I am not a paid subscriber but would like to contribute something; I very much appreciate your work. Your efforts deserves compensation.
Could you include a "Buy Me A Coffee" button? I could buy a few coffees at a time; I simply cannot afford all the subscriptions that I think are important and/or the writers whom I wish to support.
As small as the amounts are, several people buying coffees can add up for you.
My other option is to subscribe for a month (or two) and then cancel. It's cumbersome doing that but I may consider that approach; it's a way of expressing my appreciation for your work with more than words.
Substack takes somethng even from Coffees. As such, I'm sure the people at Substack can guide you in setting up a Coffee contribution button.
Here is how Denise Trull at The Inscapist asks for donations:
I do not feel inclined at this time to have a paid substack. But if we were together in a cafe discussing all these thoughts, I would not be opposed to you buying me a cup of coffee - with cream, of course. In that spirit, if any of my posts resonate with you and you feel so inclined, you can donate here: buymeacoffee.com/denise_trull
Sage Hana simply posts two different contribution links but does offer thanks when one clicks on either one:
Thank you for all your research. I wish I had known all this when I had my son. Prior to Covid I just went along childhood vaccination schedule but stopped when my son was 4 now he is 7. It makes me so upset knowing the moral corruption, greed and dangers behind the broad vaccine industry
I don't know if this is true - but years ago I heard that the real push for legalized abortions in this country came from the pharmaceutical/medical research institutions. I don't know if they assisted in the case or just supported the case, but their issue was at the time there were legal restrictions on importing "fetal tissue" for R&D so research had to be done in a country that allowed for such. Whatever it was there was a bottleneck in availability of fetal tissue.
Abortion and using aborted tissue are barbaric practices and the whole vaccine industry is a criminal enterprise that is responsible for more death and destruction then we will ever know.
Think about ALL in power, research, etc that know/knew this and continue on - the pope, catholic hierarchy, ALL scientists, medicos, and on and on - as said many times before man’s inhumanity to man only continues when good men/women look the other way and THE most vulnerable being abused/targeted/exploited - babies, children, animals and women for unnecessary gain is sickening. Until and when those in power AND those participating are severely punished will this absolute evil stop. 😭🙏🏻
We didn't learn about the dangers of vaccination until Robert Mendelsohn MD published his book. That was in 1978, if I recall correctly. We gave vaccines to our children because they were required by law for them to go to school. We started homeschooling around 1978, so we no longer needed to comply with the law. We never vaccinated our youngest. Our second youngest MIGHT have received MMRII, but he would be the only one. I praise God for protecting my family from this scourge. The law mandates that we turn our children into cannibals! It is time to rebel completely and utterly and refuse any further vaccines of any kind, no matter what your age. If that keeps your children out of the government indoctrination centers called "public schools", count that as a blessing. There are many ways to homeschool, many curricula available. For very young children where both parents must work, you can work different shifts. There are homeschool co-ops. The internet is a tremendous resource; many, many sites with educational information. Don't buy that new car that spies on you. Don't buy expensive new clothes that will pollute the environment when they are discarded. Live lean. It's worth it. I speak from experience.
Thank you. Unfortunately, it did not prevent three of my children from falling for the lies about the Covid shots. And some suffered severe consequences. And my sister. I tried to warn them all.
I’m so sorry 😞 At least they don’t have those AND the other jumble of witchcraft shots in them, and that really is a big advantage, all things considered!
There was an article from Unbekoming on Rabies a bit ago but I’m wondering if your research has brought anything up on it? Especially now knowing it has aborted cells, and with what I know of injections now, I’m not entirely certain what I should do in that situation. I know of a surprising amount of people who have received the rabies shots.
I am not a paid subscriber but would like to contribute something; I very much appreciate your work. Your efforts deserves compensation.
Could you include a "Buy Me A Coffee" button? I could buy a few coffees at a time; I simply cannot afford all the subscriptions that I think are important and/or the writers whom I wish to support.
As small as the amounts are, several people buying coffees can add up for you.
My other option is to subscribe for a month (or two) and then cancel. It's cumbersome doing that but I may consider that approach; it's a way of expressing my appreciation for your work with more than words.
