Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders. Plus much more.
The tragic death of a 3-month old last week in Israel, hours after routine immunizations, should prompt all parents to look at this article by Dr Peter McCullough & studies presented by Dr Paul Thomas
We are currently witnessing a concerted effort involving numerous players, including the CDC and community-based organizations, to promote childhood vaccination. Unsurprisingly, more and more parents are becoming skeptical of all vaccines, and the establishment is unhappy.
Of course, we all want our children to be healthy. The question is, do vaccines make children less likely to be sick - or more likely? An honest and caring practitioner and parent will put in the time to examine this question carefully, with a mind open to the evidence.
In this piece:
• Article by Dr. Peter McCullough: study demonstrates improved health outcomes among unvaccinated children
• Slide deck by Dr. Paul Thomas with graphs illustrating additional studies confirming this point
• Two educational courses about childhood vaccines
• Tragic story which occurred last week: a 3-month old baby in Israel died of a heart attack hours after routine childhood vaccines.
• Links to detailed articles previously published on my substack about childhood vaccines
Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
On October 20, 2022, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to include mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on the list of routine immunizations for adults and children 6 months and older. This sent young mothers and fathers into a panic, since previously ACIP had been trusted as an advisor to pediatricians. Parents knew babies were not a risk for serious COVID-19 outcomes. They were concerned the vaccines were genetic, long-lasting, produced the harmful Wuhan Spike protein, and had no long-term safety testing. If the shots were given on schedule every six months, it meant a massive exposure to a brand new genetic biotechnology. This development has prompted so many parents to ask me about the necessity and the safety of the entire ACIP routine schedule. Conversely, they want to know: is it OK to go “natural” in the first year of life with no vaccines taken?
Hooker and Miller examined data from three medical practices in the United States with children born between November 2005 and June 2015. Vaccinated children were compared to unvaccinated children during the first year of life for later incidence of developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders. Subjects were a minimum of 3 years of age, stratified based on medical practice, year of birth and gender and compared using a logistic regression model. Vaccination before 1 year of age was associated with increased odds of developmental delays (OR = 2.18, 95% CI 1.47–3.24), asthma (OR = 4.49, 95% CI 2.04–9.88) and ear infections (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.63–2.78). A quartile analysis of the number of shots was performed to examine dose-response relationships. Higher odds ratios were observed in Quartiles 3 and 4 (where more vaccine doses were received) for all four health conditions considered, as compared to Quartile 1.

Since these data are not randomized, there may be sources of selection bias and confounding that could play a role in the results reported. However, it is clear no matter what the explanation, unvaccinated children in the first year of life are much healthier when they arrive at the three-year milestone as compared to vaccinated.
These data point to the need for a complete re-examination of the ACIP childhood vaccine schedule. Medical necessity, clinical indication, risk stratification, timing, safety and efficacy should all be reconsidered. If ACIP had not recommended the COVID-19 vaccines for babies, we may not have seen this large shift in parental sentiment on childhood vaccinations.
(Sources are in Dr. McCullough’s original article, link below.)
Please continue reading after the link, as I have a fascinating set of slides, plus much more information to share with you.
Next, this is a very informative slide presentation put together by Dr. Paul Thomas. Like Dr. McCullough’s article, it illustrates studies demonstrating vastly better health outcomes in unvaccinated children. The differences in the rates of autism, learning disabilities, breathing problems, respiratory infections, eczema, and more - plus chronic diseases in adulthood - is staggering.
Here are some of the slides:
The response to the critical information revealed by Dr. Thomas’s study, from the government body entrusted with protecting the people’s health in his state? They pulled his license.
From a 2020 comparison:
Click the Dropbox file link above to see the rest of Dr. Thomas’s slides.
If you would like to learn more, here are TWO vaccine education courses:
This first one is given by a friend of mine. It’s free, and 3 months long. Rather than talking, what she does is share thoroughly researched information in the form of videos, text, and article links. You can join either an email or WhatsApp group class. The next course is starting June 12, G-d willing.
Next, I noticed that Dr. Paul Thomas recently wrote an article about the IPAK-EDU vaccine course. He said:
The course runs every Tuesday at 1 PM ET. Here's a sneak peek at the syllabus:
The Sickest Generation
Vaccine Injury and Compensation
Key Concepts
Vaccines in Developed Countries
How and Why Information Is Hidden
“That Paper”—The Wakefield Controversy
Autism Recovery
CALL (833) 497-1110 OR
Here is an article about the tragic story of the 3 month old baby who passed away of a heart attack last week Tuesday in Israel, within hours after receiving childhood immunizations. Of course, the doctors immediately proclaimed that there was “no link” to the shots the baby had just received.
Here are articles I wrote previously about vaccines given in childhood:
Please share this information and save lives!
The one good thing to come out of covid was exposing the absolute multi billion dollar fraud of the vaccine industry and its lackey doctors. Slowly but surely more people are waking up which is why they had to send Chelsea the idiot out to sell vaccines.