Thank you for your excellent work, dear Brucha. Thanks also for making the effort to address the FDA directly in the public hearings. That was a powerful presentation you made. I found it on rumble at https://rumble.com/v18i4vu-brucha-weisberger.html

I don't know how those people who approved the shots for kids live with themselves, either.

* * *

For those who don't do video, here is a transcript of the very important Dr. Clare Craig video that appears in this post:

"Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children"

June 17, 2022



I'm Dr. Clare Craig, I'm a Diagnostic Pathologist and I'm co-chair of the HART Group and I want to take you through the evidence that Pfizer just presented to the FDA on the 6 months to 4 year old children.

There's an awful lot about this trial that has shocked me and I think will shock you, too.

The trial recruited 4,526 children aged from 6 months to four years old. 3,000 of these children did not make it to the end of the trial. That is a huge number, two thirds of them. Why was there this drop off? That needs to be answered. And without an answer to that, on that basis alone, this trial should be deemed null and void.

So what did the trial show? Well, they defined severe covid as children who had a slightly raised heart rate or a few more breaths per minute. There were six children aged 2 to 4 who had severe covid in the vaccine group but only one in the placebo group. So on that basis, the likelihood that this vaccine is actually causing severe covid is higher than the likelihood that it isn't. There was actually one child who was hospitalized in this trial. They had a fever and a seizure. They had been vaccinated.

So now let's turn to what they defined as any covid. And what they did was to utterly twist the data.

They vaccinated the children and they waited 3 weeks after the first dose before the second dose. In that 3 week period, 34 of the vaccinated children got covid and only 13 in the placebo group, which worked out as a 30% increased chance of catching covid in that 3 week period if you were vaccinated. So they ignored that data.

And then there was an 8 week gap between the second and the third dose, where again, children were getting plenty of covid in the vaccine arm. So they ignored that data.

There was then several weeks after the third dose, which they also ignored, which meant that in the end they had ignored 97% of the covid that occurred during the trial, and they just looked at tiny numbers. So tiny.

In the end they were comparing 3 children in the vaccine arm who had covid with 7 in the placebo arm and they said that this showed the vaccine was effective.

So they measured how many of these children actually managed to catch covid twice in the two month followup period. And there were 12 children who had covid twice and all but one of them were vaccinated, mostly with 3 doses. So you have to wonder what on earth they're thinking when the claim of reduction in covid was only 4 children and here we have 12 children who got covid twice, 11 of them vaccinated.

So let's just recap. They recruited 4,500 children, 3,000 of them dropped out, and in the end they're claiming this vaccine works on the basis of 3 covid cases versus 7, a difference of 4 children only, and all of this on a backdrop of a disease which doesn't affect children, and with no long-term safety data.

We have to ask how an ethics committee could have approved this trial in babies. Babies are not at risk from covid. And now we have Pfizer who are presenting this as evidence to the FDA in order to apply for an Emergency Use Authorization. Emergency Use Authorization is meant for a situation where there's a risk of serious injury or death. Now, children under 5 are not at risk of serious injury or death from covid. In fact, in their own trial, they had to make up other ways of measuring the problem because there was no serious injury or death.

Now originally these products were sold as actually also reducing transmission. Now it would be completely unethical to use young children as a human shield, but we now know that they don't reduce transmission. The WHO have stopped claiming that they reduce transmission, so that argument doesn't apply either.

Now if we just turn to safety, what they did is they followed up the patients for 6 weeks before unblinding them and vaccinating them. So the children who'd had placebo, the control group, were followed up for an average of 6 weeks and then given the vaccine. So that's your safety control gone forever.

The fact that this trial existed at all is unbelievable. There are other issues in there which I haven't highlighted, but those are the key ones.

Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves.



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So many people have been trying, and trying, and trying to get the word out about the lie that these covid shots are safe, but almost all have been censored, shadow-banned, and/or just ignored. Here a jab-injured health care worker speaks out to her local school board:

"Danee Dixon"

Vaccine Injury Stories from Angel Medic, posted December 28, 2022



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is a filmed public comment. From a podium Danee Dixon addresses board members. All are masked. A sign on the wall says "CORONA OF NORCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Where your future takes flight." This school district is in Norco, California, southeast of Los Angeles in Southern California. https://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/ Dixon wears a flannel checked shirt, baseball cap and a black mask. The Rumble page description says "Her vaccine injury story January 2022."

