THIS is what DTaP Vaccine Did: 4 Month Old “Sudden Death.” Parents, Be Forewarned!
4 month old Mason Bundy died suddenly 3 days after DTaP Vaccine - death was labeled as "SIDS" (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Baby Died of SIDS Three Days After Vaccinations
This tragic story is republished from Dr. William Makis MD’s substack with his permission. Please subscribe to him to receive much more crucial information. Link at end.
October 25, 2023 (Click for Circle of Mamas website.)
Kari Bundy is a warrior mom. Like so many mothers before and after her, Kari trusted her pediatrician with her most precious loved ones, going to every well baby visit and giving her children the recommended vaccines she thought were protecting them.
Like so many mothers, Kari kissed her baby Mason goodnight, only four months old, and discovered his lifeless body just a few hours later.
Mason died just three days after getting the 4 month shots, but the autopsy report listed his cause of death as ‘SIDS or cause Unknown.’
Kari is a warrior because she faced one of the worst things a parent could face, and has not let that experience bury her. Instead, it has emboldened her to share her story and educate others, serving as a lighthouse for all.
What happened to baby Mason?
Mason was born on October 22, 2010 at 35 weeks gestation. Despite being small, he was perfectly healthy and had no NICU stay. Mason was not given the hepatitis B vaccine at the hospital because Kari declined that one. Progressing normally and healthily, he received vaccines at the 2 month well baby visit, and developed colic afterwards.
Two weeks before his routine 4 month well baby appointment, Mason came down with RSV and was hospitalized for one night. He was discharged the next day and recovered well or uneventfully.
When it was time for the 4 month appointment, his mother Kari asked the doctor to delay the vaccines since he had just gotten over an infection. But the pediatrician pushed back, and told her point blank: “If you don’t give your son this shot, pertussis will kill this baby.”
She did what many mothers in her situation do: she gave in, despite what her intuition was telling her.
So on March 1, Mason got the vaccinations recommended at the 4 month appointment.
On March 4, baby Mason was put down to bed like any other night. But a few hours later when Kari went to check on him, he was unresponsive. He was gone.
His official diagnosis was ‘SIDS or cause Unknown.’
Some of the findings from the autopsy suggest baby Mason experienced a cytokine storm which lead to his death. A cytokine storm is an excessive and uncontrolled immune system response involving the release of a large number of cytokines, which are signaling molecules or proteins that regulate immune responses. When the immune system becomes dysregulated and overreacts, it can lead to a cytokine storm, which can have severe and potentially life-threatening consequences.
Click to watch this video with Mason’s mother Kari, as she shared her and Mason’s story with Children’s Health Defense.
This story was republished from Dr. William Makis MD’s substack with his permission. Here is the link to his original article. Please subscribe to Dr. Makis to learn more about vaccine harms and about effective cancer treatments. His subscription link is inside:
Please see my recent article refuting the establishment propaganda and detailing the grave risks of maternal Tdap vaccination as well as baby/child DTaP vaccines:
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Similar experience with whooping cough vaccine, my daughter was near death due to status epilepticus of sudden onset at eighteen months. Quick admission and treatment saved her life.
This is so sad.