UN/WHO/CDC/Lancet’s “ONE HEALTH” will mean life for animals, death for humans
All life is NOT created equal. And humans are NOT animals.
In a startling example of how far into insanity people will veer when they do not acknowledge the Creator and are no longer guided by Biblical principles, the once-esteemed Lancet has now published an article equating humans with other life forms.
It is but a short step to murder when this equivalence is made.
As the Prophet Hosea told us thousands of years ago: זבחי אדם עגלים ישקון “Those who slaughter people will kiss calves.” (Hosea 13:2)
While the “One Health” program originates with the United Nations and their subsidiary, the World Health Organization, these organizations ramble on poetically and make it somewhat difficult to ascertain what “One Health” is truly about. But the Lancet article spells out the meaning of “One Health” most clearly.
After the important-sounding intro, they get to their main point:
Modern attitudes to human health take a purely anthropocentric view—that the human being is the centre of medical attention and concern. One Health places us in an interconnected and interdependent relationship with non-human animals and the environment. The consequences of this thinking entail a subtle but quite revolutionary shift of perspective: all life is equal, and of equal concern.
If you have a chance, please take a look at my article on Overton’s window, which is critical to understanding how the most unthinkable concepts can be made acceptable in society. This is what they’re doing now.
(Notice the opening line of the Lancet article: “The notion that the wellbeing of an individual is directly connected to the wellbeing of the land has a long history in Indigenous societies.” The portrayal of a radical new idea as one that is actually rooted in a beautiful old tradition is a classic Overton technique. Well, of course, if the land is ruined, people are in trouble. That doesn’t mean that any Indigenous people ever considered an animal’s life as equivalent to theirs. They certainly wouldn’t have lasted long if they had contemplated letting themselves be food for the bear rather than the other way around. 😂)
By the way, last April we spotted this, to our shock and horror, in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. See the words I underlined.
More normalizing the lies, in preparation for perpetrating evil.
An animal can be killed, after all.
While the Lancet is totally transparent that they don’t consider people more important than animals, the CDC tries to spin One Health as if it’s really for the benefit of people:
Don’t be fooled by all their window dressing. CDC attempts to make you think this initiative is about human health, but it really isn’t.
It’s not any more about human health than the CDC withholding effective covid treatment was.
Breitbart News wrote a very illuminating article: https://www.breitbart.com/health/2023/01/23/lancet-urges-shift-away-from-human-centered-health-care-all-life-is-equal/
ROME — The once-prestigious UK Lancet medical journal urges a “revolutionary shift of perspective” away from human-centered health care in favor of “ecological equity” attributing equal value to all life.
Of course, like so much of the other evil we are facing, this was cooked up by a United Nations-World Health Organization + partnership.
The worst part of this is that the World Death Organization has concrete plans to rule over the whole world, as soon as possible.
The plot and the secret meetings have been going on for quite a while already. Here is some information.
I imagine you already know how well it’s worked out so far having the WHO and the CDC directing our healthcare. Remember all the “COVID” deaths as a result of orders to not use hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, or steroids, and to ventilate early and aggressively. If you missed it, see what I cross-posted on Monday.
This unbelievable, tragic reality is an understatement. (The death rate for ventilators in Spring 2020 was actually much higher than reflected in this article, as the subsequent link shows.)
Effective treatments were viciously withheld.
Who orchestrated that?
Who pushed the ventilator idea?
Watch Nurse Erin’s testimony. Ground Zero, Elmhurst Hospital, Spring 2020.
Someone way up on top wanted there to be a huge amount of covid deaths. Certainly in order to create fear and panic and pave the way for acceptance of a novel vaccine.
(And, I would add, the covid murders were apparently not just to pave the way for acceptance of the vaccine, but to free up some space on the planet… 😱.)
A reader commented on the above article and gave a link to this document, “Follow the Money - Blood Money in US Healthcare,” which appears to be a treasure trove of evidence of what took place in hospitals during the “pandemic.” https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:15d995ef-91cd-4956-a0fe-1a62a83eff86#pageNum=15
Here’s a picture of just one page:
Here is a video from last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos. These “experts” are discussing the emerging biological technologies they’re very excited about. While the WEF is not the WHO, they partner very closely. This is what “they” have in mind for our “health.” Watch this and shiver - everything is wrong here. (Hint: It includes surveillance of your brain waves.)
Transforming Medicine, Redefining Life | Davos 2023 | World Economic Forum
Karen Bracken had an article on Monday with a lot of information about One Health. I didn’t get to go through the collection of videos and articles she included, but I want to include this paragraph here:
…it is VERY important that you understand ONE HEALTH. Again it all boils down to total control. Who lives, who dies, who can have children, where you live, how you live, what you eat and how long you will be allowed to live. IT IS NOT ABOUT HEALTH - Who gives these unelected psychopaths the right to determine and dictate these programs. We should have left the UN decades ago. It was not ever created to benefit humanity. It has always been about global communism.
Here’s the link to her article:
This would all be quite depressing, except that there is a G-d Who runs this universe. The evil ones plan, and He laughs.
Do your part and raise awareness that there is a Creator who made the world. He dictates the terms for the inhabitants, and He is the One who made humans “in His image,” with a G-dly soul, and said that we should rule over the rest of earth’s creatures. He clearly instructed us not to murder a human being at any stage of life, but said that we may use animals for food and our other needs (while avoiding cruelty!)
He told us to watch over the world and not ruin it - of course! - but He also said that we are the purpose of Creation, and told us to be fruitful and multiply.
Any plan for “helping the earth” which involves reducing population growth is extremely misguided and an act directly against G-d’s will. It is also blasphemous, because it presumes that G-d can only sustain so many, and not more, which means that one imagines His power is limited - G-d forbid! That is absolutely false.
As I often say, ALL the evil we are experiencing now comes from one source - the denial of the Creator and how He told us to live - and we will not be able to fix the current disaster without fixing this gaping hole. It’s the elephant in the room.
Experts can pontificate endlessly about “where do we go from here,” planning the next form of government which they imagine will “do better” - but it is all meaningless, if society is not constrained by basic G-d given morality and understanding that there is One who sees all, is All-Powerful, and repays in kind.
May we see it openly very soon.
nothing they do is to improve the health of anyone or anything except for a few bank accounts, perhaps.
The evildoers are harming animals as much as people, in cruel, tortuous ways. And animal vaccines harm them as much as people.
And injecting mrna into food animals like cattle has begun if i'm not mistaken, or planned to begin very soon.
I'm an animal lover and although i don't think it's mandatory, I do love animals as much as humans. I was born that way and literally wanted to live outside with our animals instead of inside!
I think for now we have the right to use them as food but the obligation to not cause any suffering whatsoever in life or if killing by necessity.
Concern for animals is a smokescreen just like concern for the planet, concern for health, concern for ANYONE or anything but themselves and their evil "god/s".
It's all fake. They slaughter human and animal life as their evil sacrifice and deny the one Creator and his ways
I was studying that part of Hoshea just a few days ago. It resonated in my mind with the well-known midrash that says that those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind. I think these two references (Hoshea and the midrash) are referring to the same group, godless and evil.
I wonder if these people have thought through their plan. The forms of life we see on earth (plants and animals) are vastly outweighed by microbes (bacteria and the like). Are we really planning to give bacteria the right to vote? Will antibiotics become illegal?
The madness is so severe that even though I pray sincerely to HaShem to provide a worldwide cure to our spiritual and physical plagues (r'fu'ath ha-nefesh u-r'fu'ath ha-guf), I fear that our only way to survive will lie in the success of the totalitarian left's death-wish. They are utterly hypnotized by what I call "the screen".