Sep 6, 2022Liked by Brucha Weisberger

As an American Jewish woman with a deep long life connection to Israel & it’s people I echo those verses of Lamentations that you quoted. We always seem to have an enemy within.

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This is beyond "bad luck," it is calculated evil. (Sounds like treason too--though I don't know Israeli law). I think it started out that way which is more mortifying, and the cover up was always part of the plan.

May he RIP the brave Dr. Zev Zelenko who knew this was happening from almost the very start. He warned, he begged, he prayed. The Israeli government ignored him (some rabbis listened though). Once warned the rest of these miscreants cannot claim ignorance so this was an intentional human detonation. Also, Dr Zev was not some unknown schmoe to ignore or dismiss--senators, officials, even The Donald, came to him--he was a highly respected MD with critical info that the Israeli govt. willfully ignored...

If this whole vaxxine plandemic's goal was world genocide on steroids, how come Israel was the guinea pig nation FIRST to get the jabs, FIRST to get the boosters (over and over again), FIRST to force this on the populace with the Green Pass and so on? Deals never revealed, arms offered up, Jews sacrificed "first." Who (or W.H.O.) is behind this and why???? (they didn't get enough of us back in '42, nu?).

Frightening too is that all the next generations will be infertile or at best so immune-compromised that they'll live short lives and thus there will be an even further diminishing population unless there is a way to reverse the GENETIC harm done (is there?).

And it upsets me no end that for the most part this is Jews doing this to Jews... Bourla (the vet no less) and Tal Zaks... plus all who approved the plan and who participated in the cover up. Kapos these folks--and since the end result is many deaths, harms to children, I don't think it's too strong to suggest it.

This is a huge betrayal. There should be justice, but how? Since Nuremberg 1.0 (the original) was a farce (most of the Paperclip Nazis were of course hired by the US govt, etc), calling for a Nuremberg 2.0 might be a futile exercise.... they'll scam it like vote recounts, like the Maxwell joke trial... But they should not get away with this, that's for sure...

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Regarding the 5-month delay theory, I confirmed it just now by looking at the MoH interactive data tracker (Hebrew only). Except in Israel the delay seems to be longer than 5 months.

Near the bottom of the site, they have a very educational graph called:

תחקור תחלואה לאור אירועים והתחסנות

(rough translation: searching illness [rates] in light of vaccination events)

You can choose from the whole history of lockdowns, re-openings, mandates, cancelled mandates -- and all Pfizer jab rollouts -- shown by date.

"dose 4, for 60+ and healthcare staff" began 2/jan/22.

A sharp rise in death began immediately. From 1-5 deaths per day across the whole country at end of dec. 2021, by 2/feb/22 it was up to 60-70 PER DAY -- and the "newly vaxxed/old vaxxed" outnumbered "unvaxxed" by 3:1.

Mind you, the site is only tracking "covid-related" deaths.

Then another smaller death spike is clearly seen in early july 2022 - but there the *expired jabs* are the overwhelming majority for the next 4 weeks.

Oddly, everyone has suddenly stopped dying (ie. they stopped posting deaths) from 29/aug/22 until now.

The date patterns for "seriously ill" are different. Again, this includes only "serious covid cases".

The "expired jabs" stayed at almost zero the whole time, with only a mild burp in jan 2021 (still less than jabbed and unjabbed), then down again... all the way until mid-june 2022. Here they abruptly sky-rocketed way above the other groups. The "expired jabs" have been outnumbering all the other seriously ill for several months now, from mid-june until today.

The "expired" category are people whose shots date back to either aug 2021 (3rd jab rollout) or dec 2020 - jan 2021 (first 2 jabs). The 2x and 3x jabbed unfortunately are lumped together.

This would put their delayed 'covid-like' death pattern at 6 months / about a year post jab. Serious 'covid-like' illnesses are hitting those who didn't die, but only after 10 months to 1.5 years or more.

Oh - And did I mention what's going on in the 23 Israeli hospitals? The MoH site gives those stats too.

Fully half of them, 11 hospitals, have in-patient occupancy of over 90% -- and of these, 6 are OVER 100%! The data is for the internal medicine and/or the general wards, and the hospitals that are 'only' at 70 or 80% are all small or in the outlying areas.

This is a good gauge of the supposedly unconnected illnesses that no one is tracking besides us.

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