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Note: Please do not subscribe on the Sabbath, which is between Friday at sundown and Saturday night after dark - (I’m on Eastern Time) - and on Jewish festivals. This request is because I don’t want to potentially violate the Sabbath by conducting business, even passively, on the holy day.
In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth is one of the few newsletters reporting the truth on Covid-19, the vaccines, and the associated global madness with an eye to what G-d wants from us.
As a Jewish Torah-observant individual, the author seeks to help humanity find their way back to G-d, which is the only way to truly stop the global tyrants who want to kill us spiritually and physically.
The author is fortunate to be connected to many of the top world covid treatment doctors, and to some of the foremost scientists studying the harms caused by the covid vaccines. The author is also an address for vaccine injured people. This is important, because the information here is not just based on research, but also on firsthand experiences with people whose lives have been destroyed by the shots.