Get Regular childhood shots? Or NOT?
Confessions, an amazing new tweet from Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the world’s foremost ICU doctors, and lots of info/research resources.
What’s the real deal with the SAFETY and the NECESSITY of the “regular” vaccines?
I’ll start by sharing my journey and my thoughts, and afterwards, I’ll give you sources for data.
In a way, it takes more courage for me to start to write about childhood vaccines, than it did to write about the covid shots. The covid shots were new, and it was more acceptable in my circles to question them. With the childhood shots, I notice that emotions often run really high, since most of us have been getting them and giving them to our kids. (Including me.) Most people haven’t noticed anything bad happening as a result, and are convinced that not giving the vaccines would cause a resurgence, G-d forbid, of childhood disease and death.
Obviously, disease isn’t the goal. We are here to explore how to help our kids be more healthy, get sick less often, and have less risk of serious illness. Therefore, we want to investigate and follow the (true) science, wherever it leads us.
As I said, my kids got regular vaccines. It’s been “covid”, and the government/medical establishment/Pharma response, which was so full of lies, so inappropriate and deadly, that made me lose trust. (I assume you’re informed about all this already. If not so much, then please see the wealth of information on my site.)
Once you lose trust that someone wants your best interests, can you ever regain it? I don’t think so.
I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. I see doctor after doctor, and parent after parent, saying the same thing. And the establishment is growing increasingly nervous about the loss of trust. Governments are cracking down, threatening to fine schools, and medical organizations and clinics are meeting and scheming as to how to get parents back to vaxing their kids.
So, I realized that it really is critical for me to share the information I’ve learned.
(If this topic is new to you, I’ll ask you to maintain an open mind, not get emotional, and please start doing your own research. Remember, research doesn’t mean asking a doctor who’s completely invested in the shots and has never done his own real research, or reading what someone who works for Pharma wrote.)
An epiphany I had a while ago: It dawned on me that the term “anti-vaxxer”, while meant to be a slur, is actually the highest compliment. It really means “seeker of truth”, or “follower of true science, wherever it actually leads.” A parent who is willing to go against the popular narrative to research and discover what’s safe and what isn’t for their child, is someone deserving of the highest respect.
If you think about it, the companies who manufacture covid vaccines, or other drugs or vaccines that have proven to be dangerous, really don’t deserve our trust in them for anything we put into our bodies. They showed us clearly that they didn’t care about our lives, so how could we possibly trust them again?
If you keep kosher, you’ll appreciate this analogy: Imagine a company certifies themselves as kosher (with no independent outside inspectors.) That would not be ok. But that’s the situation with Pharma. However, it gets even worse.
Imagine that the company knowingly sold non-kosher meat, pretending it was kosher, and earned billions of dollars on it. They aren’t sorry. They keep trying to cover it over.
And now you’re supposed to trust them for other meat products, that they claim are kosher? On their word? Uh-uh!
Well, that’s the situation we find ourselves in, now.
As the establishment is frantically trying to get around the problem they’ve got, that they’ve legitimately lost our trust, it is not beyond them to attempt to “manufacture” an “epidemic” in order to increase public fear and spur vaccine uptake.
For example, you may have heard of the “polio case” in Rockland County, back in July. I spoke extensively to the young man’s mother, and his “polio diagnosis” is not confirmed. There are many strange things that she recounted to me about how her son’s story was handled. She suspects something fishy.
Most importantly, they have a large, unvaccinated family, and everyone remained perfectly well. Nobody caught anything from the “patient.”
But his case is still being used to scare untold masses of people into getting polio shots. There is a profusion of ads on bus stops and in community papers referencing the young man’s “case.”
If polio really was “going around”, (and so catchy and dangerous to boot), wouldn’t we have seen more cases (G-d forbid) since July?
Well, they’re trying their best to create the cases! This was spotted by a parent at a clinic:
Here’s an important little nugget: If the idea that they found polio in the wastewater scares you, know that it likely has been there all along, because the live polio vaccines given in third world countries shed live virus.
I gave an interview on John Davidson’s program, Broken Truth, back in the summer, about the polio scare and the oddities in the story.
Even more strange was that a couple months prior, Israel had attempted to create their own polio scare to get their parents to vax. I spoke with the mothers of both “polio cases” from Israel and discovered that the second “case” was a complete and total sham. The little girl never had polio at all, and had not been sick. But the government gave her a bogus diagnosis to try to create an “epidemic.” Thank G-d, the mother reached out for support to someone she knew, caught on to the trap, and didn’t fall for it.
It’s not only that I can’t trust Pharma anymore because I watched them killing so many people the last two years, with no remorse, while chanting “safe and effective.”
It’s also that I started talking to new people about new things.
• I found out that the childhood vaccines are never tested against placebos. They’re tested against other vaccines. We have no placebo-controlled trials to know if they’re safe. Here is how they play the game. Imagine that three people would have seizures in the group getting the vaccine being “tested,” and three would have seizures in the “control” group, (which was simply a different vaccine, which can cause the same problems.) They’ll say that the new shot is absolutely safe because there was not a higher rate of seizures in the group getting the new shot.
• Also, the manufacturers have zero liability. If someone is hurt by a vaccine, there’s a special government body that pays damages (only under extreme circumstances, and after a many-year battle.) So it’s the taxpayers paying for vaccine damages, and never the companies themselves. They always get away scot-free. In that case, what obligates them to play it safe with the kids’ lives?
• I learned about what’s in the vaccines. Here’s a quote from Unbekoming’s substack article titled “Polio.”
The liquid in the syringe is filled with very small pieces of…well, a lot of things. These materials come from laboratory dishes where putative viruses are grown. But nothing biological can be grown, except in a “medium” or substrate. That is, it takes living tissue to grow living microscopic entities. So, what tissues are vaccines grown in, or really, culled from?
The first substrates were a variety of animal body parts, including spines and brains; rabbits were often used. Sometimes it was pus and blood from a sick animal. Then it was monkey kidneys and testicles; that's what the putative polio virus was grown in. Of course, monkey cells contain monkey proteins, viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas and toxins. It is not possible to filter out one microscopic particle from a sea of similarly-sized or smaller particles. These particles, proteins, viruses and cellular debris have been and are being injected into millions of people, in the name of stopping polio - and every other disease for which there is a vaccine.
