thanks Brucha.

I had never heard / seen these prayers before. Just the same, I read and recited them as you suggested. You are a truly good person. G_d Bless you.

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: It is critical …….to believe in One God, the Creator of the world, and Him alone. Oneness of God includes that He has no form or any physical attributes at all.

I’ve always believed this to be true but had never seen it written before. I’ve always felt a little foreign in my own church. Thanks 🙏 .

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You can learn more in the writings of the great sage Maimonides (his writings are translated on Chabad.org) or in the classes of Rabbi Y.D. Smith: RabbiSmith.org.

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I pray for all of the innocent people being genocided by the government.

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Thank you for your dedication to Life. Thank you for the time you take to put all those prayers down here for others to read, learn and utter and for your strength of heart. We benefit, thank you.

I was led over and over again to Psalm 91 during the plandemic and I shared it with others to remind them of what they already do know. Today I was led to Psalm 37 and Psalm 46 which are also so encouraging. We look to the One who knows all things, there is nothing else.

Also, I keep up with Pulse of Israel and Israel Video Network/Israel Unwired as well. I love dear Avi Abelow’s unique way of bringing truth to people especially atm with “boots on the ground” reports daily. He’s one of us in relation to the last 3&1/2 years, G-d bless his efforts and keep him and his family safe.


There are so many videos to watch on this site to educate people on the truth about Israel that we don’t hear on the MSM.

Today I was sent another video from a friend in the States and I share that with you all.


And G-d bless Ben Shapiro, whatever you may think of some of his “leanings” he has his finger on the pulse of exposing the lies and REAL misinformation out there in the media.

(I do not agree with his statement that Jews and Muslims worship the same god - argue all you like - this is just not true and people need to wake up to that fact and learn some real lessons about which “god” and what kind of “god” they think is on their side. No one wants to really know that there is a HUGE difference. There is no equivalence. None!

Please praise and pray everyone, it is the power of praise and prayer to the One who hears that is our defense. I am reminded just now of Miriam and the women banging their tambourines and praising G-d as the armies of Israel went to fight their enemies all those centuries ago. “I change not” says Adonai. So go bang those timbrels and tambourines and sing out to Adonai your G-d who delivers the entire enemies of Israel into their hands. B’ruch HaShem!!


Shalom to all those whose hearts are in turmoil right now. Look to G-d your deliverer.

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With all due respect.

This is not just about believing in the Most High.

This is about knowing, loving and serving the One.

For the One to act on our behalf, we have to have moral standing, with the One.

We have to be standing with the One morally.

The blessings flow from keeping the moral commandments.

The curses flow from breaking the moral commandments.

Most of us have allowed our personal, family, community and national moral standards to be progressively eroded.

Thus, we have removed ourselves, from the protective covering of the Most High.

We want justice in the face of genocide.

What about justice, for the millions of innocent little ones, murdering in their mothers' wombs?

What about the millions, abandoned to immorality, because we did not defend the moral boundaries?

Peace is the fruit of righteousness.

If we want peace, we need to sincerely repent, until we obtain righteousness.

Only then will we be able to stand with the One.

Only then will we have standing, to appear in the High Court of the Universe, and ask for justice.


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100%. Please see on my substack site my vehement protests against abortion and against immoral “marrriage.”

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My concern is that our government has endorsed immoral laws, effectively removing us from divine protection, to an unknown degree.

Our government, appears to be morally corrupt and criminally violent, in many ways.

Our government, has unleashed a health holocaust on us all, causing a great deal of suffering and death.

If this is what our government does to us, how can we trust anything said about what Arabs are doing to us, or what we are doing to them?

Peace is the fruit of righteousness.

Our pleas for peace, must be grounded in righteousness, to succeed.

Those who have standing, may have to stand and intercede, day and night.

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You are so, so right about the immoral laws removing Divine protection.

When these laws were passed in NYS about 12 years ago, I remember our horror and concern that tragedies would follow.

I do have one note, though, on your comment. Regarding your question on how we can know whether Hamas truly committed the atrocities reported, yes, I have independent verification of that from people I know on the ground there, and people they know - people who have seen things with their own eyes.

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To clarify, the government I referred to was Israel, not the US.

There are conflicting reports from Gaza, due to disputed facts, or no verified facts at all.


I am not disbelieving your input.

I am aware, that both sides are accusing the other, of atrocities.

The waters are necessarily muddied in a war zone, with both sides trying to justify their actions, by accusing the other of unjustifiable violence.

Sometimes the facts, may be truly in dispute.

Sometimes, lies and propaganda, are highly likely to be operative.

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Dr. Alexander where are other Religious prayers? There are different Religions.

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Please explain your question?

Thank you.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Dear Consuelo,

I love you too. I truly appreciated the warm thoughts expressed in your post, which you wrote in love and thanks. But it is a CRITICAL tenet of faith in God that He is ONE with no other beside Him.

Thousands- maybe millions - of my People over the ages have willingly given up their LIVES rather than betray our faith in God. I certainly cannot do so on my site.


Your name hints to me that your family might originate from the Iberian Peninsula. I have ancestry from there, too. I cannot help but wonder if you may have ancestors who were Jewish before the Inquisition? It’s a fascinating topic worth looking into.

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It is your site and you are in charge of it. I would not object. I just object to censorship. Freedom of speech is very important. In America Freedom of Speech is under attack. I would have preferred that you just give your opposing views and not censor mine but I still love you.

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