There is so much deadly, hateful misinformation which is being spread about my people that I am writing this comment, incorporating my previous replies, to pin to the top.
I am Jewish! I am Ashkenazi! My husband studies the Talmud! These are GOOD things! Don’t fall for evil anti Semitic propaganda being spread by the very ones who hate G-d and humanity - the same elite globalists (who aren’t Jewish) and who hate US, Torah-true Jews, MOST OF ALL.
My point in this post was to expose the World Economic Forum and their allies.
Since some of those people have Jewish-sounding names, I wanted to stress that those evil people are NOT Jewish, lest true Jews be lumped together with them, and more anti Semitism be created.
Don’t lump together true Jews with renegades who aren’t even Jews by law anymore but are giving a bad name to our people because of their ancestry.
There are traditional Jews who keep the Torah as we have done since it was given at Mt. Sinai. I am one of them. We have no part in this madness. We say a prayer called Alenu three times a day expressing the wish for all mankind to turn to G-d and serve Him as one.
Anyone who has rejected the Creator of the world isn’t Jewish anymore.
Not by Jewish law, and they were never part of our community anyway. We don’t know or associate with these people. I don’t think they identify as Jewish themselves.
I have no idea what they believe in. Not the Torah!
They don’t dress as Jews or follow any Jewish precepts.
So no, don’t call them Jews at all. Don’t associate them with us.
And to people who spout hateful untruths against “Ashkenazim,” you are wholly misinformed. You’ve fallen prey to vicious anti Semitic propaganda. I am Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi simply means the Jews who were exiled from our land when our Temple was destroyed and sent to Germany. From there, throughout centuries of persecution, many ended up in Poland, Hungary, Russia, etc. Other “Ashkenazim” descend from Jews who were originally exiled to Spain but were forced to flee during the 13th and 14th centuries due to pogroms and religious persecution, so they landed up in Eastern Europe. That’s the story of one of my (many great-) grandfathers, and of a third of Ashkenazim.
The horrible claim was made in a comment, which I have removed, that 95 percent of Israel’s population is comprised of evil people.
That is preposterously false and ridiculous and is meant to pave the way to kill men, women, and children, G-d forbid, with impunity, like the Nazis did!!
Obviously whoever speaks that way has gotten their education from hate sites and has never been to Israel nor do they have friends or relatives there.
I have many friends and relatives there. There are millions of good people!!! People who fear G-d, raise families to do kindness and good, and live upright lives. Those who were fortunate to have had a religious education pray three times daily for humanity as I mentioned, and teach their children to follow the Torah.
The evil people are the minority. And yes, there are clearly some very evil people in the government. The government does NOT follow the Torah and is not representative of the population.
Remember, people who deny G-d and the Torah aren’t even Jewish anymore.
But to go from acknowledging the minority of evil - who are not legally Jewish! - to besmirching an entire nation - a beautiful people who loves humanity and just wants to live in peace - is very, very evil and hateful in itself. And that is what the true, evil, globalists are trying to convince people to do.
Why were the ashkenazi not willing to fight for their mother land when their temple was destroyed? Maybe their temple was not worth dying for. Maybe they didn’t love their promised land. Maybe they don’t really know what love is. Maybe I don’t know what love is. Now we are in a very primitive society. We talk, we think, we talk, we think. Our words on these digital devices are a long way from action. No need to cry wolf about hate speech blah blah blah when we ain’t even sure we are yet communicating. I don’t care if you delete all my words, I got you to talk. That’s my goal. Keep on chatting.
I believe you are a sincere person!! But you don’t know my People’s history at all.
What makes you think that “Ashkenazim” did not fight to defend their land and the Holy Temple?
That’s one of the strangest accusations I ever heard.
The city of Jerusalem was under siege by the Romans and the Jews’ defenses were ultimately overpowered. I don’t know how many tens of thousands were slaughtered and died of hunger. Actually I think it was millions of Jews who were murdered at the time of the destruction of the Temple and the subsequent forced exile from our Land.
It’s been almost TWO THOUSAND YEARS, yet we STILL observe THREE fast days every year in mourning for the destruction of the Temple, and actually have a THREE WEEK mourning period for it every summer!! Did you know that??
