken down. But I still have a copy.

There is also the matter of the “specific spike protein”. That, has been mentioned in social media. I believe the vaccine most likely causes cell mutation. That are like cancerous cells that keep on multiplying. It seems to me it is working on a similar principle to the PCR Test designed by Kary Mullis. All I understand about this Test Kit. It is first primed and can multiply, any bit of genetic material that then can be measured, and analysed.

The inventor Kary Mullis, made it perfectly clear. “It cannot tell you, that you are sick". It doesn’t tell you what you have got. In other words, cannot be used for purposes of diagnostics. Sadly, Kary died shortly before the announcement of the, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 “SARS-CoV-2” outbreak, and planet lockdown.

When, this outbreak was first announced on USA news. The Chinese, said, “We never isolated the virus.” I cannot see if anyone can isolate the virus, if the Chinese can’t. They attempted to do so over a decade but came up with nothing. What I find is one study leads to another. That I also came up with no real evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 has positively been isolated. Therefore, it appears the specific spike protein antibody is totally destructive to one’s immune system.

I’m sure you are well aware the pharmaceutical industry does not take kindly to anyone treading on their toes. May God watch over you.

United States Patent No. US 2012/0265001A1


German Chemist, Dr. Andreas Noack


Finally, On A Late Show 2020, when asked by presenter Stephen Colbert what is going to happen 5 years from now. Gates replied. "A bioterrorist attack would be kind of the worst scenario because there a pathogen with a high death rate would be picked."

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I’m having to take this in bites. Reading about physicians who have obtained falsified documents in order that they and their children remain natural, remain human while at the same time, actively modifying others, stirred my warriors.

Not surprisingly, My Red Warrior immediately said “Bring them to me! Chain them to the wall of a small shed or outbuilding and leave us to ourselves! Allow me three days.”

Then My Green and Blue Warriors spoke in one voice, “We’ll each take a week after you Red Savage. Please do not neglect their water and do not end their pain.” (My Red Warrior tends to ignore My Green Warrior in tightly braided grasses for armor and sandals over socks for combat boots. My Green Warrior could care less the opinion of anyone, cannot be swayed from a path and takes no pride in victory. My Blue Warrior rarely speaks, wastes no energy and seldom launches attacks.) “How strange”, I thought.

Then Indigo spoke… (oh shit!) My Indigo Warrior is a flash of pearly iridescent neon light that usually battles on other planes, warps time and even matter and sometimes wears me as a cloak, literally causing me to stand 18” taller than I actually am - according to 3rd party witnesses… Where the Blue Warrior is of the ice and sea, I do not pretend to identify the Indigo with anything on Earth… My Indigo Warrior does things which I am not capable to do and says things which either I do not understand or I would never, ever say.

“Bring their children too.”

These monsters are creating monsters they’ve not seen for eons. They have forgotten their imprisonment. We really must stop this crap before it escalates to final battle proportions. I would NEVER say “the children too”!

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Can you bring some of these people onto Tucker Carlson show??

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I don’t know. Do you have connections to get on?

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I'm sorry to say this, but as long as these reports are anonymous, we can be sure that nothing will improve. I'm in no position to tell anyone to sacrifice their career or worse, but we need some very big heroes to make a difference.

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Yes, but did you see that the press can contact these healthcare providers? And other people can too, on mutually agreeable terms. Contact Steve Kirsch through the link provided.

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Unfortunately, as we know, the press is 'uninterested', to put it mildly. Something big has to happen to wake up the general public, and that can only happen in public. Maybe we need to create a fund to take care of whistleblowers who lose their jobs?

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