Just further evidence of how we have been lied to about everything. God made us perfectly on the inside to take care of ourselves. The intricate ways that our bodies work is so fascinating. To think that there are so many common cures, inexpensive ways to heal ourselves from aspirin to hydrogen peroxide to vitamin C to chlorine dioxide and many other simple treatments. I pray that one day soon these current evil doers can be brought to justice in sane court rooms for grievous crimes against humanity!
Didn't know that Bill Clinton turned vegetarian - maybe that why he looks so pale. Bumper sticker I once had "Vegetarian - Indian word for lousy hunter"
By now people who are waking up - have to be asking - how is it possible that practically all the health advice we were/are given turns out to be false? and then we need to ask - Why?
I thought the same thing. I had been wondering why he looked so sickly and pale last time I saw him in the news. Finding out he's bought into veganism explained it well.
Same motive as so many other things the elites do to us. To weaken and sicken us physically and mentally, and reduce our fertility. Because if people don’t eat animal products, they develop many illnesses, and can even lose their reproductive capacity.
I had heard that meat stays in ones GI system for two weeks and thought that's a load of 💩. I mentioned becoming raw vegan to my acupuncturist and she said it might work if you lived in CA but you don't. You need warm food when you live in a cold climate. I was veggie for years, due to easy caloric control, and ended up with thyroiditis. Many factors could have contributed (hep b vax 🤬 when I started hospital job) but perhaps if I was eating meat it wouldn't have been as bad. Thank you for exposing so much crap we've been sold as "health".
Heart disease has been found in Ancient Egypt as well as Ancient Rome.
The meat we eat today is adulterated.
Must ensure we buy 100% grass fed beef
Eat organic when available and avoid being a couch potato.
We must consider genetics in diseases too particularly for groups who live longer I. certain areas of the world ( Blue zones).
A 105 yr old man I know who lives alone and is 100% ambulatory attributes his longevity to a lifelong allegiance to always moving ( walking) and staying hydrated with water.
Studies forever contradict themselves not to mention who may be ultimately funding them and for what purpose .
Stress and cortisol is linked to disease and so is social isolation.
There is no magic formula IMHO to health other than a combo of good genes, eating a variety of natural foods that are unprocessed and as close to how nature intended, movement , hydration and loving connections to other humans ....
Hi. I am a huge fan of your work relative to Covid, and I understand your dietary position, based on the tradition from which you hail, still, the Denise Minger material is unsound and it has not stood the test of time. It is not much better than throwing your garden waste over the fence into the neighboring yard. She likes to keep her yard her way, and she is entitled to her beliefs, but that is no reason to spoil the adjacent yard.
I am deeply interested in diet and nutrition, and since 2015, I have adopted a Whole Foods Plant Based diet (NOT vegan!) as per the China Study and the subsequent literature. Campbell's work is consistent, and completely sound scientifically, based on 40+ years of peer-reviewed studies. It has since been adopted by the medical profession most prominently through organizations like ACLM (American College of Lifestyle Medicine), The Plantrition Project, and PCRM (Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine), and several others. Here in New York, there is a grassroots support organization, Plant Powered Metro New York, who have just concluded at massive study with SUNY Downstate, which again confirmed the overwhelming health improvments achieved by even a 21-day full immersion in a whole foods plant-based diet - see: https://soar.suny.edu/handle/20.500.12648/14902, not to mention HHS now offers at this type of nutrition at least on an optional basis.
I am also a partner in a biotech who are developing autologous organ repair solutions, and in the process of doing that, I am now also getting involved in advanced cardiometabolic testing of the effects of such lifestyle changes, and the time for having arguments like this is over. We will soon be developing straightforward, quantitative proof of the value of lifestyle changes, including a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet.
In one case, I am also familiar with the work of one doctor who did 10-day jumpstart programs with about 400 patients in a year, that were partially funded by medicaid on the basis of reductions in medications. On and on and on. So clinical experience abounds. But, most importantly, as I said above, we now have the measurement tools to prove this out with incontrovertible evidence.
Lastly, I would observe that there is some sort of a problem with 'traditional' diets that are not based on nutrition, but on some form of ethics, be they religious or secular. The Bible in particular is very confusing on this point for there are definitely places where it seems to be advocating for plant based diet, such as famously the passages in Daniel 1:8, 11-12, and 15, but also many others.
