nothing they do is to improve the health of anyone or anything except for a few bank accounts, perhaps.
The evildoers are harming animals as much as people, in cruel, tortuous ways. And animal vaccines harm them as much as people.
And injecting mrna into food animals like cattle has begun if i'm not mistaken, or planned to begin very soon.
I'm an animal lover and although i don't think it's mandatory, I do love animals as much as humans. I was born that way and literally wanted to live outside with our animals instead of inside!
I think for now we have the right to use them as food but the obligation to not cause any suffering whatsoever in life or if killing by necessity.
Concern for animals is a smokescreen just like concern for the planet, concern for health, concern for ANYONE or anything but themselves and their evil "god/s".
It's all fake. They slaughter human and animal life as their evil sacrifice and deny the one Creator and his ways
I was studying that part of Hoshea just a few days ago. It resonated in my mind with the well-known midrash that says that those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind. I think these two references (Hoshea and the midrash) are referring to the same group, godless and evil.
I wonder if these people have thought through their plan. The forms of life we see on earth (plants and animals) are vastly outweighed by microbes (bacteria and the like). Are we really planning to give bacteria the right to vote? Will antibiotics become illegal?
The madness is so severe that even though I pray sincerely to HaShem to provide a worldwide cure to our spiritual and physical plagues (r'fu'ath ha-nefesh u-r'fu'ath ha-guf), I fear that our only way to survive will lie in the success of the totalitarian left's death-wish. They are utterly hypnotized by what I call "the screen".
The World Hell Organisation gives you One Hell - a 'sustainable' nightmare where you, your pets, your domestic livestock and millions of wild animals are all sacrificed in order to 'save the planet' from the twin imaginary climate and ecological crises. For example, 'clean green' wind energy means millions of dead bats and birds and the slaying of countless marine animals - including endangered whales - in the process of creating offshore 'windfarms'. These monstrous psychopaths are ANTI all forms of life and anti-nature.
I started watching the WEF "transforming medicine" video, and in the first ten seconds, I heard this as the stated goal:
"Redefining life as we know it, and humans as we know them today."
That's all you need to know, friends. The rest is a list of the ways that they claim to be on the verge of achieving that. But they talk about the upgrading the human brain... about "reconstituting life" in a lab... and they have no idea of what they're playing around with, much less how it will affect people or planet.
Just like the madmen who are treating the 3 billion base-pairs of human DNA like their personal Leggo set, while knowing nothing about the overall effect of changing even one base-pair.
Blabbering lunatics who congratulate one another on their delusions. This is what people become when they try to replace GOD.
So it seems they have now redefined species "equity" in the same way that racial "equity" has been redefined: the most successful group needs to apologize for its success, surrender its "privilege", and get to the back of the evolutionary bus.
And if there's not enough room on the bus, get off.
Whatever happened to Darwin's "survival of the fittest" rule - which entitles the winners to take over the environment??
nothing they do is to improve the health of anyone or anything except for a few bank accounts, perhaps.
The evildoers are harming animals as much as people, in cruel, tortuous ways. And animal vaccines harm them as much as people.
And injecting mrna into food animals like cattle has begun if i'm not mistaken, or planned to begin very soon.
I'm an animal lover and although i don't think it's mandatory, I do love animals as much as humans. I was born that way and literally wanted to live outside with our animals instead of inside!
I think for now we have the right to use them as food but the obligation to not cause any suffering whatsoever in life or if killing by necessity.
Concern for animals is a smokescreen just like concern for the planet, concern for health, concern for ANYONE or anything but themselves and their evil "god/s".
It's all fake. They slaughter human and animal life as their evil sacrifice and deny the one Creator and his ways
I was studying that part of Hoshea just a few days ago. It resonated in my mind with the well-known midrash that says that those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind. I think these two references (Hoshea and the midrash) are referring to the same group, godless and evil.
I wonder if these people have thought through their plan. The forms of life we see on earth (plants and animals) are vastly outweighed by microbes (bacteria and the like). Are we really planning to give bacteria the right to vote? Will antibiotics become illegal?
The madness is so severe that even though I pray sincerely to HaShem to provide a worldwide cure to our spiritual and physical plagues (r'fu'ath ha-nefesh u-r'fu'ath ha-guf), I fear that our only way to survive will lie in the success of the totalitarian left's death-wish. They are utterly hypnotized by what I call "the screen".
The World Hell Organisation gives you One Hell - a 'sustainable' nightmare where you, your pets, your domestic livestock and millions of wild animals are all sacrificed in order to 'save the planet' from the twin imaginary climate and ecological crises. For example, 'clean green' wind energy means millions of dead bats and birds and the slaying of countless marine animals - including endangered whales - in the process of creating offshore 'windfarms'. These monstrous psychopaths are ANTI all forms of life and anti-nature.
I started watching the WEF "transforming medicine" video, and in the first ten seconds, I heard this as the stated goal:
"Redefining life as we know it, and humans as we know them today."
That's all you need to know, friends. The rest is a list of the ways that they claim to be on the verge of achieving that. But they talk about the upgrading the human brain... about "reconstituting life" in a lab... and they have no idea of what they're playing around with, much less how it will affect people or planet.
Just like the madmen who are treating the 3 billion base-pairs of human DNA like their personal Leggo set, while knowing nothing about the overall effect of changing even one base-pair.
Blabbering lunatics who congratulate one another on their delusions. This is what people become when they try to replace GOD.
So it seems they have now redefined species "equity" in the same way that racial "equity" has been redefined: the most successful group needs to apologize for its success, surrender its "privilege", and get to the back of the evolutionary bus.
And if there's not enough room on the bus, get off.
Whatever happened to Darwin's "survival of the fittest" rule - which entitles the winners to take over the environment??