Thanks for this post. Eye-opening to see how yet another UN arm morphed/devolved into promoting anti-human, globalist ideology.

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if you haven't already discovered the work of alison mcdowell, i highly recommend it - she comes out of the education space and has done excellent research https://wrenchinthegears.com/

thank you for posting rabbi rietti's very inspiring talk

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Yes, Alison McDowell has some VERY worthwhile research to offer. However, she also believes that Israel is a "colonialist" "oppressor" of "occupied" "Palestine". So, if you support that Hamas-created fiction, then Alison's your gal.

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did not know that! thanks!

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You're welcome! I was following her work until I saw that. I sent her an email and replied that in fact Jews are indigenous to the region, and that 'Palestine' is a modern creation of Arafat. She didn't respond.

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why are smart people so blind sometimes?!?

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