For the most part, veganism is secular ethics and NOT nutrition (although there is some confusion here, as e.g. PCRM uses the term veganism, because their background is animal welfare ), or religious, as in some Christian groups like SDA and mostly Hindu, Jain, and some Buddhist groups. It is always easy to find unhealthy vegans. I speak from experience, since I was raised vegetarian, but my father died at 63 from a stroke, and now that I understand nutrition, I also understand why he had the stroke - his main problems were dairy (mainly cheese, which we thought was a healthfood) and sugar. We might also observe that potato chips and beer is vegan, but hardly a healthy diet.
It seems best to me to just live and let live, follow whatever diet or food laws you want, but when it comes to health, when it is critical, it might pay to consider that a whole foods, plant-based diet is the winner in terms of an anti-inflammatory diet, which is even more important today, because of the way the vaccines have exacerbated inflammation. In fact, a combination of water fasting with a switch to a whole foods, plant-based diet and a regime of intermittent fasting, is probably one of the best things a person can do to mitigate vaccine injuries. There was a fascinating video by Steve Kirsch with Dr. Alan Goldhamer on this point recently (https://rumble.com/v59tq4d-vsrf-live-138-integrated-medicine-revolution.html) - it was more general, but there was a clear reference to repairing vaccine injury in the discussion.
So, have whatever diet makes you happy, but we now have the ability diagnostically to predict cardiometabolic problems 6-8 years before they become acute, and in that situation, one might want to consider the alternatives.
By the way PPMNY has jumpstarts regularly (https://www.plantpoweredmetrony.org/jumpstarts.html), and, I would add that I know many Jewish people who have let go of the traditional diet in favor of a whole foods, plant-based diet and have solved any number of health problems as a result.
It’s interesting that you brought up vaccine injury repair, because my friend, who is helping the covid vaccine injured around the world on a daily basis, has found that THE most important component to their healing is animal fat.
She herself was vegan once upon a time, for many years, so that isn’t coming from a place of preconceived notions that she grew up with, but rather, from having found what works.
I am curious what it is about the Denise Minger material that you believe is unsound - are her numbers, which she took from the actual China Study data, somehow incorrect? That would be important to know.
In addition, I want to stress that I’m not only going by Denise Minger, but by others I respect who share the same evidence-based beliefs about the importance of consuming animal foods, such as Dr. Richard Urso (who used to be of the plant-based persuasion), Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, (I advise reading her book!) other alternative-minded MDs I know well who have researched the topic extensively and seen a lot, and my brilliant practitioner friend, who draws on her vast experience with patients. What works to bring health and functioning back is what’s important.
Regarding the great improvements in health that you’ve witnessed people make on a whole foods plant based diet, can you please explain exactly what foods that diet involves, and how you would be certain that the improvements people are experiencing are resulting from the lessening of animal products in their diet, rather than from the elimination of inflammatory processed foods, (if people have made all the changes at once, as I assume they have?)
In other words, if a person cuts out sugar, seed oils, other processed packaged foods, plus meat and chicken, all in one go, and a month later his inflammation levels are way down, where is the evidence that the meat and chicken were ever the culprits?
Hi, I am not a frontline researcher myself. I already posted the outcomes from the SUNY Downstate study with PPMNY, and for the rest the most relevant organizations were mentioned: PPMNY, PCRM, The Plantrition Project, and we could add Nutritionstudies.org (i.e. the T Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition studies), and perhaps the 4 Leaf Survey (www.4leafsurvey.com), which is a simple self-inventory of foodhabits that you can do on a daily or monthly basis to navigate yourself into a complete #WFPB diet. There are some practical tricks to this type of a diet, and that is one reason for the jumpstart programs. They are geared to getting used to the diet, and understand the nutritional principles, as well as learn basic kitchen routines. The principles are very simple and my preference for Occam's Razor finds this appealing:
- Whole foods, (can be cut, raw, cooked, but not otherwise processed)
- Plant based only.
- no added SOS (Sugar, Oil, Salt).
I don't have the time, or the inclination to want to address Denise Munger again, but that polemic has gone on for too long already, but you can find some of the rebuttals on www.nutritionstudies.org. I am personally tired of the arguments, and I will be focusing entirely on the testing protocols and technologies which will provide straightforward, quantitative information that will simply bypass a lot of this arguing back and forth. For myself, if I had any doubt, having been raised vegetarian, become omnivore, and then slowly returned to a more predominantly vegetarian lifestyle, until finally in 2015 I began to learn the nutrition, initially via Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.'s "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease," later I read everything T. Colin Campbell wrote, I took his nutrition course, and I know I helped numerous people to turn their health around. I taught #WFPB cooking classes at a local church for years, until we were rudely interrupted by Covid.