And we pray THREE TIMES EVERY DAY, PLUS in Grace After Meals whenever we eat bread, for G-d to return us to the Land and restore the Temple and our service to Him. (This service was a source of blessing for ALL of humanity.)
And you accuse us of not loving the Land or the Temple?
Do you know that there was NO SUCH TERM as “Ashkenazim” then? Jews were one people. When they were exiled, terms “Ashkenazim” and “Sefardim” came into use to describe Jews who had been exiled to different parts of the globe.
“Ashkenaz” means Germany and identifies Jews whose ancestors were exiled there.
You seem like a person who cares about what’s real. Please get a proper education and don’t spread the fake lies of the evil side.
Cain and Abel were brothers. They were Jews. Jealous Cain kills Abel. Cain is exiled and has children and grand children. For all we know the descendants of Cain live among us and spread lies and death, like the WEF. Jewish tradition is big enough to contain good and evil.
Cain is a messy mythology. Aboriginal story tellers (the first people) would have killed Cain before he reproduced. The lesson be, you will die if you kill another man, end of story. The story in genesis is ongoing today. How does it end? The fact is someone told the dreadful story and died before telling us the how it ends. That’s enough to piss off some folks right there. Hang in there. We’re getting nowhere together.
Again, you are sadly misinformed. Cain and Abel were not Jews. They were the first two male human beings born in the world, period.
They were the sons of Adam and Eve - the first couple, created by G-d. NOTHING Jewish about them.
All the descendants of Cain were killed in the Flood, except Noah’s righteous wife, Na’ama.
Every single person in the world today is a descendant of Noah (who comes from Adam’s third son, Seth), and his wife, whose three sons repopulated the world.
None of this is “mythology.” It’s just straight out factual history given to us by G-d, in the Book of Genesis, for us to learn crucial lessons from.
I said Jews are matrilineal. That is true. And that rule started only after the Torah was given at Mt. Sinai in the year 2,448 from Creation. It is now 5,783 from Creation.
Eve was not Jewish. She was simply the first woman in the entire world.
The first “Jewish” person can be said to have been Abraham, ten generations after Noah, born in 1,948 from Creation, who stood up for G-d against the idol worshippers of his time. He was willing to give up his life rather than bow to idols. He taught thousands of people to believe in G-d.
Since he was “on one side” and basically everyone else in the world was on the “other side,” he was called Avraham Ha’Ivri.
Ivri is where the Englishized word “Hebrew” comes from.
Because G-d saw that Abraham would teach his children to follow Him, G-d made Abraham the father of the Jewish nation. Our job is to teach the world about G-d - the One and only Creator of the world, and His goodness and kindness, and the way He wants the world to live (according to the 7 Laws He gave for all of humanity. Such as not killing, (which includes abortion), not worshipping false gods, and much more. I believe that you can find information on this at the site
Chag Purim Sameach, Brucha!!! Love your posts!!! Thank you for explaining that Kissinger and Hariri (not mentioned but also Soros) are not Jews!! I fear that this is one more nail in the proverbial coffin (not to mention all the “brilliant”
Jews occupying the WH these days) and will be further excuse to gulag us all in the future. Keep shining the light on this darkness around us!! Thankful for you!!!!
I watched the linked video with Whitney Webb. She made sense until she started mentioning Israel a lot, which made me as an Israeli wary. But I kept watching.
She even made sense in mentioning the Israeli intelligence background of Tal Goldstein, who plays a key role in WEF agendas. I winced, but we right-wingers know that the intel community here is dangerously left-leaning. I see them as partly responsible for the infighting among Israelis. That suits the WEF just fine I'm sure.
But then Whitney claimed explicitly that Israel uses "mass surveillance" to "monitor dissent" and then "stamp out dissent" (time-mark 20:40). She of course didn't mean *Israeli* dissent, which is robust and open... at least if it's left-wing dissent.
She meant the *Palestinians*. Not Palestinian protest marches, which happen quite often and are covered by global media. The only thing Israel tries to "stamp out" are terror attacks.
A few minutes earlier she claimed (no specifics or proof) that Israel conducts "illegal surveillance" of Palestinians (mark 16:00). Anyone who insinuates that Palestinians have a right to stab, shoot, bomb, stone, car-ram, and mutilate Israelis as a form of "dissent" -- and calls any effort to track and stop them "illegal surveillance" -- is not dealing honestly with the facts.
