Earlier than Amakek. Marxism/communism had its birth at the Tower of Babel (along with Amalek). One people, united on a single mission to make war on God.

4000 years and nothing new under the sun.

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I think one important item you missed is who funded Marx. It was the British aristocracy, in their effort to fight the industrial revolution and return to Feudalism. I recommend for you to read Richard Poe and listen to this podcast [and all of his] to understand that there is an elite that does not believe at all in Marxism and is simply using it to take control over the planet, and they've been at it for many centuries: https://tomluongo.me/2024/03/03/podcast-episode-171-richard-poe-and-why-all-roads-really-do-lead-to-london/

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Thank you so much. G-d willing, I hope to follow up with more articles, so I really appreciate the information you’ve provided.

There is so much to uncover on this topic.

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Timely article, Brucha. We all need to see these agendas for what they are and expose them using the correct language.

On the other hand, we all need to 'learn' what it is to live in the private, the way we were meant to, with love and respect in our hearts for our fellow men & women. It is our default position until we contract our rights away.

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I agree! But it's hard to fight Amalek, including the Amalek in our own hearts, without identifying Amalek.

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I think an interconnecting thread between all of this - gender ideology, "Climate Change," AI integration, mRNA, etc. - is TRANSHUMANISM.

We are being slowly 'transitioned' (made extinct) to fulfill this greater plan... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/transhumanism-is-the-extermination

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Yes, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head - that’s what they want for most of us, 😰

but G-d certainly won’t allow them their evil desires.

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Marx was a satanist and a mason (Moses Hess and Engels were also masons).


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Wow, that makes sense. The more we learn, the more everything fits into place.

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Yeah but woke is basically free material for comedians. So there’s that.

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