Obviously, idiocy is not cured by a whole foods plant-based diet, as we can see from Mayor Eric Adams, who turned his diabetes around in one of the most powerful success stories I know, but then from being a critic of pharma when he was BP, he became a leading enforcer for the pharma cartel. And the same happened with many in the #WFPB field, some docs took the shots, while others avoided them (e.g. T. Colin Campbell and his wife, in their 90's). At least he understood what his nutrition program was all about.
I would hardly call a pilot program that last 21 days in any way supporting the benefits of a life-style change. Adopting a whole food diet for three weeks cannot possibly support health benefits that take months or years to develop. I read through the 104 page dissertation. All it shows it that removing ultra processed foods improves - at least over three weeks, overall well-being. Thee is nothing in the dissertation to support the negative effects of grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish. In fact, the participants were not eating these foods before the study, so the 21 day pilot experiment cannot refute their benefits. As for the whole-food plant based diet - as long as it is not vegan, it may benefit many, however you must be very careful about the grains. Modern wheat was created in the 1960's and 1970's. in order to increase the yield by 4-8 times. It is much more toxic than grains from ancient times. In order to make the grains more resistant to pests, agglutinin and phytic acid were added, and the gliadin protein structure was changed. Grains are appetite stimulants: Agglutinin, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and rice blocks the release of leptin. Leptin is the satiety hormone, therefore when leptin is blocked, you become hungry - even if you’ve already consumed adequate calories. In other words, your “brain” is hungry, even though your “body” is not. Grains initiate autoimmune diseases: The gliadin protein of grains are incompletely digested in the human gut. Incompletely degraded proteins cause inflammation in the lining of the small intestine, a.k.a. leaky gut. When the incompletely digested protein is absorbed, it is seen as foreign and is attacked by our immune system. Depending upon where in the body the protein ends up, this will result in autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes (pancreas), rheumatoid arthritis (joints), and eczema (skin). Grains raise blood sugar: Amylopectin is a carbohydrate unique to the grains and has a high glycemic index which stimulates insulin release. Insulin prevents fat from being used as fuel and glucose is used as fuel instead and stored in the liver as glycogen. When the glycogen reserves are full, the remaining glucose is stored as fat. Foods, such as amylopectin with a high glycemic index can overwhelm the electron transport system resulting in an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive ROS damages cellular proteins, DNA, and eventually results in the creation of cancer cells. Amylopectin also increases the production of small LDL particles which is the direct cause of vascular disease. Grains cause nutrient deficiencies: Modern wheat has been enriched in “phytic acid”. Phytic acid helps the grains resist the pests (insects) from consuming them as they grow. However, once these grains are consumed, the phytic acid binds minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. After chelating the minerals, the phytic acids becomes phytates and cannot be broken down as humans lack the necessary enzyme. The phytates thus cannot be absorbed and together with the minerals they chelated are carried through the lumen of the intestine and evacuated with the stool. Deficiency of these minerals causes problems such as iron-deficiency anemia and modern neurological diseases such as depression, dementia, autism, and others.
Grains are bowel toxins: Agglutinin is difficult to digest because humans lack the proteolytic enzymes capable of breaking it apart into individual amino acids. These partially degraded proteins are directly toxic to the lining of the intestinal tract causing inflammation of the lining of the gut which is reflected as dermatological disorders on the skin.
i have autoimmune RA triggered by a vaccine but i'm sure other environmental factors have exacerbated it. The BEST i have ever felt in my life, the best weight and the best lab results for everything including inflammation is when i eliminated grains, legumes, and pasteurized dairy.
Hi, I am not too interested in this type of argument. As I said before, I am into testing technologies/methodologies, and fully expect that the data will speak for themselves.
From a vegan veterinarian: These folks need to watch Game Changers, Forks Over Knives, A Prayer for Compassion and Christspiracy to get some basic vegan education.
I for one have abandoned meat, for the reason that I refuse to pay money to operators of CAFO "farms" . . and indeed commit all sorts of atrocities of animal cruelty. Simple minimally processed meals are all I need . . . .
It's the unholy trinity, all working together to keep us sick
Big pharma, cartel medicine, big food.
Excellent work!!👍👍😊
Just further evidence of how we have been lied to about everything. God made us perfectly on the inside to take care of ourselves. The intricate ways that our bodies work is so fascinating. To think that there are so many common cures, inexpensive ways to heal ourselves from aspirin to hydrogen peroxide to vitamin C to chlorine dioxide and many other simple treatments. I pray that one day soon these current evil doers can be brought to justice in sane court rooms for grievous crimes against humanity!
