Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

I cannot lay my hands on it right now, but I’m almost certain that the law had been changed, absurdly permitting those manufacturing “vaccines” to make changes to the manufacturing process and even ingredients, without disclosing that fact to the public.

As my friend and colleague, Hedley Rees, a career specialist on manufacturing of complex, biological products, often says or implies, “The process is the product”.

Few people really understand what it means to manufacture a complex, biological product, and importantly, how this differs in kind from the manufacture of so-called small molecule drugs.

In the latter, an exact molecular form is being made. A third party could test a sample in a dozen different ways and they’d always get the same result. That’s because it’s a defined substance. The atoms here “point” in this direction and not that direction. It melts at exactly this temperature and not colder or warmer.

A complex biological product is not a defined, pure substance of just one kind. Instead, it’s a mixture of many different compounds, often closely related one to another. This is inherent to the complexity of the product. What is done is to characterise the mixture in question, often using a wide variety of test techniques. The manufacturers must do this as part of the development process and especially when scaling up to make commercial scale products. The results of such tests are often called a monograph. I did a couple when I was an undergraduate student of biochemical toxicology, characterising certain “street drugs”. After doing this, it’s made easier to quickly determine what’s just been seized, not only because of findings identical to those described in the monograph but also due to presence of characteristic impurities, which are formed in greater or lesser amounts, dependent on what route of synthesis was used and how diligent the illicit maker was on how they applied the sequence of events in the process. I’ve even been involved in drugs busts in the mid-1980s, where using these approaches, the prosecution was able to nail down who & where it was made.

If ANYTHING is altered, such as the temperature at which a particular step in manufacturing is performed, it will almost certainly alter what emerges at the end of the process. While educated guesses can be made, the only way to know what’s now being made is to test all kinds of things in order to characterise it fully & it won’t be identical. There might be more or less of certain impurities. The important thing to be aware of is that no one, no matter how clever they are, can know whether safety and efficacy are altered or not. The only way to answer that question is to re-run the preclinical toxicology & the clinical trials. Obviously they don’t want to do it, and there’s complex regulations called “biosimilars”, which reduces - but does not eliminate!! - the amount of testing that has to be done in order to gain approval of the new process. In the case of Pfizer, they apparently obtained EUA (which actually didn’t happen, that’s theatre, they were actually decreed OK by the HHS Secretary) on the product made by the research route but they actually shipped product made by a totally different process. No wonder it was even more toxic. It wasn’t the same complex mixture that they’d already tested.

If they’ve been allowed to change how these evil concoctions are made & even what’s in them, I recommend everyone steers well clear of every product made according to such stupid & reckless rules.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

"Complex biological products" is a good way of describing these potions being given to children and increasingly, adults. Everyone knows that the "whole is greater than the sum of the parts." In other words, nobody actually knows what they are giving people with these. That is also why in the old days we use to advise people who wanted to give their kids a vaccine, do one at a time, spaced out well, and monitor their reaction. It was also easy to detoxify from one vaccine simply by giving a high potency homeopathic preparation of the vaccine (nosode). Now that is very difficult because of so many combinations and the sheer numbers.

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Wow . Thank you for this and for taking the time to explain it so well . Now how do we even begin to tell people that most injectable today run all the above stated risks . If I understand it correctly there is truly no way at this moment now with all the modifications being done to all these “formulas “ to begin to know what these things really do to the human being .

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I agree. We also have an increasing body of information that indicates that many of the ingredients are expected to behave in ways quite different than advertised, or exactly as many so-called "conspiracy theorists" suggested - recent Highwire video on infant mortality being a case point. Halfway through the video they get into some interesting science that indicates increasingly that these brews are both an experiment and to some degree an attempt to achieve outcomes different than advertised.

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I remember you explaining how drugs were made in 2020, and how they didn't just slop it about in a bucket. It looks like they are slopping about in a bucket, and a dirty one at that.

The Danish study showed 1/3 was saline or saline like, the variability indicates that there must have been a large R&D team? Are the manufacturers still told to mix A with B with a sprinkle of H? Not knowing what A, B or H is?

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Back in the day when I wasn’t aware that what we perceived as medical products were in fact “countermeasures”, legally speaking, I assumed good manufacturing practices were being used.

Now I’m not even sure that big pharma has a role beyond fronting up the poisonous materials.

We don’t even know what’s in the injections. The ingredients are rarely described and never in the detail required to mimic them oneself.

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Thanks, I thought that was still the case.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

My condolences to Melody's parents. Very sad. What a beautiful, happy baby girl.

see https://kirschsubstack.com/p/vaccines-cause-sids

and https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-safety-childhood-vaccines-money/

I am so sorry.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

It’s stands to reason being that the shots all contain the DARPA hydrogel and pages of ingredients now identified as nano tech , viral particles and DNA plasmids. What I find so concerning as well is how many unvaccinated people seem to be suffering from similar symptoms , neurological issues and respiratory problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia . Can’t help but wonder if the 5G rollout , in the beginning of October and the flu shot aren’t working in sync to cause all these issues. . It’s more important now then ever to avoid any injections ( flu shots and boosters are reported to contain 10x the “mRNA of the first “Covid “ shot ) Taking and having Ivermectin. Zinc vitamin D and C along with selenium and NAC is a must . . Unfortunately too many have let outside issues distract them , and Lulled themselves into believing the vax genocide agenda has somehow been averted or abated . Is anyone else seeing the sharp increase in lingering illness over the last month and a half ?

