We can surely figure out safer ways to make things smell good, without resorting to uber-toxins. Air fresheners contain phthalates, which cause a potpourri of illnesses, from cancer to birth defects.
I kicked all of this stuff out of my home many years ago due to chemical intolerances. Perfumed products trigger asthma attacks and migraines for me, plus I have pets (including indoor birds) I wasn't willing to expose to anything like that.
It's not mentioned, but I found two things years ago that can be used for deodorizing a house. For scents in the air left by cooking and such, diluted white vinegar spritzed throughout the room works great. It neutralizes the odor, and the smell of the vinegar goes away quickly. Use a fine spritz, not a spray that settles on surfaces. For odors that get into carpets, sprinkle plain old baking soda all around, leave for 15-30 minutes (or longer, if you can't get to it, won't hurt a thing), and then vacuum it up. The baking soda absorbs odors from the carpet.
Suggesting to splash essential oil on fabric may ruin the fabric. Essential oils can also be toxic when used undiluted and in larger quantities than a drop or two. Essential oils can be deadly to pets. I'm no expert, just mentioning this.
When I was a boy my Gramma would stick whole cloves in an orange or grapefruit and leave the studded fruit in the bathroom. It was pure ambrosia.
That's such a cool idea! I'll have to give that a try.
I kicked all of this stuff out of my home many years ago due to chemical intolerances. Perfumed products trigger asthma attacks and migraines for me, plus I have pets (including indoor birds) I wasn't willing to expose to anything like that.
It's not mentioned, but I found two things years ago that can be used for deodorizing a house. For scents in the air left by cooking and such, diluted white vinegar spritzed throughout the room works great. It neutralizes the odor, and the smell of the vinegar goes away quickly. Use a fine spritz, not a spray that settles on surfaces. For odors that get into carpets, sprinkle plain old baking soda all around, leave for 15-30 minutes (or longer, if you can't get to it, won't hurt a thing), and then vacuum it up. The baking soda absorbs odors from the carpet.
Suggesting to splash essential oil on fabric may ruin the fabric. Essential oils can also be toxic when used undiluted and in larger quantities than a drop or two. Essential oils can be deadly to pets. I'm no expert, just mentioning this.
Yep. Cats, especially, can be super sensitive to certain EOs, so it's definitely something to research more thoroughly before using them.
Thank you! Posting
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