Didn't know that Bill Clinton turned vegetarian - maybe that why he looks so pale. Bumper sticker I once had "Vegetarian - Indian word for lousy hunter"
By now people who are waking up - have to be asking - how is it possible that practically all the health advice we were/are given turns out to be false? and then we need to ask - Why?
I thought the same thing. I had been wondering why he looked so sickly and pale last time I saw him in the news. Finding out he's bought into veganism explained it well.
Jewell, there are plenty of sickly looking carcass and animal secretions consumers. ):
What's the motive to lie about animals?
Same motive as so many other things the elites do to us. To weaken and sicken us physically and mentally, and reduce our fertility. Because if people don’t eat animal products, they develop many illnesses, and can even lose their reproductive capacity.
Please see the first cholesterol article I published a few days ago, https://truth613.substack.com/p/the-great-cholesterol-and-saturated, and read Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride’s book, Put Your Heart In Your Mouth.
Maybe also to push the zero carbon garbage
I had heard that meat stays in ones GI system for two weeks and thought that's a load of 💩. I mentioned becoming raw vegan to my acupuncturist and she said it might work if you lived in CA but you don't. You need warm food when you live in a cold climate. I was veggie for years, due to easy caloric control, and ended up with thyroiditis. Many factors could have contributed (hep b vax 🤬 when I started hospital job) but perhaps if I was eating meat it wouldn't have been as bad. Thank you for exposing so much crap we've been sold as "health".
Average lifespan in Ancient Egypt was 35.
Heart disease has been found in Ancient Egypt as well as Ancient Rome.
The meat we eat today is adulterated.
Must ensure we buy 100% grass fed beef
Eat organic when available and avoid being a couch potato.
We must consider genetics in diseases too particularly for groups who live longer I. certain areas of the world ( Blue zones).
A 105 yr old man I know who lives alone and is 100% ambulatory attributes his longevity to a lifelong allegiance to always moving ( walking) and staying hydrated with water.
Studies forever contradict themselves not to mention who may be ultimately funding them and for what purpose .
Stress and cortisol is linked to disease and so is social isolation.
There is no magic formula IMHO to health other than a combo of good genes, eating a variety of natural foods that are unprocessed and as close to how nature intended, movement , hydration and loving connections to other humans ....
When it's our time ..so be it.
Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one...‼️
Hi. I am a huge fan of your work relative to Covid, and I understand your dietary position, based on the tradition from which you hail, still, the Denise Minger material is unsound and it has not stood the test of time. It is not much better than throwing your garden waste over the fence into the neighboring yard. She likes to keep her yard her way, and she is entitled to her beliefs, but that is no reason to spoil the adjacent yard.
I am deeply interested in diet and nutrition, and since 2015, I have adopted a Whole Foods Plant Based diet (NOT vegan!) as per the China Study and the subsequent literature. Campbell's work is consistent, and completely sound scientifically, based on 40+ years of peer-reviewed studies. It has since been adopted by the medical profession most prominently through organizations like ACLM (American College of Lifestyle Medicine), The Plantrition Project, and PCRM (Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine), and several others. Here in New York, there is a grassroots support organization, Plant Powered Metro New York, who have just concluded at massive study with SUNY Downstate, which again confirmed the overwhelming health improvments achieved by even a 21-day full immersion in a whole foods plant-based diet - see: https://soar.suny.edu/handle/20.500.12648/14902, not to mention HHS now offers at this type of nutrition at least on an optional basis.
I am also a partner in a biotech who are developing autologous organ repair solutions, and in the process of doing that, I am now also getting involved in advanced cardiometabolic testing of the effects of such lifestyle changes, and the time for having arguments like this is over. We will soon be developing straightforward, quantitative proof of the value of lifestyle changes, including a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet.
In one case, I am also familiar with the work of one doctor who did 10-day jumpstart programs with about 400 patients in a year, that were partially funded by medicaid on the basis of reductions in medications. On and on and on. So clinical experience abounds. But, most importantly, as I said above, we now have the measurement tools to prove this out with incontrovertible evidence.
Lastly, I would observe that there is some sort of a problem with 'traditional' diets that are not based on nutrition, but on some form of ethics, be they religious or secular. The Bible in particular is very confusing on this point for there are definitely places where it seems to be advocating for plant based diet, such as famously the passages in Daniel 1:8, 11-12, and 15, but also many others.
