I’ve been wondering about it too. In particular because I know someone whose young relative got a cancer that’s unheard-of for their age bracket, several years after a rabies vaccine - and the doctor said that the tumor had been growing for a number of years. My contact knows ANOTHER young person who just finished her cancer treatment, who’d gotten the rabies vaccine too, at the same time.
I’ve been wondering about it too. In particular because I know someone whose young relative got a cancer that’s unheard-of for their age bracket, several years after a rabies vaccine - and the doctor said that the tumor had been growing for a number of years. My contact knows ANOTHER young person who just finished her cancer treatment, who’d gotten the rabies vaccine too, at the same time.
I’ve been wondering about it too. In particular because I know someone whose young relative got a cancer that’s unheard-of for their age bracket, several years after a rabies vaccine - and the doctor said that the tumor had been growing for a number of years. My contact knows ANOTHER young person who just finished her cancer treatment, who’d gotten the rabies vaccine too, at the same time.