Then she went even further, to claim that the US intel community's oppressive surveillance of its own citizens was ALSO being handled by Israel, from somewhere in Silicon Valley.
That's when I shut off the video.
If you watch that report, be aware that you'll have to wade through a toxic mixture to sift out what's true.
Oops. If I would have watched the video myself, I would not have posted it. I think I’ll delete it from the article. Just ruins the rest. Thank you so much for alerting me.
Whitney likely works for the agencies that she "pretends" to rail against.
This is a common tactic, as almost everyone wants to follow a leader of some kind.
It is rather difficult to sort out fact from fiction, especially when there is obvious truth mixed in with outright fabrications by these sophisticated spinsters.
Sometimes that's true and there's deliberate pretense. Webb may be in a more nuanced category - the people who see worldwide evil, and because they can't think of an alternative they blame it on the world's favorite scapegoat.
There's plenty of false-flag activity to encourage this. I've seen a theory that the notorious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were written by occultist globalists, who published their own plan and planted it on the Jews. This is a time-honored strategy. It's also how Jonathan Pollard got framed for treason against the US - the real traitor, Soviet double-agent Aldrich Ames, supplied the 'incriminating evidence' against him.
It's frustrating that a lot of Jewish names are prominent in the globalist ranks. But I expect they were recruited as fall guys to throw under the bus whenever necessary. Tellingly, no Jews are up there at the level of Gates, Gore, Schwab, and co.
Unless you count Nazi collaborator Soros, who literally thinks he's god, and totally hates Israel. OTOH he's super old and looks sickly.
On May 21-30, the World Health Assembly will decide whether the WHO (connected to the WEF) has the right to mandate "Global Digital Health Certificates," censor vaccine "misinformation" and more, and make it "legally binding" IMMEDIATELY. To protest, scroll to the "Take Action" page at:
I am not sure what the expression “words” that’s used in these comments means.
But what I wrote about is very simple.
Don’t lump together true Jews with renegades who aren’t even Jews by law anymore but are giving a bad name to our people because of their ancestry.
There are traditional Jews who keep the Torah as we have done since it was given at Mt. Sinai. I am one of them. We have no part in this madness. We say a prayer called Alenu three times a day expressing the wish for all mankind to turn to G-d and serve Him as one.
Anyone who has rejected the Creator of the world isn’t Jewish anymore.
Not by Jewish law, and they were never part of our community anyway. We don’t know or associate with these people. I don’t think they identify as Jewish themselves.
I have no idea what they believe in. Not the Torah!
They don’t dress as Jews or follow any Jewish precepts.
So no, don’t call them Jews at all. Don’t associate them with us.
No, you are misinformed. You are lumping different kinds of people together that don’t belong. You’ve fallen prey to vicious anti Semitic propaganda. I am Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi simply means the Jews who were exiled from our land when our Temple was destroyed and sent to Germany. From there, throughout centuries of persecution, many ended up in Poland, Hungary, Russia, etc.
When you say that 95 percent of Israel’s population is comprised of evil people that’s ridiculous. I have many friends and relatives there. There are millions of good people!!! People who fear G-d, raise families to do kindness and good, and live upright lives. Those who were fortunate to have had a religious education pray three times daily for humanity as I mentioned yesterday and teach their children to follow the Torah.
Of course I am NOT calling Kissinger or Soros etc “good”!! That’s my whole point!!
They are not Jewish!!
They don’t even identify as Jewish themselves!! They are just as dangerous to me as they are to you!
I am trying to explain that these people do not look or talk Jewish or observe Jewish laws and are not part of our community.
I want you to understand that their last names don’t mean anything.
(There are actually some good, faithful people who happen to have the name Rothschild or Sasson or Epstein, by the way.)
You have to become better educated. Don’t classify people by their last names. Look at their actions. The bad guys are very easy to spot!! They don’t represent the people they descend from.
(Rockefeller didn’t come from Jews, so why is he on your list?)
Lumping “Ashkenazim” with “Jesuits” is ridiculous. The Jesuits were the persecutors of the Jews.