Hamster ovaries, washed sheep blood, dog kidney cells - and … aborted human fetal tissue; these are newer substrates. These cells are cultured, fed, stimulated and made to replicate…
In addition to the living tissue, vaccines have added to them a series of metals and preservatives, as well as chemical agents sent to inflame and agitate your cells. Mercury is one of the longest-used metals in vaccines. Formaldehyde has made it into countless batches. Formaldehyde is used to embalm dead people - to keep them from rotting. Is that good for children? No, it's a toxic poison. But there it goes, into the blood.
Squalene is one of the most famous adjuvants for its starring role in Gulf War Illness. Its job is to agitate your muscles, blood vessels, cells and tissue into an inflamed state. Vaccine manufacturers actively seek this inflammatory response. They feel it helps their vaccine work. But it can also bring on real illness: pain, nausea, cramps, fainting, tremors, seizures and a long list of neurological responses.
Here is the list of vaccine ingredients which I actually just discovered in Unbekoming’s article “The Unvaccinated” (link at the end.)
And here are all thirty-eight vaccine ingredients. Once again I’ve underlined (bold) the one that has been studied for its relationship to autism: 2-Phenoxyethanol, albumin, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum potassium sulfate, amino acids, ammonium sulfate, antibiotics, bovine components, bovine serum, chick embryo cell culture, culture, detergent, dextrose, enzymes, formaldehyde, gelatin, glutaraldehyde, human components, human embryonic cells, lactalbumin hydrolysate, medium 199, mineral salts, monosodium l-glutamate, phenol, phosphate, polymixin B sulfate, polysorbate-80, potassium aluminum sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate monobasic, sodium borate, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate dibasic, sorbitol, soy peptone, sucrose, thimerosal, vero (monkey kidney) cells, and yeast protein.
• I started hearing firsthand reports for the first time, of children, nieces, nephews, cousins, and neighbors who had, after childhood immunizations:
• Died of SIDS
• Developed seizures
• Become autistic
• Stopped talking
• I also started hearing from new friends (and even my own close relative), who had vaccinated their older children, then learned more, and decided not to give shots to their younger kids. They said they saw a big difference in the younger, unvaccinated, kids’ health and development.
So then I couldn’t help wondering about some of my own children’s focusing issues, sensory issues, behavioral difficulties, frequent stomachaches, etc. So many kids have these problems that we just take them for granted as “normal.” But could they be caused by the chemicals they were injected with? I’m starting to think that the answer is yes. I’ll share the research later on which substantiates this.
• I also learned that Pharma knew all along about life-threatening safety problems with regular childhood immunizations, and chose to continue giving the shots out anyway, not caring about the kids they’d kill.
One example:
The above internal document from vaccine manufacturer Wyeth exposes how they knew that some batches of a vaccine were causing SIDS, back in 1979, and rather than recalling them, they made sure to spread the batches out to avoid being detected - as they continued killing babies.
Another example of their lack of concern for kids’ lives: The polio shots back in the early 1960’s were contaminated with a monkey virus, from the manufacturing process. This was due to the use of monkey kidney cells to culture the polio virus on. The monkey virus was called SV40. SV40 isn't dangerous to monkeys, but causes cancer in humans.
The findings were ignored, and kids were given that polio vaccine, resulting in brain tumors and death for many kids. (More about that story on the Broken Truth interview above. John Davidson’s own brother had those contaminated polio shots, and died of a brain tumor.)
In testimony given by Barbara Loe Fisher before the US House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Fisher said:
It was in 1960 that an NIH scientist named Bernice Eddy discovered that rhesus monkey kidney cells used to make the Salk polio vaccine and experimental oral polio vaccines could cause cancer when injected into lab animals. Later that year the cancer-causing virus in the rhesus monkey kidney cells was identified as SV40 or simian virus 40, the 40th monkey virus to be discovered. (Shorter, e. 1987. The Health Century) Sadly, the American people were not told the truth about this in 1960. The SV40 contaminated stocks of Salk polio vaccine were never withdrawn from the market but continued to be given to American children until early 1963 with full knowledge of federal health agencies. Between 1955 and early 1963, nearly 100 million American children had been given polio vaccine contaminated with the monkey virus, SV40.
Merck microbiologist and famed vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman also detected SV40 in 1960, and he was concerned. SV40 had contaminated both the Salk vaccine and the oral polio vaccine (OPV) being developed by Albert Sabin.
They had attempted to kill potential viral contaminants with formaldehyde, but it hadn’t killed out the SV40.
Who knows what other viruses and contaminants are in today’s shots, and could be contributing to the skyrocketing levels of childhood cancer, may G-d have mercy?
This is a very encouraging post from Dr. Pierre Kory. It is brand new and is a very significant change of position, coming from a brilliant doctor who, until covid, was fully part of the “mainstream.” I know Dr. Kory personally and respect him so highly. Go through the thread, it’s fascinating.

If you cannot click the link, see part of what Dr. Kory said here, please:
Dr. Kory, copied:
Pre-Covid, me and my beautiful family were fully vaxxed. Covid led me to research vaccine science. This effort transformed my perception of vaccines & revealed decades of corruption in the medical sciences and the vaccination industry.
Pro-vaccine propaganda has been immensely successful for many decades and ended up literally defining the field of Pediatrics. The idea that vaccines are the backbone of historic improvements in population health is built on myths.
Hotez & the WHO are doubling down, trying to bury the fact that, from the smallpox vaccine myth to the polio vaccine myth to now, it is actually “pro-vaccine activism” that is the major killing force globally. Immense data supports my conclusion.
I stand by this statement and will do so to my grave. If I had young children today, not one would get even a single childhood vaccine. Thank you Twitter for allowing me to publicly state my data-driven & highly researched interpretation of vaccine (non) science.
Hotez is an indescribably dangerous man. The WHO is literally run by Gates & the vaccination industry (same thing). They must be stopped. Our health & our lives depend on it.
That’s a mainstream MD who used to vax his kids. I identify with his words.
The increase in childhood cancer and autoimmune diseases concurrent with the increase in childhood vaccines cannot be ignored. More on that later, but see this post from Dr. Kory’s thread:
If you’re reading the thread, you’ll see in the responses that some people got all hot under the collar, assuming that Dr. Kory is advocating for the return of widespread childhood disease. But they’re missing the point. This isn’t about not caring about our kids’ wellbeing. It’s about caring very much. So much, that we don’t want to see them harmed, G-d forbid, by something that’s supposed to protect them. Why can’t we have calm, evidence-based discussions about how best to keep them healthy, without demonizing people like Dr. Kory, who are just trying to follow the science where it actually leads?