For the most part, veganism is secular ethics and NOT nutrition (although there is some confusion here, as e.g. PCRM uses the term veganism, because their background is animal welfare ), or religious, as in some Christian groups like SDA and mostly Hindu, Jain, and some Buddhist groups. It is always easy to find unhealthy vegans. I speak from experience, since I was raised vegetarian, but my father died at 63 from a stroke, and now that I understand nutrition, I also understand why he had the stroke - his main problems were dairy (mainly cheese, which we thought was a healthfood) and sugar. We might also observe that potato chips and beer is vegan, but hardly a healthy diet.
It seems best to me to just live and let live, follow whatever diet or food laws you want, but when it comes to health, when it is critical, it might pay to consider that a whole foods, plant-based diet is the winner in terms of an anti-inflammatory diet, which is even more important today, because of the way the vaccines have exacerbated inflammation. In fact, a combination of water fasting with a switch to a whole foods, plant-based diet and a regime of intermittent fasting, is probably one of the best things a person can do to mitigate vaccine injuries. There was a fascinating video by Steve Kirsch with Dr. Alan Goldhamer on this point recently (https://rumble.com/v59tq4d-vsrf-live-138-integrated-medicine-revolution.html) - it was more general, but there was a clear reference to repairing vaccine injury in the discussion.
So, have whatever diet makes you happy, but we now have the ability diagnostically to predict cardiometabolic problems 6-8 years before they become acute, and in that situation, one might want to consider the alternatives.
By the way PPMNY has jumpstarts regularly (https://www.plantpoweredmetrony.org/jumpstarts.html), and, I would add that I know many Jewish people who have let go of the traditional diet in favor of a whole foods, plant-based diet and have solved any number of health problems as a result.
Hi, thank you for writing.
It’s interesting that you brought up vaccine injury repair, because my friend, who is helping the covid vaccine injured around the world on a daily basis, has found that THE most important component to their healing is animal fat.
She herself was vegan once upon a time, for many years, so that isn’t coming from a place of preconceived notions that she grew up with, but rather, from having found what works.
I am curious what it is about the Denise Minger material that you believe is unsound - are her numbers, which she took from the actual China Study data, somehow incorrect? That would be important to know.
In addition, I want to stress that I’m not only going by Denise Minger, but by others I respect who share the same evidence-based beliefs about the importance of consuming animal foods, such as Dr. Richard Urso (who used to be of the plant-based persuasion), Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, (I advise reading her book!) other alternative-minded MDs I know well who have researched the topic extensively and seen a lot, and my brilliant practitioner friend, who draws on her vast experience with patients. What works to bring health and functioning back is what’s important.
Regarding the great improvements in health that you’ve witnessed people make on a whole foods plant based diet, can you please explain exactly what foods that diet involves, and how you would be certain that the improvements people are experiencing are resulting from the lessening of animal products in their diet, rather than from the elimination of inflammatory processed foods, (if people have made all the changes at once, as I assume they have?)
In other words, if a person cuts out sugar, seed oils, other processed packaged foods, plus meat and chicken, all in one go, and a month later his inflammation levels are way down, where is the evidence that the meat and chicken were ever the culprits?
Hi, I am not a frontline researcher myself. I already posted the outcomes from the SUNY Downstate study with PPMNY, and for the rest the most relevant organizations were mentioned: PPMNY, PCRM, The Plantrition Project, and we could add Nutritionstudies.org (i.e. the T Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition studies), and perhaps the 4 Leaf Survey (www.4leafsurvey.com), which is a simple self-inventory of foodhabits that you can do on a daily or monthly basis to navigate yourself into a complete #WFPB diet. There are some practical tricks to this type of a diet, and that is one reason for the jumpstart programs. They are geared to getting used to the diet, and understand the nutritional principles, as well as learn basic kitchen routines. The principles are very simple and my preference for Occam's Razor finds this appealing:
- Whole foods, (can be cut, raw, cooked, but not otherwise processed)
- Plant based only.
- no added SOS (Sugar, Oil, Salt).
I don't have the time, or the inclination to want to address Denise Munger again, but that polemic has gone on for too long already, but you can find some of the rebuttals on www.nutritionstudies.org. I am personally tired of the arguments, and I will be focusing entirely on the testing protocols and technologies which will provide straightforward, quantitative information that will simply bypass a lot of this arguing back and forth. For myself, if I had any doubt, having been raised vegetarian, become omnivore, and then slowly returned to a more predominantly vegetarian lifestyle, until finally in 2015 I began to learn the nutrition, initially via Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.'s "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease," later I read everything T. Colin Campbell wrote, I took his nutrition course, and I know I helped numerous people to turn their health around. I taught #WFPB cooking classes at a local church for years, until we were rudely interrupted by Covid.