I do not know much about Khazars or the satanic stuff. All I DO know is that it has nothing to do with me and my people, and you’ve fallen for the lies if you keep believing that nonsense.
There is a HUGE evil plot going on which has nothing to do with Judaism or real Jews.
It’s against G-d and against the Jews - and the rest of humanity. And I believe that the highest people running it at the top don’t even have Jewish ancestry (or at least the vast majority don’t.)
Physical lineage, either through mother or father, is only one way to be a Jew. It leaves out all the converts, who became Jews by choice. And it leaves out all of GOD's decrees about Jews who rebel against the Covenant and will be "cut off from their people".
I included that in order to cover all the bases. Jewish scholars have long argued over when in history the matrilineal rule came to be the only one. (In 2nd Temple times, both parents had to be Jewish, not just the mother.) Also I wanted to show respect for the unknown numbers of Europeans with Jewish fathers who were branded by the Nazis as Jews.
Sorry to have created a distraction from the main issues.
No problem, but as far as I know, it started at Matan Torah, and I don’t think it’s possible that there was ever anything different since, because this is the Halacha. I can ask my Rav to confirm this.
No argument, I know the Halacha also. All the non-Jewish wives mentioned in Tanach are assumed to have converted. But Halacha likewise assumes that the non-Jewish husbands mentioned in Tanach converted as well (like Uriah the Hittite). Far as I know, two Jewish parents for Jewish identity was the Halachic requirement until after the second Churban. And even today in Israel, families with a Jewish mother and non-Jewish father are viewed as halachically problematic.
But as we know, all these inside nuances are irrelevant to antisemites. Maybe you should ask your Rav how to relate to Holocaust victims with only a Jewish father who shared the fate of the halachic Jewish victims. Could that have constituted a de-facto conversion in Hashem's eyes?
There is so much deadly, hateful misinformation which is being spread about my people that I am writing this comment, incorporating my previous replies, to pin to the top.
I am Jewish! I am Ashkenazi! My husband studies the Talmud! These are GOOD things! Don’t fall for evil anti Semitic propaganda being spread by the very ones who hate G-d and humanity - the same elite globalists (who aren’t Jewish) and who hate US, Torah-true Jews, MOST OF ALL.
My point in this post was to expose the World Economic Forum and their allies.
Since some of those people have Jewish-sounding names, I wanted to stress that those evil people are NOT Jewish, lest true Jews be lumped together with them, and more anti Semitism be created.
Don’t lump together true Jews with renegades who aren’t even Jews by law anymore but are giving a bad name to our people because of their ancestry.
There are traditional Jews who keep the Torah as we have done since it was given at Mt. Sinai. I am one of them. We have no part in this madness. We say a prayer called Alenu three times a day expressing the wish for all mankind to turn to G-d and serve Him as one.
Anyone who has rejected the Creator of the world isn’t Jewish anymore.
Not by Jewish law, and they were never part of our community anyway. We don’t know or associate with these people. I don’t think they identify as Jewish themselves.
I have no idea what they believe in. Not the Torah!
They don’t dress as Jews or follow any Jewish precepts.
So no, don’t call them Jews at all. Don’t associate them with us.
And to people who spout hateful untruths against “Ashkenazim,” you are wholly misinformed. You’ve fallen prey to vicious anti Semitic propaganda. I am Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi simply means the Jews who were exiled from our land when our Temple was destroyed and sent to Germany. From there, throughout centuries of persecution, many ended up in Poland, Hungary, Russia, etc. Other “Ashkenazim” descend from Jews who were originally exiled to Spain but were forced to flee during the 13th and 14th centuries due to pogroms and religious persecution, so they landed up in Eastern Europe. That’s the story of one of my (many great-) grandfathers, and of a third of Ashkenazim.
The horrible claim was made in a comment, which I have removed, that 95 percent of Israel’s population is comprised of evil people.
That is preposterously false and ridiculous and is meant to pave the way to kill men, women, and children, G-d forbid, with impunity, like the Nazis did!!
Obviously whoever speaks that way has gotten their education from hate sites and has never been to Israel nor do they have friends or relatives there.