Interestingly, you’re going to see a study further on in this article that supports the “not breathing” episode after dpt, that the mom in the above post witnessed.
Take a look at this, from one of the posts:
A different doctor, that I know personally, feels exactly the same way as Dr. Kory. Although as recently as around a year ago he still recommended the regular childhood shots, he doesn’t anymore. He lost trust completely in Pharma. This doctor did research, and no longer believes in the whole childhood vaccine story we’ve all been told up till now. He asked me to warn parents not to vax their kids.
Here’s an article about Dr. Harvey Risch, who recently retired from Yale, also expressing that he’s lost all trust in the CDC and FDA.
SIDS and Vaccines:
I saw the data a while ago on the drastic decline of SIDS during the lockdown, when babies weren’t getting any shots. Look:
I found this now, too:

I have friend who is a local first responder, and whenever he goes on a SIDS call, he asks the parents of their baby was recently vaccinated and 100% of them say "yes"
And this: 58% of Infant Deaths Reported to VAERS Occurred Within 3 Days of Vaccination, Research Shows • Children's Health Defense
There’s much more on SIDS further down - actual studies - in the section on Pertussis vaccines.
Let’s go now to the books, articles, etc, which I’ve learned from, and where you can start your research too, if you wish.
I’ve been learning more and more, bit by bit. Comparatively, I only know a “drop in the bucket” so far, but I can share the books I’ve read and other sources I’ve gained from.
• The Real Anthony Fauci. This is epic - it’s the documented story of a man with no regard for human (or animal) life and suffering, the likeminded people and institutions he has collaborated with for decades, and the vaccines they’ve created and pushed.
• Dissolving Illusions. In this must-read book, Dr. Suzanne Humphries and her co-author Roman Bystrianik show why childhood mortality was so high in the 1700’s and 1800’s. It was due to lack of sanitation, clean water, and proper nutrition. As these were corrected, the mortality rate dropped drastically.
Then, they show graphs they created, taken from government vital records, for different common childhood diseases which everyone believes were wiped out by vaccination. Actually, they all follow a similar trend of mortality reduction in the diseases before any vaccine was created for them.
One of the most striking chapters in Dissolving Illusions is the one about smallpox. For most people, smallpox is the prime example of a highly feared disease which was eradicated by vaccines. I was shocked to learn that this is a total myth.
I had a feeling of deja vu as I was reading about the smallpox inoculation, because the saga was so eerily similar to the covid shot story.
Smallpox vaccines were making kids get sick and die, and actually were not preventing smallpox. They were causing outbreaks, and vaccinated people often got sicker than unvaccinated ones. Vaccinated people were more likely to die not only of vaccine complications, but of smallpox itself. And yet, the propaganda was that it worked, and that you had to vaccinate your child. Parents were often fined or put in jail for refusing.
So many kids died as a direct result of the smallpox inoculation! Finally, the population of one town in England, Leicester, had enough, and refused the compulsory vaccination. Contrary to the dire predictions of the “experts,” their smallpox cases and deaths went DOWN drastically. They became a “control group,” and as years went by and their unvaxxed population grew, the difference between them and other towns grew more stark. Leicester fared much better than others in every smallpox outbreak, and after some decades, they experienced no further smallpox deaths at all.
Here are quotes I found with actual numbers. Please read the book or watch the video below for more.
In 1872-1873: "These repeat smallpox epidemics showed that the strict vaccination laws instituted by Massachusetts had no beneficial effect…In fact, more people died from smallpox in the 20 years after the strict compulsory laws than in the 20 years prior.."
In 1877: "The predictions of doom and gloom never came to be (in mostly unvaccinated Leicester). On the contrary, Leicester did much better than other highly vaccinated towns in England. During the 1893 smallpox outbreak, the death rate in a nearby town was recorded 32 times higher than that of Leicester... numerous other towns were likewise recorded at much higher rates compared to that of Leicester."
The very powerful video by Dr. Humphries explaining the smallpox vaccine saga from 1797-2005, which I watched about two years ago, is now gone from YouTube. It says that the account was terminated. As I was going through information on my phone which people have been sharing for the past two years, I found links to many, many other videos I wanted to learn from or share -but they’ve been removed by YouTube, too. Does the censorship sound familiar?
I’m grateful to the friend who found Dr. Humphries’ video for me on another platform. Please watch!
• Turtles All the Way Down. This is a book that I’m told is a fabulous expose of the truth about the childhood vaccines. I brought it, but didn’t get to read it yet.
• Dr. Paul Thomas is a pediatrician who did a study on the patients in his practice to see how the health of the children whose parents had chosen to vaccinate them compared with those who weren’t vaccinated. The results were so strikingly destructive of the “vaccines equal better health” narrative, that the Oregon Medical Board yanked Dr. Thomas’s license.
Please watch this video in which Dr. Thomas goes through his own findings, and then presents other studies which reached the same conclusions. You’ll see that the rates of autism, asthma, sinusitis, respiratory infections, ear infections, allergic rhinitis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and more, all are exponentially higher in vaccinated people, compared to unvaccinated.
Here are some screenshots:
You know the answer already.
Here’s a different study:
Watch the video for more.
Here is a telegram group on which I found a lot of excellent data. It’s called Childhood Vax Resource Library.
This is from the Telegram group:
Studies that compared vaccinated children to completely unvaccinated children:
Researchers looked specifically at the DTP vaccine to see if it might be responsible for allergies and allergy related symptoms such as asthma.
“DTP or tetanus vaccination in US children is associated with lifetime history of asthma or other allergies and allergy-related symptoms...Assuming that the estimated vaccination effect is unbiased, 50% of diagnoses asthma cases in US children and adolescents would be prevented if the DTP or tetanus vaccination was not administered.
The results of comparing the health of fully vaccinated kids to completely unvaccinated kids found vaccinated kids to have fourfold higher likelihood to having autism.
“The vaccinated were less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDD [neurodevelopmental disorder]. After adjustment, vaccination, male gender, and preterm birth remained significantly associated with NDD.