Obviously, idiocy is not cured by a whole foods plant-based diet, as we can see from Mayor Eric Adams, who turned his diabetes around in one of the most powerful success stories I know, but then from being a critic of pharma when he was BP, he became a leading enforcer for the pharma cartel. And the same happened with many in the #WFPB field, some docs took the shots, while others avoided them (e.g. T. Colin Campbell and his wife, in their 90's). At least he understood what his nutrition program was all about.
I would hardly call a pilot program that last 21 days in any way supporting the benefits of a life-style change. Adopting a whole food diet for three weeks cannot possibly support health benefits that take months or years to develop. I read through the 104 page dissertation. All it shows it that removing ultra processed foods improves - at least over three weeks, overall well-being. Thee is nothing in the dissertation to support the negative effects of grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish. In fact, the participants were not eating these foods before the study, so the 21 day pilot experiment cannot refute their benefits. As for the whole-food plant based diet - as long as it is not vegan, it may benefit many, however you must be very careful about the grains. Modern wheat was created in the 1960's and 1970's. in order to increase the yield by 4-8 times. It is much more toxic than grains from ancient times. In order to make the grains more resistant to pests, agglutinin and phytic acid were added, and the gliadin protein structure was changed. Grains are appetite stimulants: Agglutinin, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and rice blocks the release of leptin. Leptin is the satiety hormone, therefore when leptin is blocked, you become hungry - even if you’ve already consumed adequate calories. In other words, your “brain” is hungry, even though your “body” is not. Grains initiate autoimmune diseases: The gliadin protein of grains are incompletely digested in the human gut. Incompletely degraded proteins cause inflammation in the lining of the small intestine, a.k.a. leaky gut. When the incompletely digested protein is absorbed, it is seen as foreign and is attacked by our immune system. Depending upon where in the body the protein ends up, this will result in autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes (pancreas), rheumatoid arthritis (joints), and eczema (skin). Grains raise blood sugar: Amylopectin is a carbohydrate unique to the grains and has a high glycemic index which stimulates insulin release. Insulin prevents fat from being used as fuel and glucose is used as fuel instead and stored in the liver as glycogen. When the glycogen reserves are full, the remaining glucose is stored as fat. Foods, such as amylopectin with a high glycemic index can overwhelm the electron transport system resulting in an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive ROS damages cellular proteins, DNA, and eventually results in the creation of cancer cells. Amylopectin also increases the production of small LDL particles which is the direct cause of vascular disease. Grains cause nutrient deficiencies: Modern wheat has been enriched in “phytic acid”. Phytic acid helps the grains resist the pests (insects) from consuming them as they grow. However, once these grains are consumed, the phytic acid binds minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. After chelating the minerals, the phytic acids becomes phytates and cannot be broken down as humans lack the necessary enzyme. The phytates thus cannot be absorbed and together with the minerals they chelated are carried through the lumen of the intestine and evacuated with the stool. Deficiency of these minerals causes problems such as iron-deficiency anemia and modern neurological diseases such as depression, dementia, autism, and others.
Grains are bowel toxins: Agglutinin is difficult to digest because humans lack the proteolytic enzymes capable of breaking it apart into individual amino acids. These partially degraded proteins are directly toxic to the lining of the intestinal tract causing inflammation of the lining of the gut which is reflected as dermatological disorders on the skin.
i have autoimmune RA triggered by a vaccine but i'm sure other environmental factors have exacerbated it. The BEST i have ever felt in my life, the best weight and the best lab results for everything including inflammation is when i eliminated grains, legumes, and pasteurized dairy.
Hi, I am not too interested in this type of argument. As I said before, I am into testing technologies/methodologies, and fully expect that the data will speak for themselves.
From a vegan veterinarian: These folks need to watch Game Changers, Forks Over Knives, A Prayer for Compassion and Christspiracy to get some basic vegan education.
I for one have abandoned meat, for the reason that I refuse to pay money to operators of CAFO "farms" . . and indeed commit all sorts of atrocities of animal cruelty. Simple minimally processed meals are all I need . . . .
why don't you get meat from a small farmer whose farming and harvesting practices you know?
So much easier to simply stick with Fruit, Veg,
Nuts & Berrys . . . Etc . . .
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