I have many friends and relatives there. There are millions of good people!!! People who fear G-d, raise families to do kindness and good, and live upright lives. Those who were fortunate to have had a religious education pray three times daily for humanity as I mentioned, and teach their children to follow the Torah.
The evil people are the minority. And yes, there are clearly some very evil people in the government. The government does NOT follow the Torah and is not representative of the population.
Remember, people who deny G-d and the Torah aren’t even Jewish anymore.
But to go from acknowledging the minority of evil - who are not legally Jewish! - to besmirching an entire nation - a beautiful people who loves humanity and just wants to live in peace - is very, very evil and hateful in itself. And that is what the true, evil, globalists are trying to convince people to do.
Why were the ashkenazi not willing to fight for their mother land when their temple was destroyed? Maybe their temple was not worth dying for. Maybe they didn’t love their promised land. Maybe they don’t really know what love is. Maybe I don’t know what love is. Now we are in a very primitive society. We talk, we think, we talk, we think. Our words on these digital devices are a long way from action. No need to cry wolf about hate speech blah blah blah when we ain’t even sure we are yet communicating. I don’t care if you delete all my words, I got you to talk. That’s my goal. Keep on chatting.
I believe you are a sincere person!! But you don’t know my People’s history at all.
What makes you think that “Ashkenazim” did not fight to defend their land and the Holy Temple?
That’s one of the strangest accusations I ever heard.
The city of Jerusalem was under siege by the Romans and the Jews’ defenses were ultimately overpowered. I don’t know how many tens of thousands were slaughtered and died of hunger. Actually I think it was millions of Jews who were murdered at the time of the destruction of the Temple and the subsequent forced exile from our Land.
It’s been almost TWO THOUSAND YEARS, yet we STILL observe THREE fast days every year in mourning for the destruction of the Temple, and actually have a THREE WEEK mourning period for it every summer!! Did you know that??
And we pray THREE TIMES EVERY DAY, PLUS in Grace After Meals whenever we eat bread, for G-d to return us to the Land and restore the Temple and our service to Him. (This service was a source of blessing for ALL of humanity.)
And you accuse us of not loving the Land or the Temple?
Do you know that there was NO SUCH TERM as “Ashkenazim” then? Jews were one people. When they were exiled, terms “Ashkenazim” and “Sefardim” came into use to describe Jews who had been exiled to different parts of the globe.
“Ashkenaz” means Germany and identifies Jews whose ancestors were exiled there.
You seem like a person who cares about what’s real. Please get a proper education and don’t spread the fake lies of the evil side.
Cain and Abel were brothers. They were Jews. Jealous Cain kills Abel. Cain is exiled and has children and grand children. For all we know the descendants of Cain live among us and spread lies and death, like the WEF. Jewish tradition is big enough to contain good and evil.
Cain is a messy mythology. Aboriginal story tellers (the first people) would have killed Cain before he reproduced. The lesson be, you will die if you kill another man, end of story. The story in genesis is ongoing today. How does it end? The fact is someone told the dreadful story and died before telling us the how it ends. That’s enough to piss off some folks right there. Hang in there. We’re getting nowhere together.
Again, you are sadly misinformed. Cain and Abel were not Jews. They were the first two male human beings born in the world, period.
They were the sons of Adam and Eve - the first couple, created by G-d. NOTHING Jewish about them.
All the descendants of Cain were killed in the Flood, except Noah’s righteous wife, Na’ama.
Every single person in the world today is a descendant of Noah (who comes from Adam’s third son, Seth), and his wife, whose three sons repopulated the world.
None of this is “mythology.” It’s just straight out factual history given to us by G-d, in the Book of Genesis, for us to learn crucial lessons from.
Thank you for all your teaching.
Someone said Jews are matrilineal and the first woman was Eve. If eve was not the first Jew, who was?
I said Jews are matrilineal. That is true. And that rule started only after the Torah was given at Mt. Sinai in the year 2,448 from Creation. It is now 5,783 from Creation.
Eve was not Jewish. She was simply the first woman in the entire world.
The first “Jewish” person can be said to have been Abraham, ten generations after Noah, born in 1,948 from Creation, who stood up for G-d against the idol worshippers of his time. He was willing to give up his life rather than bow to idols. He taught thousands of people to believe in G-d.
