IT’S OVER. It took a while, but we’ve caught on to your game. My message to the corrupt medical agencies and media as they mourn declining childhood vaccination rates: Get lost.
Bring back informed consent. Then when they say "Would you like this toxic nanoparticle bioweapon with SV40 cancer promoter, toxic spike proteins, lethal prions, lethal endotoxins, toxic PEG, toxic Polysorbate 80, and plasmid DNA which will integrate into your genome causing cancer and be passed to your kids?" we would have all refused.
This has been a long time coming. When I retired almost 20 years ago, it wasn't nearly this bad but there were signs. But once you step away, if you want to, you can see the depth of the allopathic medical establishment corruption and how they are owned by big pharma. My mentors must be turning in their graves.
They really want the kids don't they? The over 65's too!! Add the chemical and physical castrations of the 'trans' too this mess!! Lack of care at the VA and hospitals and death is a given!!
Alas, many of the doctors who went all in on the injections, taking several of them themselves, and continuing to take them to this day, they may pass away from the consequences before they can confront the reality of what they have done to themselves and to others in this world. It may be a brief period until then, or, it may be many years. Time will tell. But I think it will be far easier for such doctors to continue to believe that they were the good, responsible people, and that those who objected in any way to the covid jabs must be right-wing extremist nutters, than to face facts. Miracles are always possible, however.
I'm still in shock today and not sure if it will ever disappear. I spoke with a friend about another friend's situation with "long covid" and I said "Come on - we know he is vax injured!" I do know because I had a conversation with him about it. Enough! Say it like it is and stop glossing over this nightmare as if it's a common day experience. There is no room for politeness when people are suffering immensely. Thank you for writing this excellent piece.
You are singing my song, dear Brucha. The utter dunderheadedly arrogant cluelessness of such doctors as Dr. Ofri is a dark wonder to behold. She might be an intelligent person on some levels (I am familiar with her writing), but on this issue, she's an intellectual and moral moron. What hell has been unleashed by these injections.
For those doctors writing for Pravda on the Hudson, I mean, the NYT, and anyone else who might have missed it, Bill Rice Jr. just dropped an important in-person interview with embalmer Richard Hirschman:
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I could never had said it as well as you. The collective cluelessness by some and completely corrupt pretense at cluelessness by others is mind-boggling but sadly, what I have known to be lurking there for a very long time. In one respect it is good to see it all surface so clearly. On the other hand, the tragic, amoral, dumbness of it all leaves me wondering how far the fall has to go before we establish a new and more enlightened footing for humanity.
Brucha, I am mindful of the work and effort that goes in to your newsletter.
I would like to say "Thank You" with more than words but, honestly, can't afford a subscription. I would, however, be delighted to buy you a few coffees from time to time. Could you make that an option?
Coffees sent your way from different buyers could add up and become a boost, albeit a small one, to your bank account. Moreover, coffees bought would offer your grateful readers a means to offer gratitude with more than words.
Tbh, I am DONE being gentle and nice. Now I rip the bs a new one, every time I hear it. Am doooooonnnnneeeeee, people r dying, they are killing their own children, shifting excuses all kinds of sideways. I now tell it like it is and rudely. There is no more time for kid gloves and hurt feelings, at this point if they come at me with ANY lies, I just go ‘They Live’ on them, aka ‘‘I’ve come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I am all out of bubblegum”
Jesus forgive me, but there is no time left in this human-extinction level genocide, if any children are to survive, genetically unmodified, by which I mean the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.
I had ppl be pronounced dead w heart attack after their third booster, IN MY ARMS, murderous demons they are, they all deserve PRISON, all of them, lock em up for Life, and throw away the key
It’s like when you date someone who wines and dines you, and then you suddenly find out they are a human trafficker looking for the chance to get you w your guard down, drugged up and chained to the walls in some dark dungeon.
We are not taking your candy or getting in your white vans, you demonic perverted soulless bastards.
Bring back informed consent. Then when they say "Would you like this toxic nanoparticle bioweapon with SV40 cancer promoter, toxic spike proteins, lethal prions, lethal endotoxins, toxic PEG, toxic Polysorbate 80, and plasmid DNA which will integrate into your genome causing cancer and be passed to your kids?" we would have all refused.