TEXT ON SCREEN: Danee Dixon, Respiratory Therapist

First Dose of Pfizer on 12/18/20

Second Dose of Pfizer on 01/10/21


DANEE DIXON: My name is Danee and I am your health care hero. I've spent the last 2 years in the frontlines of this virus. When the vaccine became available I didn't want it but I felt the duty to lead by example and do what was best to protect my community, my family, my patients, because that's what I was told that this would do.

But let me tell you what it did do. On January 10th my life changed forever. What started as a headache 13 hours after my vaccine ended up being inflammation of my brain, increased inter-cranial pressure. I have neurological deficits such as stutter, twitches, tremors, which recently led me to falling and breaking my foot.

I have blood clots and I am on daily blood thinner injections.

I am a guinea pig with no definite answer if I will ever be fixed.

I have spent 20,000 dollars on treatment IVIG,[1] plasmapheresis,[2] I'm on 23 pills a day. And no change to show for it.

Doctors don't listen and after multiple hospital visits I can no longer work.

I am real. The danger of this is real. And I am here tonight because I want to make sure that you are OK with sitting here and looking at me and being responsible for every child injury that comes after me.



#   #   #


See also Danee Dixon's Q & A for Realnotrare.com


And see also Danee Dixon Jab-Injured Health Care Worker: "what we have been told is a lie"

"there are hundreds of thousands of people like me... I would just really beg you to protect yourself and protect your children from this poison."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/161210.html

Source video:

"Danee Dixon - Vaccine Injured Healthcare Employee shares her story."

Informed with Anthony, posted November 3, 2022


[1] IVIG is intravenous immunoglobulin.

[2] "Plasmapheresis is the process healthcare providers use to obtain plasma from blood. Plasma exchange is when providers use plasmapheresis to replace plasma. The process involves using a machine to separate plasma from blood and then returning the blood to the person receiving treatment."

— Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24197-plasmapheresis-plasma-exchange

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Thank you for all your hard work to expose the truth. We're now experiencing multiple daily code blues...sometimes I think I will just start screaming from the top of my lungs to break this silent spell.

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Thank YOU, Dee Dee. Your blog with your memes about your experiences as a nurse is uniquely powerful. And also comforting to so many of us who are surrounded at both work and home by the resolutely incurious "baffled." They really do seem to be a under a spell.

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Absolutely criminal.. first they told us that children have innate immunity that protect them against coronavirus up to the age of ten…. And that the fatality rate for all is 0.03% and somehow they made that protection wane away by a further 42%… so 42 children out of every 1000 died to help some greedy investors.. make more money ….all of these grown adults who profited should be charged with murder.

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Trying to convince friends/family not to dose up their kids is like talking to a wall as well. The indoctrination runs deep and wide.

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Fire your pediatrician and take it to another step. Shame them. If I had a young child #1, I would never go to a “ Well visit.” #2. I would go without my child and share with all the data from the world that this is a death jab. I would call them out for being stupid, breaking their Oath, and taking the bribed money. At this point in my career as a physician ( I started in 1993), I am sick, tired, and extremely angry with these physicians. There are 1.2 million American-trained physicians in America, and in 2024, we are not united to fight this. Around 300,000 (+) physicians in Japan united to fight against the jab. The nationwide protests that we are seeing in Japan come from the Japanese medical community.

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Promoting shots daily on radio. Doctors in Germany are being fined if they tell parents or patients that the mRNA shots are dangerous. Canada is collecting the names of the unvaccinated. Our bodies and the bodies of our children are no longer our own.

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They’re Psychotic.

Did You Miss That ?


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THey live in the world of Big Pharma, which has completely bled out the Infectious Disease Division of the CDC from the inside.

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Not everyone who looks human is human...

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Thank you. I just watched this video on Stanislaw Burzynki, PhD MD and his creation of antineoplastons for cancer treatment. I was aware of his work but had no idea the amount of persecution/prosecution he endured by the Texas Board, FDA and NIH - in the end our government stole his patent - reminds me of what they did to Dr. Makis. Really worth the time to watch - to probe the depth of the evil and the devil's tools. The Unholy War Against Dr. Burzynki's Cure for Cancer


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518 fallecimientos de niños han sido extraidos de VAERS después de la "vacuna" COVID, la mayoría ocultos premeditadamente como: edad/indeterminada...


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Aug 30
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neonatologists too

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