The NY governor is clearly off her rocker. Time to expose her for what she is: demon possessed.

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May the lord be with her and all the rest of us!! Bless her great big heart!

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The Lord is with us

Micha 7

“ 9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness.”

God is judging his people either because we are falling away or because we did not speak up and fight while we had the chance.

The Christian church is under the delusion that Romans 13 means to be the government no matter what

it means nothing of the sort and we are paying the price.

There are thousands of cases were had the Christian people stood up in the absence of the lowest of the lesser magistrates acting, it would’ve been a very easy fix as compared to today.

We have waited so long, like failing to weed the garden on a daily basis, we have about lost the entire garden and it’s now gonna be a very painful fix to set things right, and all will suffer for it.

Go to sermon audio.com and listen to sermons on the doctrine of the lesser magistrate.

Go to dfytyrants.com and buy the book and learn more about the doctrine.

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Thank you for the reminder.

“All the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free?” Stefan Zweig

Get free, stay safe.

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These psychopaths will never stop. Look around. New Mexico...against the 2nd amendment.

New York against the 1st ....and a few others.

This is happening so fast, we are reeling.

Godspeed and God bless Bobbie Ann Cox. Our prayers go with her.

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They want us dead. No point in pretending any longer.

One has to ask... Are we being bread-crumbed a pack of lies by 'A.I.' at this point? Are the faces on our TV screens deep-fakes?

Is the Matrix consuming our art, our beauty, our voices, our visions and spitting us out as garbage?

What is 'real' any longer? Pinch yourself and if you feel pain, feel glad for it, you're real.

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It's insane that this is still even being contemplated. Bless Bobbie Ann Cox for her tireless work but I sometimes think it would be better if these politicians were on the defense more..

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BOBBIE COX received a standing ovation from everyone attending Court to hear her Plea at the Appeal today. The Judges did not intervene.

Upon leaving the Court Room, she then again was heralded with hurrahs on exiting the Court by all those waiting outside.

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“Rosh Hashana marks the birthday of humankind - the anniversary of the 6th day of the creation of the world, 5,784 years ago, when G-d created Adam and Eve.”

I think of my beliefs as being in harmony with the creation of a relatively young earth, yet I wonder how the “5784 years ago” was calculated. I’m interested in discrepancies between the older Greek Septuagint version of Genesis (which was translated from earlier Hebrew writings) versus the newer corrupted version of Genesis in the Leningrad codex, particularly discrepancies in the genealogies between Noah and Abraham. I think that these discrepancies were intentional in order to disprove that Christ Jesus/Messiah Yahshua (or Yeshua) was the new High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Corrupt Jewish scribes allegedly changed some of the genealogies in order to prove that Jesus was a fraud. This is serious stuff, more important than the dates Adam and Eve were created. If interested, see these two good videos on Hebrew history: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tIz55NOrFos and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yrVs5HqqthI

Shem is not Melchizedek.

The children of Israel were not enslaved in Egypt for four hundred years.

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Click on 'Arguments' or 'Live'...I'm not sure which, to access the live proceedings today. I don't know what time they start.

I tested it yesterday and was able to watch the Court in session, so hoping it works today once they get underway...https://ad4.nycourts.gov/go/live/channel.asp?channel=on-demand

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