This has been a long time coming. When I retired almost 20 years ago, it wasn't nearly this bad but there were signs. But once you step away, if you want to, you can see the depth of the allopathic medical establishment corruption and how they are owned by big pharma. My mentors must be turning in their graves.
They really want the kids don't they? The over 65's too!! Add the chemical and physical castrations of the 'trans' too this mess!! Lack of care at the VA and hospitals and death is a given!!
You are speaking for thousands, maybe millions of us now.
It is so comforting reading your validation of how we feel.
You are gifted with an organized mind, able to spell out properly why we feel this way.
May those who perpetrated this heinous crime against us come upon your writings one day and sink to their knees in shame and repentance.
Alas, many of the doctors who went all in on the injections, taking several of them themselves, and continuing to take them to this day, they may pass away from the consequences before they can confront the reality of what they have done to themselves and to others in this world. It may be a brief period until then, or, it may be many years. Time will tell. But I think it will be far easier for such doctors to continue to believe that they were the good, responsible people, and that those who objected in any way to the covid jabs must be right-wing extremist nutters, than to face facts. Miracles are always possible, however.
Yes, Transcriber B,
Your outlook is probably more likely than mine...the painful truth is practically unbearable.
An assault on anyone's must look away rather than bear it.
such a good article Brucha. Thank you
I'm still in shock today and not sure if it will ever disappear. I spoke with a friend about another friend's situation with "long covid" and I said "Come on - we know he is vax injured!" I do know because I had a conversation with him about it. Enough! Say it like it is and stop glossing over this nightmare as if it's a common day experience. There is no room for politeness when people are suffering immensely. Thank you for writing this excellent piece.
Am w u on this, am DONE tolerating the lies.
You are singing my song, dear Brucha. The utter dunderheadedly arrogant cluelessness of such doctors as Dr. Ofri is a dark wonder to behold. She might be an intelligent person on some levels (I am familiar with her writing), but on this issue, she's an intellectual and moral moron. What hell has been unleashed by these injections.
For those doctors writing for Pravda on the Hudson, I mean, the NYT, and anyone else who might have missed it, Bill Rice Jr. just dropped an important in-person interview with embalmer Richard Hirschman:
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I could never had said it as well as you. The collective cluelessness by some and completely corrupt pretense at cluelessness by others is mind-boggling but sadly, what I have known to be lurking there for a very long time. In one respect it is good to see it all surface so clearly. On the other hand, the tragic, amoral, dumbness of it all leaves me wondering how far the fall has to go before we establish a new and more enlightened footing for humanity.
Excellent write up.
Brucha, I am mindful of the work and effort that goes in to your newsletter.
I would like to say "Thank You" with more than words but, honestly, can't afford a subscription. I would, however, be delighted to buy you a few coffees from time to time. Could you make that an option?
Coffees sent your way from different buyers could add up and become a boost, albeit a small one, to your bank account. Moreover, coffees bought would offer your grateful readers a means to offer gratitude with more than words.
Thank you so much. G-d willing I will try to figure out how that option works on Substack.
Make a Venmo or smthg like that?
Brilliantly written! Thank you. I will pass on to friends who still don't understand that all jabs are poison.
Excellent but so painful to read. Stir the tar and fluff the feathers!
Tbh, I am DONE being gentle and nice. Now I rip the bs a new one, every time I hear it. Am doooooonnnnneeeeee, people r dying, they are killing their own children, shifting excuses all kinds of sideways. I now tell it like it is and rudely. There is no more time for kid gloves and hurt feelings, at this point if they come at me with ANY lies, I just go ‘They Live’ on them, aka ‘‘I’ve come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I am all out of bubblegum”
Jesus forgive me, but there is no time left in this human-extinction level genocide, if any children are to survive, genetically unmodified, by which I mean the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.
I had ppl be pronounced dead w heart attack after their third booster, IN MY ARMS, murderous demons they are, they all deserve PRISON, all of them, lock em up for Life, and throw away the key
It’s like when you date someone who wines and dines you, and then you suddenly find out they are a human trafficker looking for the chance to get you w your guard down, drugged up and chained to the walls in some dark dungeon.
We are not taking your candy or getting in your white vans, you demonic perverted soulless bastards.