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If you haven’t read Dr Pierre Kory’s series of articles on the shedding phenomenon then I would recommend it. Im now convinced it’s real. When I first read about it in mid 2021 I didn’t even want to contemplate such a devastating possibility. Now it’s just one more bitter dose of reality I’ve been forced to swallow. Shedding is a complex issue but one that needs to be seriously addressed. And it could help explain your observation of increased health problems among the unvaccinated.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Utterly tragic. If only her parents had been hep to the dark agenda of the cradle to grave vaccinations agenda. May God keep Melody in his memory and give her a re-do when the time for that comes. R.I.P. Melody. And may her mother not be haunted /plagued with guilt for what took place.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

I knew my 1 year 3 months old son was vaccine injured, DTP vax and meningitis vax, after receiving his third one. He lost eye contact, ADHD, and slight autism. This was in 1995. Doctors/ nurses didn’t believe me but I always knew. Never trusted any vaccines anymore. I know I was right and it’s all coming out now. Even the childhood vaccines were never properly tested. Now it’s a way to kill more people.

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In the prewar days we survived, measles chicken pox and whooping gough.

Vaccinations became popular for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.

My children had all three, but my last only survived status epilepticus by swift use of valium after whooping cough vaccine.

As a medical prctioner this had profound effects on my practice, one of which was an aversion to influenza vaccinations, which I only gave when requested.

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Our company had walgreens come last week and offer Flu,Covid RSV shots.

Their was about 25 people that got all 3.

(I will Never get any bio weapon shots ever)

A guy that got all 3 shots was very sick the next day saying I shouldn't of got all 3 shots.

His eyes were all red, he didn't look good.

These are not about health, but profits for pharma.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Thanks for the headsup. Sharing this out.

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Tut, that's pseudouridine for you... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16111635/

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Thx for the heads up. Will share for sure! This all just so profoundly sad and dark. There are no words to express how awful this is.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Tragic. The experience of inoculums related to covid has shown that any inoculum, no matter what it is called, can contain anything and the producers are not legally responsible. Inoculation has become a lottery with one's own life and is no longer something related to medicine.

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Thank you, Brucha! It is devastating!


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My condolences to the family. What a loss. Unimaginable.

Please stop talking about alleged "viruses" as if they existed.

The shots are poisonous.

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Melody Rain’s premature death is a terrible tragedy. But I’m skeptical of the link between vaccines and her untimely death. I don’t know what caused it cuz I’m no medical expert. She seems to have suffered from Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) which can be triggered by a number of factors. A single instance of it happening after routine childhood immunizations cannot be considered as scientific evidence because it is anecdotal. I’m not denying that it may have been the cause but is there any scientific evidence (i. e. Peer reviewed studies) that link childhood immunizations to MODS?

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It’s not a single instance. Death very soon after childhood vaccination happens much more often than you realize. See this study. https://palexander.substack.com/p/devastating-2011-study-by-miller

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I didn’t ask anything about Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and vaccines. I asked specifically about what Melody Rain suffered from (MODS) and vaccines. Can you show me any studies about MODS and vaccines?

Also you directed me to a site ran by Dr. Paul Alexander which is telling. He is responsible for politicizing Covid science far more than the CDC, FDA, and Dr. Fauci did. He cited a study done by Miller and Goldman who both have strong views against vaccines. Not saying that it means that they’re wrong but it ignores the bias in their study. The study in particular has methodology flaws and left out 80% of the data



If you’re going to post scientific data to backup your claims, you should be more careful to post reliable science and not sketchy science

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You are the one diagnosing Melody with MODS. But you’re not a doctor and neither am I. I’m just going to talk about death after vaccination. That is what matters. If you look through my site you’ll see lots of articles with studies.

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Oh, now I recognize you! Hi. Your Mr. Controlled Opposition, who pops up whenever a truly heart-tugging tragedy that might really open someone’s eyes is posted.

You’ll play it both ways.

You’ll armchair-diagnose Melody from a distance with the exact cause of death - and then have the chutzpah to ask for scientific papers showing that many other kids died that way, too, right after shots - (as if the medical establishment really is prone to actually investigating these things) - but you’ll dismiss her mother’s instinctual understanding of what killed her healthy baby.

Shame on you.

You’re the one always claiming it’s “normal” for a 15 month old or a 5 year old - or a 20 year old - to have a heart attack. Right, it could “happen for lots of reasons.”

And of course, a doctor who has everything at stake is surely to be believed when he immediately declares, before any investigation and without any proof, that a death “had nothing to do” with the poison a child just received. Riiiight.

You’re the guy who will ALWAYS find flaws in any study, except the fake ones that the corrupt vaccine companies produce.

Never mind the parents coming forward crying about their disabled or murdered children.

You’ve got to be shown the “ironclad scientific proof.”

OK, keep going. We’re onto your game.

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Why do these stories always seem to come with a fund-me request.

Makes me think that it's a racket.

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If someone has gone through such a tragedy, isn’t it natural that their relatives want to help in some way, and they try to raise money for funeral expenses and /or create a charity fund to memorialize the child? It makes total sense to me.

You can see the child is real. She was reported on in the news, and the pediatric practice that gave her the shots is shown. If this hadn’t happened, her pediatrician would be up in arms claiming libel.

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As a grandmother of 3 young ones I simply can’t imagine what that poor family have gone through... World governments & the military machine that has been utilised to experiment on the populations with the contents of all injectables for at least the last 4 decades are nothing less that sub-human degenerates, with no empathy or conscience.

Let’s hope we can all stand together to see that justice is done for Everyone.

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