Since he was “on one side” and basically everyone else in the world was on the “other side,” he was called Avraham Ha’Ivri.
Ivri is where the Englishized word “Hebrew” comes from.
Because G-d saw that Abraham would teach his children to follow Him, G-d made Abraham the father of the Jewish nation. Our job is to teach the world about G-d - the One and only Creator of the world, and His goodness and kindness, and the way He wants the world to live (according to the 7 Laws He gave for all of humanity. Such as not killing, (which includes abortion), not worshipping false gods, and much more. I believe that you can find information on this at the site
Thankbyou for a comprehensive look at the facist overlords
Chag Purim Sameach, Brucha!!! Love your posts!!! Thank you for explaining that Kissinger and Hariri (not mentioned but also Soros) are not Jews!! I fear that this is one more nail in the proverbial coffin (not to mention all the “brilliant”
Jews occupying the WH these days) and will be further excuse to gulag us all in the future. Keep shining the light on this darkness around us!! Thankful for you!!!!
I watched the linked video with Whitney Webb. She made sense until she started mentioning Israel a lot, which made me as an Israeli wary. But I kept watching.
She even made sense in mentioning the Israeli intelligence background of Tal Goldstein, who plays a key role in WEF agendas. I winced, but we right-wingers know that the intel community here is dangerously left-leaning. I see them as partly responsible for the infighting among Israelis. That suits the WEF just fine I'm sure.
But then Whitney claimed explicitly that Israel uses "mass surveillance" to "monitor dissent" and then "stamp out dissent" (time-mark 20:40). She of course didn't mean *Israeli* dissent, which is robust and open... at least if it's left-wing dissent.
She meant the *Palestinians*. Not Palestinian protest marches, which happen quite often and are covered by global media. The only thing Israel tries to "stamp out" are terror attacks.
A few minutes earlier she claimed (no specifics or proof) that Israel conducts "illegal surveillance" of Palestinians (mark 16:00). Anyone who insinuates that Palestinians have a right to stab, shoot, bomb, stone, car-ram, and mutilate Israelis as a form of "dissent" -- and calls any effort to track and stop them "illegal surveillance" -- is not dealing honestly with the facts.
Then she went even further, to claim that the US intel community's oppressive surveillance of its own citizens was ALSO being handled by Israel, from somewhere in Silicon Valley.
That's when I shut off the video.
If you watch that report, be aware that you'll have to wade through a toxic mixture to sift out what's true.
(edited for typos)
Oops. If I would have watched the video myself, I would not have posted it. I think I’ll delete it from the article. Just ruins the rest. Thank you so much for alerting me.
Whitney likely works for the agencies that she "pretends" to rail against.
This is a common tactic, as almost everyone wants to follow a leader of some kind.
It is rather difficult to sort out fact from fiction, especially when there is obvious truth mixed in with outright fabrications by these sophisticated spinsters.
Sometimes that's true and there's deliberate pretense. Webb may be in a more nuanced category - the people who see worldwide evil, and because they can't think of an alternative they blame it on the world's favorite scapegoat.
There's plenty of false-flag activity to encourage this. I've seen a theory that the notorious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were written by occultist globalists, who published their own plan and planted it on the Jews. This is a time-honored strategy. It's also how Jonathan Pollard got framed for treason against the US - the real traitor, Soviet double-agent Aldrich Ames, supplied the 'incriminating evidence' against him.
It's frustrating that a lot of Jewish names are prominent in the globalist ranks. But I expect they were recruited as fall guys to throw under the bus whenever necessary. Tellingly, no Jews are up there at the level of Gates, Gore, Schwab, and co.
Unless you count Nazi collaborator Soros, who literally thinks he's god, and totally hates Israel. OTOH he's super old and looks sickly.
Hope my rambling was worth reading.
Completely worth reading, and you'd do well writing your own substack!
On May 21-30, the World Health Assembly will decide whether the WHO (connected to the WEF) has the right to mandate "Global Digital Health Certificates," censor vaccine "misinformation" and more, and make it "legally binding" IMMEDIATELY. To protest, scroll to the "Take Action" page at:
Oh my!! Thank you so much for alerting us.
You’re welcome.
Bill Gates has this patent (666 filing number) in which he envisions trafficking humans with technology. These guys are top notch sadists.