The Telegram group has detailed information specific to each individual type of childhood illness and vaccine. I’ve copied some of the information for several of the childhood illnesses/shots. Please see the telegram link for more.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough):
Pertussis is a contagious disease caused by a bacterium that affects the respiratory system. Sometimes called whooping cough, this disease got its name from the high-pitched whooping sound victims make when they try to catch their breath after severe coughing attacks. Symptoms progress through 3 stages. In the first stage, which usually lasts 1-2 weeks, victims have trouble breathing, and may develop a cough and fever. In the second stage, which usually lasts 2-3 weeks, severe coughing attacks occur during the night, and then later during the day and night. The attacks can lead to inadequate oxygen. In the final stage, coughing lessens and recovery begins. Full recovery may take 2-3 months. The disease is rarely fatal. However, when infants under 6 months contract pertussis, it can be serious and life-threatening.
Of all the "vaccine prevenatable diseases" we vaccinate against, whooping cough/pertussis is very concerning to most moms. But DTaP vaccine carries risk. It’s actually one of the most risky vaccines, and has the highest compensation payout for injury (over $2 billion to date of the $4 billion) including death, and is being shown to be ineffective in to prevent pertussis/whooping cough. Not only that, but it is, in part, responsible for outbreaks.
Here's the science:
The National Academy of Science of the United States of America did a Pertussis baboon study showing transmission after vaccination: Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model
• FDA study in infant baboons showed that while the pertussis vaccine can cut down on serious clinical disease symptoms, it does not eliminate transmission of B. pertussis whooping cough.
• The baboon study suggests that if you’re recently vaccinated against whooping cough and then are exposed to B. pertussis, you may not get classic symptoms of the disease but could temporarily become an asymptomatic carrier, which is “good for you but not for the population,” according to the study’s lead researcher.
• This may partly explain outbreaks of whooping cough among the highly vaccinated U.S. population, in which 95 percent of children have received at least five doses of pertussis vaccine between two months and six years old. (Previous recovery from natural B. pertussis infection was found to confer better protection against becoming an asymptomatic carrier after exposure to B. pertussis than a history of previous vaccination.)
• The study suggests pertussis vaccine-acquired immunity is an illusion. While vaccination may protect against development of severe clinical symptoms upon exposure to B. pertussis, a vaccinated person can still colonize B. pertussis bacteria and transmit the infection to others.
Based on the science, the idea of having those around a newborn vaccinated with TDaP in an effort to protect that newborn from whooping cough is counter productive and serves not to protect the infant, but to very likely expose the infant via an asymptotic carrier of the disease.
Furthermore, pertussis is cyclical. Try as we might, man cannot outsmart mother nature.
Other studies and articles on the lack of efficacy:
Research reveals that pertussis vaccine in DTaP doesn't work. Vaccine protection wanes 27% every year following the last dose:
Pertussis outbreak in highly vaccinated population:
Pertussis outbreak in fully vaccinated children:
Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway:
Pertussis outbreak in California despite no religious exemption:
In her book Dissolving Illusions, Dr. Suzanne Humphries plots out graphs taken from government vital records. The data is collected from various developed countries such as United States, United Kingdom and Australia. They all follow a similar trend of mortality reduction in diseases before any vaccine was created for them. The graph clearly demonstrates that the most marked decline in deaths from whooping cough occurred before the introduction of the vaccine in the 1940s. The data shows that the mortality rate from whooping cough in the United States had already fallen by approximately 92% before the vaccine was in widespread use.
The graph from England and Wales is even more striking:
Neglected research on cures:
Way back in the 1930s, vitamin C / ascorbic acid was being recognized as an effective way to treat whooping cough - to neutralize the pertussis toxin and reduce the length and severity of the infection.
But guess what else was being developed at that time? The first pertussis vaccine.
When a vaccine is introduced, there is little to no attention or funding given to the development of alternative treatment options. This would undermine the vaccine industry. Therefore, there has not been any more research on this, since then:
However, Dr. Suzanne Humphries has developed a protocol for treating whooping cough with high dose vitamin C.
Does the medical system utilize this potential beneficial treatment option when infants contract pertussis? It is NOT part of the standard protocol.
Therefore, a safe and potentially LIFE-SAVING treatment is being withheld from at-risk infants, because the medical system refuses to investigate or utilize any potential treatments outside of their directed protocols for whooping cough.
And medical professionals remain unaware.
In 1943, child psychiatrist Dr. Leo Kanner announced his discovery of 11 cases of a new mental disorder. He noted that "the condition differs markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far..." This condition soon became known as autism.
Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects the brain, immune system and gastrointestinal tract. This condition usually appears during the first 3 years of life and often strikes after an early childhood of normal development. Mental and social regression are not uncommon. Although the severity of the affliction varies from child to child, the following symptoms are typical: inadequate verbal and social skills, impaired speech, repetition of words, bizarre or repetitive behavior patterns, uncontrollable head-banging, screaming fits, arm flapping, little or no interest in human contact, unresponsiveness to parents and other people, extreme resistance to minor changes in the home environment, self-destructive behavior, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, and an inability to care for oneself.
According to several researchers who investigated Kanner's claims, autism was extremely rare prior to 1943. Using Kanner's own case definition of autism, Dr. Darold Treffert calculated a rate of less than 1 in 10,000 during the 1950's. These first cases of autism in the United States occurred at a time when the pertussis vaccine was becoming increasingly available. In 1999, the prevalence of autism among kids in America rose to 1 in 500. The rates increased to 1 in 150 in 2007, 1 in 88 in 2012, and 1 in 35 in 2016. The numbers are continuing to increase, with no sign of slowing down.
Every few years, the CDC provides the new autism rates in America. Using those numbers, Stephanie Seneff PhD, an MIT senior researcher plotted a graph starting from 1975. When she drew a line, connecting the dots, the graph clearly demonstrated a perfect exponential curve.
Hannah Poling was 19 months of age when she was vaccinated against 9 diseases in one doctor’s visit. A once healthy, neurotypical child, she regressed into autism. Hannah’s father, a neurologist, and her mother, a nurse, filed a claim in vaccine court. What's unique about Hannah's case is that for the first time, federal authorities have conceded a connection between her autistic symptoms and the vaccines she received.
BW: Tonight, a vaccine truth researcher told me that the Amish don’t give vaccines and have zero autism. She related that someone had visited an Amish town and actually found one autistic child. It turned out that the child was adopted and had indeed been vaccinated as a required part of the adoption process.