Thank you so much! Let me see if I can figure out how to do that.
Substack takes somethng even from Coffees. As such, I'm sure the people at Substack can guide you in setting up a Coffee contribution button.
Here is how Denise Trull at The Inscapist asks for donations:
I do not feel inclined at this time to have a paid substack. But if we were together in a cafe discussing all these thoughts, I would not be opposed to you buying me a cup of coffee - with cream, of course. In that spirit, if any of my posts resonate with you and you feel so inclined, you can donate here: buymeacoffee.com/denise_trull
Sage Hana simply posts two different contribution links but does offer thanks when one clicks on either one:
There are also direct paypal options or other ways. Sorry to butt in like this.
Can you see if this works? kofi.com/truth613
The link didn't work. *Sigh*
It looks like it’s working now! 😊https://ko-fi.com/truth613
Thank you so much for giving me the push to set it up.
Thank you for all your research. I wish I had known all this when I had my son. Prior to Covid I just went along childhood vaccination schedule but stopped when my son was 4 now he is 7. It makes me so upset knowing the moral corruption, greed and dangers behind the broad vaccine industry
I don't know if this is true - but years ago I heard that the real push for legalized abortions in this country came from the pharmaceutical/medical research institutions. I don't know if they assisted in the case or just supported the case, but their issue was at the time there were legal restrictions on importing "fetal tissue" for R&D so research had to be done in a country that allowed for such. Whatever it was there was a bottleneck in availability of fetal tissue.
Abortion and using aborted tissue are barbaric practices and the whole vaccine industry is a criminal enterprise that is responsible for more death and destruction then we will ever know.
I’ll quote Thomas Jefferson “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.”
Think about ALL in power, research, etc that know/knew this and continue on - the pope, catholic hierarchy, ALL scientists, medicos, and on and on - as said many times before man’s inhumanity to man only continues when good men/women look the other way and THE most vulnerable being abused/targeted/exploited - babies, children, animals and women for unnecessary gain is sickening. Until and when those in power AND those participating are severely punished will this absolute evil stop. 😭🙏🏻
We didn't learn about the dangers of vaccination until Robert Mendelsohn MD published his book. That was in 1978, if I recall correctly. We gave vaccines to our children because they were required by law for them to go to school. We started homeschooling around 1978, so we no longer needed to comply with the law. We never vaccinated our youngest. Our second youngest MIGHT have received MMRII, but he would be the only one. I praise God for protecting my family from this scourge. The law mandates that we turn our children into cannibals! It is time to rebel completely and utterly and refuse any further vaccines of any kind, no matter what your age. If that keeps your children out of the government indoctrination centers called "public schools", count that as a blessing. There are many ways to homeschool, many curricula available. For very young children where both parents must work, you can work different shifts. There are homeschool co-ops. The internet is a tremendous resource; many, many sites with educational information. Don't buy that new car that spies on you. Don't buy expensive new clothes that will pollute the environment when they are discarded. Live lean. It's worth it. I speak from experience.
Couldn't agree more
Wow, incredible you caught on that early! What a blessing for your family, seriously!
Thank you. Unfortunately, it did not prevent three of my children from falling for the lies about the Covid shots. And some suffered severe consequences. And my sister. I tried to warn them all.
I’m so sorry 😞 At least they don’t have those AND the other jumble of witchcraft shots in them, and that really is a big advantage, all things considered!
I don’t know whether to be furious or heart broken. We are neck deep in blood guilt and most of society are happily bathing it in.
That is horrific, and you know WI-38 must mean there were 37 more babies they did that to, at LEAST, before they got what they wanted. It’s horrible thinking of just one. Va©️©️1nes are pretty much witchcraft potions, and no wonder we’re all sick nowadays!
There was an article from Unbekoming on Rabies a bit ago but I’m wondering if your research has brought anything up on it? Especially now knowing it has aborted cells, and with what I know of injections now, I’m not entirely certain what I should do in that situation. I know of a surprising amount of people who have received the rabies shots.
Seriously 😳