A succinct summary about where humanity is headed!
I am not sure what the expression “words” that’s used in these comments means.
But what I wrote about is very simple.
Don’t lump together true Jews with renegades who aren’t even Jews by law anymore but are giving a bad name to our people because of their ancestry.
There are traditional Jews who keep the Torah as we have done since it was given at Mt. Sinai. I am one of them. We have no part in this madness. We say a prayer called Alenu three times a day expressing the wish for all mankind to turn to G-d and serve Him as one.
Anyone who has rejected the Creator of the world isn’t Jewish anymore.
Not by Jewish law, and they were never part of our community anyway. We don’t know or associate with these people. I don’t think they identify as Jewish themselves.
I have no idea what they believe in. Not the Torah!
They don’t dress as Jews or follow any Jewish precepts.
So no, don’t call them Jews at all. Don’t associate them with us.
No, you are misinformed. You are lumping different kinds of people together that don’t belong. You’ve fallen prey to vicious anti Semitic propaganda. I am Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi simply means the Jews who were exiled from our land when our Temple was destroyed and sent to Germany. From there, throughout centuries of persecution, many ended up in Poland, Hungary, Russia, etc.
When you say that 95 percent of Israel’s population is comprised of evil people that’s ridiculous. I have many friends and relatives there. There are millions of good people!!! People who fear G-d, raise families to do kindness and good, and live upright lives. Those who were fortunate to have had a religious education pray three times daily for humanity as I mentioned yesterday and teach their children to follow the Torah.
The evil people are the minority.
Of course I am NOT calling Kissinger or Soros etc “good”!! That’s my whole point!!
They are not Jewish!!
They don’t even identify as Jewish themselves!! They are just as dangerous to me as they are to you!
I am trying to explain that these people do not look or talk Jewish or observe Jewish laws and are not part of our community.
I want you to understand that their last names don’t mean anything.
(There are actually some good, faithful people who happen to have the name Rothschild or Sasson or Epstein, by the way.)
You have to become better educated. Don’t classify people by their last names. Look at their actions. The bad guys are very easy to spot!! They don’t represent the people they descend from.
(Rockefeller didn’t come from Jews, so why is he on your list?)
Lumping “Ashkenazim” with “Jesuits” is ridiculous. The Jesuits were the persecutors of the Jews.
I do not know much about Khazars or the satanic stuff. All I DO know is that it has nothing to do with me and my people, and you’ve fallen for the lies if you keep believing that nonsense.
There is a HUGE evil plot going on which has nothing to do with Judaism or real Jews.
It’s against G-d and against the Jews - and the rest of humanity. And I believe that the highest people running it at the top don’t even have Jewish ancestry (or at least the vast majority don’t.)
Wrong place to start.
Physical lineage, either through mother or father, is only one way to be a Jew. It leaves out all the converts, who became Jews by choice. And it leaves out all of GOD's decrees about Jews who rebel against the Covenant and will be "cut off from their people".
But physical lineage through the father does not make a person Jewish.
I included that in order to cover all the bases. Jewish scholars have long argued over when in history the matrilineal rule came to be the only one. (In 2nd Temple times, both parents had to be Jewish, not just the mother.) Also I wanted to show respect for the unknown numbers of Europeans with Jewish fathers who were branded by the Nazis as Jews.
Sorry to have created a distraction from the main issues.
No problem, but as far as I know, it started at Matan Torah, and I don’t think it’s possible that there was ever anything different since, because this is the Halacha. I can ask my Rav to confirm this.
No argument, I know the Halacha also. All the non-Jewish wives mentioned in Tanach are assumed to have converted. But Halacha likewise assumes that the non-Jewish husbands mentioned in Tanach converted as well (like Uriah the Hittite). Far as I know, two Jewish parents for Jewish identity was the Halachic requirement until after the second Churban. And even today in Israel, families with a Jewish mother and non-Jewish father are viewed as halachically problematic.
But as we know, all these inside nuances are irrelevant to antisemites. Maybe you should ask your Rav how to relate to Holocaust victims with only a Jewish father who shared the fate of the halachic Jewish victims. Could that have constituted a de-facto conversion in Hashem's eyes?