Pertussis Vaccine and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS):
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as "crib death", is a generic term used to classify infant deaths that are unexplained. It is the most common cause of death for children between two weeks and one year of age. The deaths usually occur during sleeping and are more likely to occur in the winter than in the summer. Between 5000-10,000 cases of SIDS are reported in the United States every year. The U.S. has the highest rate of SIDS in the developed world — and the most vaccines for babies under a year old. Some people, including medical researchers, believe that vaccines are one cause of SIDS.
Dr. Viera Scheibner, a research scientist who has conducted many studies of SIDS, measured episodes of apnea (breathing cessation) and hypopnea (abnormally shallow breathing) in infants both before and after they received DTP vaccination.
The information was gathered using a breathing monitor that generates computer printouts of breathing activity. Dr. Scheibner noted a significant increase in the incidence of both apnea and hypopnea after vaccination, and that these episodes continued for several months. Her findings led her to conclude that "vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths." Read more on Dr. Scheibner's story here:
SIDS Studies:
The SIDS rate was so low prior to the vaccine programs that they weren't even recorded until 1973 (note 16, page 10)
Over 600 cases of sudden infant death syndrome following vaccination were reported from 1990-1997.
Vaccination in infants less than 3 months is associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Correlation between the number of infant deaths and the number of vaccines:
Serious adverse events associated with whole cell pertussis vaccine, e.g. sudden infant death syndrome and encephalopathy, may have occurred in metabolically vulnerable children.
Sudden infant death syndrome and DTP vaccine timing may be linked.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Sudden Infant Death syndrome mortality rate in the period zero to three days following DTP was found to be 7.3 times higher than in the period 30 days after immunization.
A case of sudden infant death associated with hexavalent immunization has been reported.
In 1985 twin boys simultaneously succumbed to sudden unexpected deaths two to three hours after vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP).
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shortly after hexavalent vaccination has been reported.
DTP vaccination may contribute to urinary tract disease and sudden infant death syndrome.
Premature babies have higher risk of sepsis and cardiorespiratory events after vaccination in the NICU:
This study reports a significant increase in the incidence of sepsis evaluations, respiratory support, and intubation after immunization of premature babies in the NICU. The findings of this study confirm what a number of other retrospective studies have found—that low birth weight infants appear to have an increase in cardiorespiratory events and sepsis evaluations after vaccination.
The main strength of this study and what makes it unique is its large sample size of infants born at less than 28 weeks gestation.
Precedent has been set. Vaccines can cause SIDS:
"I have concluded, after review of the evidence, that it is more likely than not that the vaccines played a substantial causal role in the death of J.B., without the effect of which he would not have died." -Thomas L. Gowen, Special Master
What other harms can the DTaP cause?
DTaP and allergies and respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States.
In 1991, the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) looked at side effects from just one vaccine, the DTP, and concluded that science supported a causal relationship with the following 6 vaccine injuries: acute encephalopathy, chronic arthritis, shock, anaphylaxis, and protracted inconsolable crying. In 2012, the IOM looked at 158 most common vaccine injuries reported to VAERS and found that science “convincingly supports a causal relationship” with 18 of those injuries, and found that there wasn’t any science to either confirm or deny 135 additional injuries. Here’s a list of injuries that might be caused by vaccines, except no one has looked: Encephalitis, encephalopathy, infantile spasms, afrebrile seizures, seizures, cerebellar ataxia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, optic neuritis, neuromyelitis optica, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, brachial neuritis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, small fiber neuropathy, chronic urticaria, erythema nodosum, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, arthralgia, autoimmune hepatitis, stroke, chronic headache, fibromyalgia, sudden infant death syndrome, hearing loss, thrombocytopenia, immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
When discussing the topic of vaccination, one of the common questions asked is “what about polio”? This is a complex topic that involves many factors. In her lecture, Dr. Suzanne Humphries does an excellent and thorough review on the history of polio. Her lecture offers a deep analysis of what polio was and why we no longer see the dreaded "iron lung" anymore.
Polio is a contagious disease caused by an intestinal virus that may attack nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, and vomiting. Some victims develop neurological complications, including stiffness of the neck and back, weak muscles, pain in the joints, and paralysis of one or more limbs or respiratory muscles. In severe cases it may be fatal, due to respiratory paralysis.
Polio is spread when the stool of an infected person is introduced into the mouth of another person through contaminated food or water. The virus enters the body by nose or mouth, then travels to the intestines where it incubates. Next, it enters the bloodstream where "anti-polio" antibodies are produced. In most cases, this stops progression of the virus and the individual gains permanent immunity against the disease.
Many people mistakenly believe that anyone who contracts polio will become paralyzed or die. However, in most infections caused by polio there are few distinctive symptoms. In fact, 95% of everyone who is expose to the natural polio virus won't exhibit any symptoms, even under epidemic conditions.
About 5% of infected people will experience mild symptoms, such as sore throat, stiff neck, headache, and fever- often diagnosed as a cold or flu. Muscular paralysis has been estimated to occur in less than 1% of those who contract the disease.
Beginning in 1946, the US government conducted a nationwide mass fumigation campaign using the extremely toxic chemical DDT. The goal was to exterminate mosquitoes, which were believed to be spreading polio.
DDT was a pesticide used on everything. It was regarded as a safe product and used liberally on crops, clothing, added to baby formula, and sprayed directly on children.
As the DDT campaign proceeded, the incidence of polio began to noticeably rise. DDT fumigation in the US reached its peak in 1951. Polio reached its peak in 1952, with nearly 58,000 reported cases, in which 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with disabling paralysis. In 1952, the DDT fumigations were subsiding. In 1953, polio cases were also subsiding at about the same rate. By 1953, the number of polio cases had dropped by nearly 40%.
During the 30 years before it was banned in 1972, a total of approximately 1,350,000,000 pounds of DDT was used in the US.
In 1954, medical researcher and virologist Jonas Salk came up with his inactivated injectable polio vaccine. That same year, the government redefined polio. According to Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Department of Biostatistics of the University of North Carolina School of Public Health:
In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis.
In other words, under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk vaccine was effective.
In 1955, the government began a nationwide mass vaccination campaign using the Salk vaccine. From 1957 to 1958, the number of polio cases (despite the new, stricter definition) spiked upward by 50% because the vaccine itself induced paralysis. From 1958 to 1959, polio cases increased by 80%. Afterward, polio began to decline, probably because the bulk of the vaccinations had already been given during the second half of the 1950s. In 1960, there were only 3,190 cases of polio, compared to 8,425 in 1959.
