Aug 25, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Dr Chris Exley has a sub stack. He's studied aluminum for decades. He's another scientist who's lost funding and job to prevent dangers of this in jabs.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Brucha Weisberger

Exactly correct. Look at the Amish kids. No vaccines, no autoimmune disease, no autism, no ear infections, no SIDS.

There are also a few old time honest pediatricians who will tell you privately that the unvaccinated children in their practice are healthier and better developed than the vaccinated.

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I am grateful to discover you and watched the powerful Aug. 20 symposium and probably a previous one. I did not vaccinate my children, born at home in the 1980's, so have been following vaccine safety for 43 years. I was censored don Medium so moved to Substack and have several pieces about children and wrote an expert psychological opinion on psychological harm to children of vaccines and minor consent. I testified in DC Council against mandates for children. I wrote several versions of a "Truly Informed Consent on Behalf of Children" for Covid shots, also informed collusion lie for school pop up clinics and informed coercion for mandates, I/we should write a version for these shots, like "I am inform that there is an irrefutable association between childhood vaccines and Type 1 diabetes," etc, I think it would be effective as a tool to put in the hands of parents before they jab their kids. I have also written on PsyOps on parents to get them to jab their children. I share your heartbreak about witnessing this and commitment to work for truth. I watched about 60 hours of the CDC and FDA meetings voting to give shots to younger and younger children based on fraudulent data.

Here are a few to give you an idea






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