The Safety and Efficacy of these shots has never been studied in pregnant women or fetus, in 9 months of pregnancy nor the newborn infants, nor has Fertility been studied. NONE. Yet the corrupt health bureaucracy and their paid army of bribed Vax ambassadors are outright blatantly lying saying they have been “found safe and effective”.

Pfizer and FDA and Clinical Trial documents themselves show the safety and efficacy of the Covid shots have not been studied in pregnant women during all 9 months of pregnancy, and post partum, nor in the fetus or infant, nor has fertility been studied. The fraudulent CDC V-safe Pregnancy Study did not even test any subject to confirm any pregnancy, nor were blood tests for biomarkers of side effects done on any subject - all data in that Study is self-reported, unverified and unverifiable, yet recommendations for vaccinating pregnant women were based on it.

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I cannot like this 😪. I have seen a few countries stop injections of children & I think Sweden or Norway has stopped them for under 50 year olds ( which would include pregnant women) but I haven’t heard of any country coming out & forcefully stating that these injections are dangerous for pregnant women & their unborn children. Israel has not seen this problem? Or is the MOH keeping it quiet. Two days before Yom Kippur, HaShem must be furious with some of his people.

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The Shot was NEVER STUDIED IN PREGNANT WOMEN. A simple glance at Pfizer and FDA material shows it was never tested in pregnant women. I have been shouting this for so long, to no avail.

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I cannot like what you wrote, I wish they has a more exact reaction other than like.

What can be done?

This is beyond scary. Is there anything that indicate that this happen when the mother was injected while pregnant, or just before conception, does the time passed between the shot and the conception matters?

Any data found would be helpful.

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I don’t have answers really. Except, on a similar note, that Esther Black has seen women who were injected and unable to sustain pregnancies, and then used the protocol she recommends, go on to complete subsequent pregnancies.

So treatments can help to detox. At least somewhat.

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Both my kids took the shots.

My son ended up waking up his auto immune issue that re-attack the kidneys. and added Crohn to the mix. He was hurt before by either the flu VAX or the HPV. He is understands now and will not take any shot.

My daughter and her husband took it in June / July of 2021 and realized it was a mistake. She took NAC and is now pregnant. She also understands that she cannot take any more shots, especially after seeing the data from the FDA.

Who is Esther Black?

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May Hashem give your daughter a healthy pregnancy and baby and many more healthy children too, and may she and her husband be well for 120 years.

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Thinking about your question further, I would guess that the mothers of the babies with white lungs got the shots during pregnancy. If they had not been boosted recently, the doctor would not have confidently termed them “fully vaccinated.”

Esther is my friend, a researcher in Israel. Here is a link which is part 3 in a series of articles a few weeks ago about a protocol that she’s seeing make a huge difference for vax injured people- and what she therefore recommends for asymptomatic vaxxed people, to try to prevent problems.

https://truth613.substack.com/p/extensive-material-on-sonnenschein (Links to the previous 2 articles inside this one.)

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Thank you may Ha’Shem keep us all safe, from those evil doers. And punish them too.

Thank you for all you do.

Ha’Shem gave us both evil people and good people, we must win.

Gmar chatima tova to you.

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You too, gemar chasima tova!

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So many layers of denial. One Dr's twitter handle is about being curious, although spelled wrong. Doesn't seem very curious. And advising pregnant women to mask isn't necessarily a bad idea, if they just mention the mask that actually works, and doesn't harm the users breathing.

P100 masks work better than N95, is not hard to breathe in, looks a bit silly, but if indoors / crowded, especially if pregnant, it's worth it. P100s have only one way protection (if you don't get sick in the first place, you don't spread it). Cloth / surgical masks have zero way protection. N95 + pregnancy can't be healthy, especially if more than very short time.

But, backwards world.

Thanks for all you do bringing truth in these times ..

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Regarding your post about wearing P100 masks in crowded places when pregnant: no, masks don’t work, period, and are harmful, period. There are numerous collections of objective studies proving this fact, such as on Brownstone, and here: https://open.substack.com/pub/boriquagato/p/the-maskset-compilation-of-mask-posts

Masks are a HUGE part of the evil agenda. It took me a long time to realize this.

Also: instead of being scared of germs and trying to hide from them, build up your immune system, and know that there’s EXCELLENT treatment for covid, so no need to fear, pregnant or not. The treatments are safe and effective. We need to stop living in fear. Trust me, I was there myself in Spring 2020, but G-d helped me and opened my eyes.

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children of men

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Our family experienced this first hand when my pregnant daughter in law lost her baby at 3 months …

right after being told by her doctor it was safe and recommended…and right after having sonogram showing a perfectly normal fetus

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My heart is breaking. Does she understand what happened, is the Doctor understanding it?

I drilled into my daughter, no vaccine of any kind. I told her that when I carried her, they not only not recommend it but actually forbidden it. We are all in the hand of big Pharma and government in cahoots drilling into the doctors that it's vaccines of all kind are safe, and nothing ever is connected.

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