Did President Franklin Roosevelt have polio? A reexamination of FDR’s medical records in modern times revealed that he was struck not by polio but by a condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome. FDR’s supposed polio was the inspiration for a huge polio vaccine campaign (March of Dimes) and eventual universal polio vaccination program, which we are still experiencing today. Prior to the polio vaccine, the following were labeled as “polio”:
* Transverse Myelitis
* Viral or “aseptic” meningitis
* Guillain Barre syndrome
* Chinese paralytic syndrome
* Acute flaccid paralysis
After the vaccine was rolled out, the classification of polio changed. From 1955-1965, they relabeled all non-paralytic polio cases as meningitis. By doing so, they effectively wiped out 90% of “polio” cases.
So, in summary, the US government decided to try and wipe out the scourge of polio by fumigating the country with more than one billion pounds of DDT, which ended up actually causing the polio epidemic of the 1940s and 1950s. Hundreds of thousands of people died or suffered greatly. But the government misdiagnosed the cause of the epidemic, and so it moved to vaccinate nearly two-thirds of the population — about a hundred million people — and many more around the world with vaccines that actually caused paralysis in tens of thousands of people and were contaminated with a wild monkey virus found to produce cancer.
In the 1960's, before the marketing of vaccines, a family getting measles was a punch line in comedy shows. We didn't see mass hysteria with each outbreak. Instead, a TV family portrayed what real-life families encountered- surviving a short-lived illness. Today, measles is viewed to be as dangerous as ebola. What changed?
In a 1962 newspaper article, public health officials from Minnesota give advice on how to deal with measles. Notice how one of their major concerns is boredom. How to keep a child with measles occupied so they don’t get too bored. You’ll also notice that there’s not a single hint of a reason to worry.
How deadly is measles?
“In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.”
👉🏻The chance of dying from measles was 0.0125% or 1 in 10,000
👉🏻The hospitalization rate was 1.2%
👉🏻And encephalitis rate was .025%
Government vital records demonstrate the decline in measles mortality by 99% before the vaccine was introduced. Here's the source -starting at page 88 you'll find the graphs.
Measles vaccine: Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
It appears that the current rate of adverse events from the MMR vaccine is TWICE the rate of adverse events from measles in the early 1960s, prior to the introduction of the MMR vaccine:
As previously mentioned: “Before the measles vaccination program started in 1963, an estimated 3 to 4 million people got measles each year in the United States. Of these, approximately 500,000 cases were reported each year to CDC; of these, 400 to 500 died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 developed encephalitis (brain swelling) from measles.”
Currently, each year in the United States, nearly 10 million doses of MMR are distributed.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data from 2017:
By downloading the data for 2017, and opening it with Numbers (or Excel) and doing a simple function on the data - there were 2,387 records for adverse events from the MMR vaccine (and there were 2,112 records for adverse events from the MMRV vaccine).
Now, consider the following:
Reports to VAERS [the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System] only account for LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of true vaccine injuries, according to this document:
Therefore, when there were 2,387 reports from measles vaccine injuries in 2017, in reality, that number is 238,700 (or more... likely much more).
Some math:
1960s, prior to the MMR vaccine:
4,000,000 people contracted measles each year.
Of these: 48,000 experienced significant adverse events + 1,000 cases of encephalitis + 500 deaths
= 49,500 total “AEs” (adverse events) from measles.
49,500 AEs / 4 million cases of measles
= 1.2% rate of AEs from MEASLES prior to the introduction of the vaccine.
10,000,000 people receive the MMR vaccine each year.
Of these: 238,700 experience AEs from the MMR vaccine.
238,700 AEs / 10 million doses of MMR administered
= 2.4% rate of AEs from the MMR vaccine.
Dr. Alexander Langmuir was known as the “father of infectious disease epidemiology”.
He was the director of the epidemiology branch at the CDC for over 20 years, starting in 1949. He is famously quoted as saying:
“To those who ask me, “Why do you wish to eradicate measles?,” I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, “Because it is there.”
2011 Measles outbreak in Quebec, 95-97% vaccinated population:
18 reports of measles outbreaks in very highly immunized school population. 71% to 99.8% vaccination coverage:
Measles outbreak: Nearly 300 students quarantined at 2 California universities:
Mumps was a normal, benign viral illness which caused swelling in the glands. It is asymptomatic in 15-27% of those infected. Complications may arise in postpubertal males in which the risk of orchidis (inflammation of the testes) is 12-66%. Sterility from mumps may occur in up to 10% of males, and less than 1% in females.
Importantly, there is virtually no risk of sterility when acquiring mumps at the appropriate age- before puberty.
So...what are the risks vs benefits of the Mumps vaccine?
🔹 The mumps vaccine has been very effective in decreasing the incidence rates of mumps. Today, virtually all children do not get the mumps anymore.
🔹Parents don’t have to take off time from work to care for a sick child.
🔹Age of exposure is crucial to whether the mumps virus will be harmful to the individual. Mumps is meant to be contracted during childhood. The chance of complications from mumps increases in adulthood. Risk of severe side effects is very rare in kids. Sterility is not a risk in the pediatric population.
🔹Death from the mumps illness is also extremely rare. So rare, that mumps doesn’t make the CDC’s mortality list of deadly infectious diseases- because mumps was never considered to be a deadly disease.
🔹 Immunity acquired from vaccines doesn’t last a lifetime, the way natural immunity does. Therefore, immunity to vaccine preventable diseases wears off in just a few years. In the case of the mumps virus, this leaves the post puberty population unvaccinated and vulnerable to catching mumps.
🔹This is occurring nationwide across college campuses, at the age where their artificial immunity is waning-
Mumps outbreak on a US military warship, all sailors onboard were vaccinated.
🔹What the mumps vaccine has done is shift the age of exposure from childhood where there is little risk to the older, higher risk population.
🔹There are benefits to getting mumps. Studies show it protects against ovarian cancer later in life.
🔹It has also been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease.
🔹Has the mumps vaccine been successful in eliminating orchitis?
Orchitis shown to be an adverse effect of the mumps vaccine:
Orchitis is listed on the package insert as a possible adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine.
🔹Young girls who contract the mumps naturally, will enjoy lifelong immunity. When they become mothers, they will pass on their mumps antibodies through their milk, providing optimal protection to their young infants.
Two Merck virologists sued Merck for pressuring them to manipulate the data in their Mumps vaccine efficacy study. The efficacy of this fraudulent vaccine has declined over the years.
According to Krahling and Wlochowski’s complaint, they were threatened with jail were they to alert the FDA to the fraud being committed.
Mumps outbreaks despite high vaccination rate:
Hepatitis B (plus risk of premature birth correlated with flu shot in pregnancy):
The hepatitis B vaccine is the first vaccine given to newborns in the hospital. The US is one of the few countries to give this vaccine on the first day of life.
Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted virus that infects the liver. It is contracted through blood or bodily fluids. It's primarily an adult disease and is endemic in poor countries such as Asia and Africa. In the U.S., individuals at highest risk for hepatitis B infection are those who engage in risky behaviors such as IV drug abuse and prostitution. Healthcare workers who are exposed to infected blood or body fluids of patients are at high risk for becoming infected with hepatitis B. Newborns are not at risk of contracting this disease unless the mother is a carrier. Mothers are screened for hep b during their prenatal visit so one would have a good idea whether that baby will be at risk or not.
It is interesting to note that the U.S. has a higher 1st day of life mortality rate than all the other developed countries combined.
While these 2 events (hep B shot on the first day of life and high newborn mortality rate) have not been scientifically proven to be related, it does warrant further investigation. Proper safety testing has never been conducted, comparing mortality rates and overall health outcomes of vaccinated newborns to unvaccinated newborns.
We in the vaccine risk awareness movement would like to see more safety testing on all vaccines comparing a large group of vaccinated individuals to a group of completely unvaccinated people.
In the article above, the reason given for the high infant mortality rate is due to a higher preterm birth rate. This begs the question, why do we have so many preterm births to begin with? A new study might clue us in on what’s really going on here.
Flu shots in expectant mothers and preterm birth:
“Unexpectedly (to the researchers), they also found that the average gestational age at birth was lower in the vaccinated versus placebo group—a statistically significant result indicative of a greater risk of preterm birth.
Although most of the study’s other findings did not attain statistical significance, the pattern of results showed, in another writer’s words, tendencies that were “not reassuring.” Across all analyses, the percentages and rates of fetal death, preterm birth, low birth weight and small for gestational age birth were higher in the vaccine group than in the placebo group.”
In other words, this study was a randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial (very rare in vaccine science) on the flu shot in pregnant women. What they found was a statistically significant risk in preterm births in the vaccinated group.
Again, we cannot make any conclusive statements but we do hope to see more placebo controlled studies on this.
Now back to hep B.
There are two Hepatitis B vaccines licensed for one day old babies in the United States- one manufactured by Merck and the other by GlaxoSmithKline. Merck’s Hepatitis B vaccine was licensed by the FDA after trials which solicited adverse reactions for only 5 days after vaccination.
Similarly, GlaxoSmithKline’s hep B vaccine was licensed by the FDA after trials which solicited adverse reactions for only 4 days after vaccination.
Follow up periods of 4 or 5 days are not nearly long enough to detect possible adverse effects such as autoimmune or neurological disorders, seizures, or death. Worse is that since neither of these clinical trials used a control group with an inert placebo, it was impossible to scientifically determine if any adverse reaction in the limited 4 or 5 day safety review period was even caused by the Hepatitis B vaccine being evaluated.
The Hep b vaccine was approved in the early 1980s, first marketed to gays, intravenous drug users, health care workers, and then, to hep b positive women's children. This article summarizes the shifting portrayal of hep b infection, ultimately leading to hep b vaccine recommendations for all babies on day 1, regardless of risk factors.
The NY Times admitted in 1991 that the Hepatitis B shot is nothing but child sacrifice, because adults weren't buying it. Since when do we medicate babies on the basis that it will save adults who indulge in risky and immoral behavior?
"Frustrated by the widespread reluctance of adults to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, a leading cause of serious illness and death, a Federal panel has recommended that all children be vaccinated instead."
"It is the first time that the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee of the Public Health Service has recommended vaccinating children for a disease whose victims are almost always adults."
"A vaccine for hepatitis B was licensed a decade ago, but it has found little use, even among health workers, drug users, the sexually promiscuous and others at high risk of developing the disease. Since most Americans who get hepatitis B are infected as teen-agers or adults, the benefits of a hepatitis vaccine program will not be apparent for about 20 years."
A natural experiment:
Due to a shortage of Merck's Recombivax hepatitis B vaccine in 2017, GlaxoSmithKline stepped in to supply the US with their hep b vaccine, Engerix-B. To date, American babies are still receiving the GSK replacement. Coincidentally, there has been a decline in reported deaths and injuries from the hepatitis B vaccine. Before Engerix-B was introduced, there was an average of 29 deaths reported annually to VAERS [Vaccine adverse events reporting system] for the past 15 years. In 2018, a full year after switching from Recombivax to Engerix-B, only 6 deaths were reported. There was also an average of 1400 injuries reported annually from 2003-2017, and has been reduced to just 756 injuries in 2018. This begs the question- could the hepatitis B vaccine be causing more harm than good?
Studies on Hepatitis B vaccine:
Hepatitis B vaccination has been linked to anaphylactic shock and death in infants.
Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine.
Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 19 years. Journal Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2008
Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa16 cells. Apoptosis, 2012
Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis. Neurology Journal of the American Academy of Neurology, 2004
Rheumatic disorders developed after hepatitis B vaccination. Oxford Journals Medicine & Health Rheumatology, 1999
A new case of reactive arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination.
Hepatitis B vaccine associated with erythema nodosum and polyarthritis.
Acute sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis occurring after hepatitis vaccination.
Arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Report of three cases.
Erosive polyarthritis triggered by vaccination against hepatitis B.
A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
The development of rheumatoid arthritis after recombinant hepatitis B vaccination.
Rheumatic disorders developed after hepatitis B vaccination.
Hepatitis B vaccination and arthritic adverse reactions: a followup analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database.
Yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine and yeast sensitivity.
The hepatitis B vaccine does not come without risks. Encephalitis (brain swelling), Bell's Palsy, seizures, guillain-barre syndrome (paralysis) and arthritis are just a few of the adverse reactions listed on the package insert. Hep B package insert:
Gardasil (HPV):
This is a tiny fraction of the information about this particularly dangerous, and especially ineffective and useless shot.
Robert F. Kennedy on Gardasil:
Gardasil injury/death testimonies:
Colton's story:
Hannah's story:
Savannah's story:
Gardasil death:
Katliyn's story:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries goes through the manufacturer's Gardasil package insert:
Copy of the package insert:
Questions to ask your doctor:
1. Can you cite a randomized controlled trial (containing inert placebos) for each of the mandatory childhood recommended vaccines, for the number of vaccines given at one time, and for the entire schedule altogether?
2. What is the statistical likelihood of day old infant contracting hep b given Mom's negative hep b status? Why is hep b mandatory for school age children given it's rare incidence in that population, and its extremely low communicability rate? Why are children with active hep b infections allowed in school but healthy unvaccinated children are not?
3. What is the rate of autism in the fully unvaccinated population?
4. Can you cite a study comparing health outcomes of children vaccinated on the current US schedule vs unvaccinated children? Why do you believe that the CDC has never commissioned such a study?
5. Why is gardasil recommended for 11 year olds when immunity wanes between 6-10 years and cervical cancer death rates are 0% for women under 20 years old?
6. Can you cite a randomized control trial on injected aluminum in humans? If the "dose makes the poison", can you cite the toxic dose based on human clinical trials of injected aluminum?
7. Have any childhood recommended vaccines been studied for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential? What about potential to impair fertility?
8. What is the statistical likelihood of a child dying of chickenpox prevaccine era? Mumps?
9. Why do you believe Mumps is included in mandatory vaccinations given the small risk posed to male fertility? Wouldn't common sense suggest that if a male has yet to experience mumps before puberty, he could get vaccinated should he choose to? Why do US mumps outbreaks consistently occur in fully vaccinated populations?
10. According to the CDC's website, measles cases were estimated to be at 3-4 million a year before widespread vaccine use. Given that there were about 400-500 deaths a year, 48,000 hospitalizations, and 1000 cases of encephalitis, that results in about a .01% rate of death, a 1.2% rate of hospitalization, and a .025% rate of encephalitis. Given these statistics, do you consider measles to be extraordinarily deadly? Do you believe the measles death rate prevaccine era necessitates a national mandate?
11. Why is conflict of interest, particularly financial, an issue in virtually every industry including healthcare; however, not a problem regarding vaccination policies, research, etc.? Do you believe that "Big Pharma" has never engaged in fraudulent behavior, and all documented information concerning lawsuits and corruption are fictional?
12. Given pharmaceutical companies lack of liability concerning adverse reactions to childhood recommended vaccines, what is their incentive to create safer vaccines?
13. Given the current childhood vaccine mandate, and the accepted understanding that in rare circumstances adverse reactions occur, including death, do you believe the forced murder of one or more persons to potentially save the masses is ethical?
14. Individuals are sometimes allergic to vaccine ingredients, resulting in life-threatening anaphylaxis adverse reactions. Why aren't all individuals tested for allergens before vaccination?
15. In 2011 The IOM conducted a study on 158 of the most commonly claimed serious adverse reactions to vaccines. They stated the following in their causality conclusion between tdap/dtap and autism: "the evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship..". How do you believe it is not misleading to unequivocally state "vaccines do not cause autism"? Can you cite literature to reject causality between autism and the following vaccines: prevnar, hib, polio, hep b, varicella, and flu?
(End of my quotes from the Telegram group “Childhood Vax Resource Library.”)
More links to resources:
I just found them and they look good, but I haven’t gone through them:
Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines
Brandy Vaughan, ex Merck rep and vaccine expert. (I read that she was murdered for speaking the truth about vaccines.) Studies:
Is the CDC Lying? You be the Judge
In addition to all the above, there is now another cause for concern. Knowing that the Pharma companies are untrustworthy and have no regard for life, there is a possibility that they may be adding new things to the vials. See this:

May G-d open everyone’s eyes to the truth, and protect all of us, and our children.
Updated June 2024 with more articles on childhood vaccines which I’ve compiled since:
Here are some other important articles from two amazing substack authors who have written extensively on vaccines.
Dear Brucha, when I’ve asked about my opinion about other vaccines than covid19, I have truthfully answered “I’ve not yet done the research necessary to arrive at a conclusion. I will say that, in the light of the unequivocal fraud I & others have uncovered in relation to the c19 gene based injections, I am deeply suspicious about ANY & ALL vaccines. I cannot declare support for them, but also cannot declare against all of them, as a block, either. I have advised my own adult daughters to do a lot of reading before deciding what to do in relation their own babies and children”.
That was true a year ago, but since then, I’ve become opposed to childhood vaccines, one by one, as I read into them. It’s sickeningly clear that the same, blind-eye, has been & continues to be cast over the clinical toxicology of childhood vaccines. As a result, I recommend against childhood vaccines for my grandchildren. Pleasingly, my older daughter had reached that conclusion independently and her youngest son is completely unvaccinated.
Brucha, this long article by you is a tour de force by any measure and coming from a very concerned, careful reader / watcher, yet medically & scientifically unqualified person, I nod at 99% of what you’ve written. Your detailed article is free of unwarranted hyperbole or speculation. Instead, example after example of the findings by others who are qualified to wrestle with the data, much of it from public health monitoring systems, and in numerous settings, delivering a devastating conclusion that the vaccine in question is an unmitigated disaster. I urge not only every parent of a baby of child, but the grandparents of such youngsters AND all medical people, doctors and nurses, health visitors, midwives etc to read your article, in full, as a jumping off point to learn more. Don’t make your mind up without reading. Don’t make your mind up having ONLY read your piece. No, reserve that judgement after delving into at least some of the peer reviewed scientific & medical literature, for which numerous links are provided by you.
I believe nobody could follow my urging & conclude other than that they are deeply troubled & will unequivocally withdraw their support for the mass of childhood vaccines.
Thank you,
Dr Mike Yeadon
Ps: Note that I am a PhD & not an MD. My comments should be read in that light. So I’ve never made a medical recommendation. Instead, I’ve made recommendations as a scientist with training and experience in relevant fields including immunology and toxicology.
Not once has my question been answered as to how humans had flourished on earth for millennia without vaccines? Without vaccines, how has the species survived? No more!